['' つ て:]
1 parallel
★ Chinese: and, with
◆ Example: A B ワ ワ ク エ ア ア に セ セ ト す
2 対 対 対 対
★ Chinese: and, with
◆ Example: Conditions book は ソ ス ス ス...............
Entrusted dollar
3 Completing the action of the action
★ Chinese: and × × together ...
◆ Case: All the same workplace 働 働 働.
4 results
★ Chinese language: become (変) ...
◆ Example: water は 冰 な な な.
After the revision, A A 1 な な.
5 comparison
★ Chinese: and, with
◆ Example: A B is waiting.
A b と い い.
6 Thinking, speaking, the content of the content
★ Chinese: ... book, ... Description, ... believes, ...
◆ Case: Detailed design book に に "a = 0" 书 い あ あ ま が, こちら は A ≠ 0 と っ っ お お お ま ま.
Entrusted Yuan から ソ ソ ス が ok だ と わ れ れ.
こちら 侧 通 处理 处理 行. っ っ っ っ.................
Onsite side から ソ ス ス 问题 が が あ..
7 followed by negative form
★ Chinese language: less, not enough
◆ Example: 1 time は かから かっ かっ.
8 Before due to the cause
★ Chinese: from × × resulting ○○
◆ Example: こ こ よ に ソ ソ ス ス 修 ー ー 部分 部分 部分 部分 部分 部分 部分 部分.............. い.. い い. い....
⑨ Conditional relationship established under normal conditions
★ Chinese: one. ... just ...,
◆ Example: A b な な す に.
⑩ ⑩
★ Chinese: If ... just ...
◆ Case: も も 様 様 が 変 れ れ 部分 部分 部分 部分 部分 部分 部分 部分 も も も も も.. も.... も. も
[続 続 続 て]
1 から (Main 観 観)
★ Chinese language: because ... so
◆ Case: Shi Yi understood ほ ほ が が 変 から から, フ フ ー 提 て て て か か か か か か
訳文: Shi Wei is difficult to understand, can provide process ranging from us.
2 で (the existence of guests)
★ Chinese language: because ... so
◆ Case: Today's return, the case, the whole season, で, 暦 暦 暦, ず ず 暦 に 変 変 て て 下... 下 下 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変.. 変 変. 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変 変
訳文: Because all the cases of this case are all Xiqi, please and you will be gone to the West.
3 め め (Representation)
★ Chinese: due to ... (発生) ...
◆ Case: The current tax system が が れ れ め め め れ め め 正 正 正 正 正 正 正...... 来. 来... 来. 来 来........
訳文: Because the current tax system is changed, it has created the need to correction of the PGM correction.
4 が
★ Chinese: Although ... but
Example: Detailed design book に に "a = 0" 书 い あ あ ま が, こちら こちら は a ≠ 0 と っ っ お お お ま ま.
訳文: Although "a = 0" in the detailed design book, I think it is a ≠ 0.
5 に (regret, disappointed)
★ Chinese: but ..., actually
◆ Example: A に れ ば よかっ よかっ な な に に に に に に に に に に に.
訳文: Treatment with a way is very good, why is it to use B mode Chen?
6 verb is not ignorant ず に
★ Chinese: no ...
◆ Example: ソ ソ ス 论 変わら 変わら...... 正 正. 正 正.... 正 正.. 正.
訳文: Please correct it without changing the Source Logic.
7 verb is not like な い よ に
★ Chinese language: Don't ...
◆ Example: 二 こ こ よ よ ミ ミ 発 発 く い い て 下 下..... く. く
訳文: In order to avoid the mistakes of this 様, please pay attention.
8 The verb is not shaped no ければ れ れ い
★ Chinese: must ...
◆ Example: テ テ ト やら やら ければ ければ れ な.
訳文: Must be tested.
⑨ ⑨ 未 未 形 无 く も も (无 く も も ん)
★ Chinese: No need ...
◆ Case: ここ 论 论 つ つ テ ト ト やら やら やら......
訳文: Needle this Logic does not need to be tested.
