Recordcount = -1 problem

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

I often have a friend asking me, why clear the database has records, but recordcount = -1, see what is caused by

Usually people use two methods to perform SQL statements:

SET RS = Conn.execute (SQLSTR)


SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset")

RS.Open Sqlstr, Conn, Cursortype, LockType

(Recordset object method, please see here)

Since the default recordset is a server cursor,

Rs.cursorlocation = aduseserver

So returning rs.recordcount = -1,

The server cursor should be changed to the client game.

Rs.cursorlocation = aduseclient

RS.Open Sqlstr, Conn, Cursortype, LockType


Cursor type RecordCount property


Forwardonly 0 (default) Returns -1

KeySet 1 correct record number

Dynamic 2 -1 or incorrect record number, according to the data source

STATIC 3 correct record number

So rs.cursorlocation = 3

This property is supported by the ("Property Name").


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