Bugzilla installation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  43

First, Bugzilla 2.18 installation in Windows, please refer to the official document http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/win32install.html

Second, Chinese support

1, download Chinese package bugzilla-2.rar from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bugzilla-cn

2, open the CN directory COPY to / BUGZILLA / TEMPLATE, override all CSS files to / bugzilla / css.

Note: After installing the Chinese template, run Perl checksetup.pl will report an error. At this point, the CN directory is temporarily removed, and then the CN is restored to / bugzilla / template.

Third, automatically send mail modification

Refer to http://magicjl.blogdriver.com/magicjl/519994.html to manually modify nine PM files.

Fourth, compatibility with mysql

In http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/win32install.html, it is recommended to use MySQL 4.0.x version. If you use the 4.1.x version, the runtime will report the user authentication error: Client Does Not Support Authentication Protocol

At this point, you can modify: 1. Use the root user to enter mysql2, use the command: set password for 'bugg' @ 'localhost' = Old_password (the password 'of' BUGS users);

C: / mysql / bin> mysql --user = root -penter password: welcome to the mysql monitor. Commands end with; or /g.Your mysql connection ID is 51 to Server version: 5.0.0-alpha-nttype 'Help 'or' / h 'for help. Type' / c 'to clear the buffer.

MySQL> set password for 'bugs' @ 'localhost' = Old_password ('BUGS user's password'); Query OK, 0 ROWS Affected (0.01 SEC)


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