First, Bugzilla 2.18 installation in Windows, please refer to the official document
Second, Chinese support
1, download Chinese package bugzilla-2.rar from
2, open the CN directory COPY to / BUGZILLA / TEMPLATE, override all CSS files to / bugzilla / css.
Note: After installing the Chinese template, run Perl will report an error. At this point, the CN directory is temporarily removed, and then the CN is restored to / bugzilla / template.
Third, automatically send mail modification
Refer to to manually modify nine PM files.
Fourth, compatibility with mysql
In, it is recommended to use MySQL 4.0.x version. If you use the 4.1.x version, the runtime will report the user authentication error: Client Does Not Support Authentication Protocol
At this point, you can modify: 1. Use the root user to enter mysql2, use the command: set password for 'bugg' @ 'localhost' = Old_password (the password 'of' BUGS users);
C: / mysql / bin> mysql --user = root -penter password: welcome to the mysql monitor. Commands end with; or /g.Your mysql connection ID is 51 to Server version: 5.0.0-alpha-nttype 'Help 'or' / h 'for help. Type' / c 'to clear the buffer.
MySQL> set password for 'bugs' @ 'localhost' = Old_password ('BUGS user's password'); Query OK, 0 ROWS Affected (0.01 SEC)