Windows2000 Blue Screen Information Detailed

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

In all Windows platforms in Microsoft, the blue screen error is very annoying. Especially for driver developers, it usually means restarting (bitter! I always ask the boss to give me a fast-moving machine). However, it also provides us with relevant information that let us find errors in the program. Here, the information displayed when the blue screen is displayed and the description thereof will be described in the description thereof. I hope to help everyone.

Abnormal Information IRQL_NOT_SS_OR_EQUAL Exception Code 0x0a Anomaly Description Driver Access Paging Memory on IRQL equal to or higher than DISPATCH_LEVEL

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 The IRQL0: Read Operation 1: Write an Action Address The address of the memory code

Abnormal information kmode_exception_not_handled exception code 0x1e exception Description Kernel mode program generates an unprocessed exception

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Anomaly Code Generates Executive Address Exception Parameter 1 Abnormal Parameter 2

Abnormal Information NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM Exception Code 0x24 Anomaly Description Problem in NTFS.SYS

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Source File and Line Exception Record Address (Optional) Environment Record (Optional) Original Anomalies An Address (optional)

Abnormal information DATA_BUS_ERROR exception code 0x2e exception description usually indicates parity error in system memory; usually hardware issues

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameters 4 causes erroneous virtual addresses cause errors Physical Address Processor Status Register (PSR) Fault Instruction Register (FIR)

Abnormal Information NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONS exception code 0x35 exception Description IOCALLDRIVER Call does not have extra space in the driver stack

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4IRP address Reserved Reserved

Abnormal Information NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES Exception Code 0x3F Abnormal Description Presence System Page Table Meter

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reserved Reserved Reserved

Abnormal Information Page_Fault_in_nonPaged_Area Abnormal Code 0x50 Abnormal Description Quoted Invalid System Memory

Parameter 1 Parameters 2 Parameters 3 Parameter 4 Reference Memory Address 0: Read Operation 1: Write an action reference The address of the memory (if you know)

Abnormal information ftdisk_internal_ERROR exception code 0x58 exception description from an error copy of a mirror partition in the boot system

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reserved Reserved Reserved

Exception Information Process_HAS_LOCKED_PAGES Exception Code 0x76 Anomaly Description Driver does not release the locked page after I / O operation

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 40 Process Address No. 0 or Driver Stack Pointer

Abnormal information kernel_stack_inpage_error exception code 0x77 exception Description Core data from page files can not be read into memory

Parameter 1 Parameters 2 Parameters 3 Parameters 4 Status Code or 0 Values ​​found in the Signature Stack, or I / O Status 0 or page file encoding the signature address on the kernel stack, or the offset on the page file

Abnormal Information Mismatch_HAL exception code 0x79 exception Description hardware abstraction layer (HAL) revision level or configuration is not matched with the kernel or machine

Description Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4PRCB Scope Does Match 1NTOSKRNL.exe Release Level 1: HAL.DLL Issue Reserved Compilation Type Does 2NToskrnl.exe Version Type 2: HAL.DLL Version Type Level Macro Channel (Macro Channel) Matches 3: Hal-supported machine type retention during Hal Support

Abnormal information kernel_data_inpage_error exception code 0x7a exception Description Core data from the page requested in the paging file cannot be read into memory

Parameter 1 Parameters 2 Parameters 3 Parameter 4 The Lock Type or Page Item Address I / O Status Code Lock Type 1 or 2: The Current Process Lock Type 3: Virtual Address You cannot read the memory page Virtual address exception information inaccessible_boot_device Code 0x7b exception Description Windows 2000 lost access to the system partition during startup. This error occurs when the system is starting and cannot be debugged, because it usually occurs before the operating system is installed.