⑩. ... て は け け け い い い い
★ Chinese: can't ...
◆ Case: Correction of れ れ ト ト し し く く テ ト ト け い い い い く ト ト ト ト ト い い
訳文: The part of the needle is corrected must be tested (not testing can not be tested).
⑪ ⑪ て ... は.
★ Chinese: Not all ...
◆ Example: デ デ タ 全 て '0' は い.
訳文: The number is not all '0'.
⑫ ... わけ わけ は い.
★ Chinese: Not ...
◆ Case: 全 テ テ ト デ デ デ が が っ っ て て て い..... っ っ っ っ.........
訳文: Not all test numbers are wrong.
⑬ ○○ おけ おけ おけ ...
★ Chinese: in ○○ ...
◆ Example: コ コ ル · ネ ネ ト 信 取 サ サ サ ビ おけ おけ おけ 基 基 基 基
The credit of ordinary の サ サ サ 异 异 异...
訳文: Locking benchmarks and ordinary credit transactions in CallNet credit transactions
SERVICE is different.
⑭ ○○ 対 対 る
★ Chinese language: 対 ○○, needle ○○
◆ Example: BDAM ファ ファ ル 対 対 て て, update and other handle.
訳文: Needle BDAM File is updated.
⑮ ○○ つ つ て て
★ Chinese: About ○○
◆ Case: Today's case background つ つ つ て く く く ん ん か か.
訳文: Please detail (about) the background of this case.
⑯ ○○ よ よ よ
★ Chinese: root, pass ○○
◆ Case: Shi Yi understands, ACO380 は TABLE る い い い ま.............
訳文: The root is in the understanding of the Shi, I think the ACO380 is to output through Table.
⑰ ○○ 关 る
★ Chinese: related to ○○
◆ Example: これ これ 关 る 情 情 条 书 る らか. らか らか らか らか る る る る る る る る る
訳文: There is a detailed description of information related to this.
⑱ ○○
★ Chinese language: accompany ○○, 発生 ...
◆ Case: A ファ ファ ル の の い 处理 处理 处理 处理 处理 处理 处理 处理 い い 处理 い い い い い い い い い い い い い い い
それぞれ それぞれ.
訳文: Along the addition of A File, it is also added to the associated process and Routine respectively.
⑲ ○○ に っ っ
★ Chinese: 対 ○○
◆ Case: Today, I will give it a detailed design book, は こちら に に っ っ, か か か か か か き き き き き き き き き き き き き き き き き
もっ もっ 详 详 く く く て て か か か か か か か か
訳文: The detailed design book of this case is in our part, some parts are very difficult to understand,
Please enter a detailed description.
⑳ ○○ な
★ Chinese: one ...
◆ example: abend に な る が が ー て が....... れ............
訳文: Once you are angry, you will return ABEND information.
[ずれ ずれ ずれ ずれ 用 用]
★ ずれ
1 "どれ, どちら" Chen, Chen Fang
◆ 1001 こ こ 数 に ずれ が が あ 数 が が が が が が が...
訳文: 1001 In this series of numbers contain 0 numbers.
2 "やが やが, そ そ" shortly, early
◆ こ こ こ は は ずれ ずれ か か こ こ だ だ.
訳文: This is early.
★ ずれ も
1 "All, どれ も"
◆ 0000 こ こ 数 に ずれ ずれ も 0 ().
訳文: 0000 This string number is 0.
◆ 1253 これ ずれ ずれ も も 0 が が っ い い い い 数 数.
訳文: 1253 This string number is not 0.
★ A B = C
◆ A Box B は C だ. B す.
★ a-b = c
◆ A く く B は c だ.
A に B く く な.
★ a * b = c
◆ A hangs B は C に に.
B multiplication す る る に る る.
★ a ÷ b = c
◆ A cutting B は C に に に.
B る る に.
[Ratio ratio]
1 ○○ × × ...
★ ○○ ratio × × ratio
◆ Example: 3 people に 1 person の Cutting University enjoinography 希望 hope.
