LINUX J2SDK Installation Configuration Guide

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

The first step is to and download the following two packages:] J2SDK-1_4_2-NB-3_5_1-bin-linux.bin (this integrated NetBeans)] Step 2, install the above two packages: J2SDK-1_4_2-NB-3_5_1-bin-linux.bin [root @ magiclinux java] # ./j2sdk-1_4_2-nb-3_5_1-bin-linux.bin installshield Wizard is initializing Installshield Wizard ... Preparing Java (TM) virtual machine .................................. ............................................ ................................................. ........................................................... .............................................. .......................................................... .... ..................................................... ................ ................................ Don't take garbled, you will go all the way. [root @ localhost java]] $ unzip -d / opt / j2sdk_nb (Note: "- D" is Destination, unzipped to which directory.) The third step, Set the environment variable: Add the following code to / etc / profile last java_home = / opt / j2sdk_nb / j2sdk1.4.2 classpath = / opt / j2sdk_nb / j2sdk1.4.2 / jre / lib / rt.jar :. Path = $ PATH: / OPT / J2SDK_NB / J2SDK1.4.2 / BIN EXPORT JAVA_HOME PATH CLASSPATH Fourth step, post-installation test: [root @ localhost java] # Source / etc / profile [root @ localhost java] # java -version Ordinary users must re-login environment variables Can take effect.


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