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Uncountable device object's address 000

Abnormal Information UNCEPTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP Exception Code 0x7f Abnormal Description Core Can't capture traps, generated by Intel CPU

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reserved Reserved Reserved

Exception Information Driver_Power_State_Failure Executive Code 0x9f Abnormal Description Driver is in powerless or invalid status

Description Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 The released device object still has a power supply request 1 device object pointer to reserve the IRP of the device object to complete the processing system power status request, but call PostartNextPowerIrP failed 2 target object pointer device The object pointer retention device driver does not correctly set the IRP to hang or complete the device object in IRP3 Target Object Pointer Device Timing IRP Device Node In Using DO_POWER_PAGABLED 4 Non-paging device object pointer target device object pointer to notice Device pointer parent device object has detected a child device object does not set a DO_POWER_PAGABLE bit 5 Subphone object (FDO) Subphone object pointer (PDO) parent device object pointer

Abnormal information attempted_write_to_readonly_memory exception code 0xBE exception Description driver is trying to write to read-only memory segments

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Attempts to Write Virtual Address PTE Address Reserved

Abnormal Information Special_Pool_Detected_memory_corruption Exception Code 0xC1 Anomaly Description Driver Write an invalid section of the dedicated memory pool

Description Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Attempt to Release Unallocated Pool Driver Attempt to Release The Address Release 00X20 Attempts to Release the Harmful Address Driver Attempt to Release the byte number of the number of characters calculated by the number of bytes 0x21, 0x22 in the same page When the byte near the nearby byte is broken, release an address driver attempt to release the address bit is destroyed at the address of the destroyed 0x23 When the byte is overwritten, the release of an address driver attempts to release the address bit is destroyed at the address. Keep 0x24 Try Now in incorrect IRQL Distribution pool The current IRQL pool type To assign bytes 0x30 Attempt to release the pool on incorrect IRQL Release pool The current IRQL pool type driver attempt to release the address 0x31

Abnormal Information BAD_POOL_CALLER Expert Abnormal Code 0xC2 Anomaly Description Current thread is issuing a wrong pool request

Description Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 The head of the pool has destroyed 0x01, 0x02 or 0x04 pool head of the pool of the head first part of the first part of the first part of the content 0 Attempt to release the released pool 0x06 retain the pool of the head of the pool The head of the head is trying to release the pool of the pool of the pool 0x07. Try to assign a pool on an invalid IRQL 0x08 Current IRQL pool type assignment size at an invalid IRQL release pool 0x09 Current IRQL pool type The pool address attempts to release the memory pool 0x40 on the user mode address 0x40 Start Address System Address Space Starting Address 0 Attempts to release Unallocated non-paged pool addresses 0x41 Start address physical page frame The highest physical page frame attempt to release unallocated paging pool addresses 0x50 Start Address Page From the Based Page Bill in Biographical Pool In Byte Unit, attempt to release the pool with invalid addresses (or the head of the pool has been destroyed) 0x99 To release the address 00

Abnormal information driver_corrupted_expool exception code 0xc5 exception description driver may have destroyed the system pool

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reference IRQL0: Read 1: Write the address of the code

Abnormal information driver_caught_modifying_freed_pool exception code 0xc6 exception Description driver attempt to access the released memory pool

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reference Memory 0: Read 1: Write 0: Kernel Mode 1: User Mode Retention Experts Information TIMER_OR_DPC_INVALID Exception Code 0XC7 Anomaly Description Nuclear Course or Delay Process Call (DPC) Object does not exist

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 40: Timer Object 1: DPC Object 3: The address of the memory range of the DPC routine object is checked by the end address of the memory range

Abnormal information PNP_fatal_error exception code 0xca exception Description PNP management program encountered a serious error, may be caused by a problematic plug-and-play driver

Description Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Copy the PDO. A particular example of the driver lists the PDO addresses that have previously replicated PDO addresses for multiple PDO addresses with PDO0x01 with peer-to-peer devices and unique IDs. Use the random memory, FDO, or PDO to call the API0x02 assumed by the PDO, the address of the PDO, the api0x02 assumed, the address is retained. A list of enumerations returns an id, which contains invalid or not ended characters (ID can only be character from 0x20 to 0x2b and 0x2d to 0x7f) 0x04 sets the DO_DELETE_PENDING PDO address ID buffer 1: DeviceID 2: UNIQUELID 3: HardwareID 4: CompatibleIdpdo is released when the device node tree is released. The object management program has dropped to 0 for PDO, and the device node is still connected in the tree (this usually indicates that a PDO is returned in a query IRP, the driver does not add a reference count) 0x05pdo address reservation

Exception Information Driver_LOCKED_PAGES_IN_PROCESS Exception Code 0XCB Exception Description Driver does not release the locking page after an I / O operation

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 In the Call address of the lock page, the caller of the call address of the lock page contains the name of the MDL of the lock page, the name of the illegal driver (Unicode string pointer)

Abnormal Information Page_fault_in_freed_special_pool Exception Code 0XCC Abnormal Description System References Memory that has been released

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reference Memory Address 0: Read 1: Write Address The address of the code (if you know)

Abnormal information Page_fault_beyond_end_of_allocation Exception Code 0xCD Exception Description System Access Driver Pool Allocated Overhead

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reference Memory Address 0: Read 1: Write Address The address of the code (if you know)

Abnormal information driver_unloaded_without_cancelling_pending_operations exception code 0xCE exception Description driver does not cancel the action before uninstalling

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reference Memory Address 0: Read 1: Write Address The address of the code (if you know)

Abnormal information terminal_server_driver_made_incorrect_memory_reference exception code 0xcf exception Description Terminal server driver generated incorrect memory reference

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reference Memory Address 0: Read 1: Write Address The address of the code (if you know)

Abnormal information driver_corrupted_mmpool exception code 0xD0 exception Description driver has destroyed the system pool

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 References of the memory address references IRQL0 in memory: Read 1: Write the address of the code memory

Exception Information Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Exception Code 0xD1 Anomaly Description Driver Attempts to Access Paging Memory Parameters 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 References Memory Address: Read 1: Write reference memory The address of the code

Abnormal information driver_portion_must_be_nonpaged exception code 0xD3 exception Description driver erroneously puts some code and data flags to page

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 References of the memory address references IRQL0 in memory: Read 1: Write the address of the code memory

Abnormal Information System_SCAN_AT_RAISED_IRQL_CAUGHT_IMPROPER_DRIVER_UNLOAD Exception Code 0xD4 Exception Description Driver No Walking Action before Uninstall

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 References of the memory address references IRQL0 in memory: Read 1: Write the address of the code memory

Abnormal information driver_page_fault_in_freed_special_pool Exception Code 0xD5 exception Description Driver references memory that has been released

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reference Memory Address 0: Read 1: Write Address The address of the code (if you know)

Abnormal information driver_page_fault_beyond_end_of_allocation exception code 0xD6 exception Description driver Access its pool allocation of memory outside the tail

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reference Memory Address 0: Read 1: Write Address The address of the code (if you know)

Abnormal information driver_unmapping_invalid_view exception code 0xD7 exception Description driver Attempt to release a mapping of an invalid address space

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 requires the release of the image 0: The system is not a terminal server 1: The system is the terminal server 00

Abnormal information driver_used_excessive_ptes exception code 0xD8 exception Description driver attempt to access the page table item exceeding the system page item number

Parameter 1 Parameters 2 Parameters 3 Parameters 4 illegal driver name pointers (Unicode strings) or 0 illegal drivers use PTE numbers (if parameter 1 is not 0) Total idle system PTE number total system PTE number

Abnormal information driver_corrupted_sysptes exception code 0xDB exception description driver destroys the system page entry

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 The IRQL0 when the referenced memory address is referenced: read 1: Write the address of the code of the reference memory

Exception Information Driver_INVALID_STACK_ACCESS Exception Code 0xDC Abnormal Description Driver Accesses data in stacks below the current stack pointer

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reserved Reserved Reserved

Exception Information Driver_INVALID_STACK_ACCESS exception code 0xde exception Description driver destroys the memory of the pool for saving the page to disk

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reserved Reserved Reserved

Abnormal information worker_thread_returned_at_bad_irql exception code 0xE1 exception Description work routine returns from IRQL equal to or higher than DISPATCH_LEVEL

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Operating Routine Address IRQL (Yes 0) Work Project Parameter Work Project Address

Abnormal Information Manually_Initated_crash exception code 0xE2 exception Description Users deliberately activate a fault dump from kernel modulator or keyboard

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Reserved Reserved Reserved

Exception Information Resource_not_OWNED Exception Code 0xE3 exception Description Thread Attempt to release it is not its resources

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Resource address thread address resource owner's address (if it exists)

Abnormal Information Worker_INValid exception code 0xE4 exception Description In the memory that does not have to include worker items that do not include Executive, this item parameter 1 parameter 2 parameter 3 parameter 4 code position indicator worker's address pool's head pool's head pool


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