訳文: The level of the university is 3 to 1 ratio.
2 ○ の ××
★ ○○ 分 ×× ××
◆ Case: 3 points of all members of the whole country の が が に 成 成 成. い..... い. い い い い
訳文: 3 of the members of the whole staff agree with that proposal.
3 ○○ と × × 比
★ ○○ and × × ratio
◆ Example: 10 と 5 比 2 と 1 に し し 10: 5 = 2: 1.
訳文: 10 and 5 is equal to 2 and 1 ratio 10: 5 = 2: 1.
4 ○○ 対 ××
★ ○○ ratio
◆ Example: a 対 B コ コ コ ル x 対 y A: b = x: y.
訳文: A ratio b is equal to X ratio Y A: b = x: y.
['に' 用 つ つ て:]
1 に い い い い
◆ Chinese language: must be sure
Examples: これら の デ デ タ で テ テ す す す は は きっ 正 に....... い い. い い に
訳文: Use these several 拠 to test certain correct.
2 に わらず
◆ Chinese: No matter ...
Examples: Correction New Regulations に わらず, big and ル ー ル っ れ で 発 り り わ わ わ わ わ. 発 り り り り っ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ
訳文: Whether it is amended or a new regulatory, it must be opened on the basis of the big and Rule.
3 そっ そっ
◆ Chinese language: According to ..., along ...
Example: Case opening 発 は standardization に そっ め め め けれ ば な り せ ん.
訳文: The case must be carried out according to standardization.
◆ ○○ 元 に
★ Chinese: Based on ...
Example: Class Tax Exit 401K 元 に, Judgment Results Yes.
Hey: The determination result is made by the class tax 401K.
◆ ○○ け て ...
★ Chinese language: separate, separately ...
Example: "デ デ タ 区" ご ご に 変 处理 处理 け け け け.
訳訳: 毎 "DATA distinction" must be made separately.
◆ ○○ を × から から △ △ へ GET す
★ Chinese: ○○ from × × in △△
Example: Class Tax 401K デ デ タ 企业 企业 サ サ バ から Host へ Get.
Hey: 401kData of the taxation plum in the enterprise Sever Get into Host.
◆ [... ... へ】]
★ Back ...
Example: The result is を メ メ ン プ グ グ へ へ へ.
Chinese language: Return the results to the main program.
◆ [... ...]
★ Add ...
Example: Buy に 従 従, 自己 自己 ウ ウ タ に に に
Chinese language: According to the purchase, we will add the number of plants in the COUNTER.
◆ [... から ... へ 変 す す す]
★ 従 ... 変 为 为
Example: Decoction REC テ テ ブ ブ [Kestbl] レコ レコ ド Long 162 から 185 へ 変 す す
Chinese language: The RECORD longitudinal 162 of the REC テ テ ブ [Kestbl] is 185.
◆ [... す] ★ Think ..., 仮 仮 ...
Example: ホ ホ ル 影响 る
Chinese language: It doesn't matter if you are in Host.
◆ [... ... へ へ】]
★ will ...
Example: Determination is equipped with エ エ ア デ デ タ Outdd1 へ す す
Chinese language: The number of the number of the collected Area will be determined to exude to OUTDD1.
◆ [... を ... に セ ト ト]
★ Set to ...
Example: ゼ ゼ (付 替) Difference Branch に セ セ す す す
Chinese language: Set zero to the difference.
◆ [... Shang ...]
★ Not only ... but ...
Example: ー ル づく づく づく 元 元 指 指 示 だ だ だ だ だ だ
Chinese language: Not only must be based on rule, but also to respect the instructions of the commission.
◆ [... 上 ...]
★ ... aspect, ...
Example: テ テ ト 上 で は ちが ちが は は は.
Chinese language: There is no error on Test.
◆ [... "上 ...]
★ Since ... just ...
Example: See you.
Chinese language: Since it is already, there is no way.
◆ [... かも かも れ れ]
★ May ..., perhaps ...
Example: あ あ た は が が が る る る る る.
Chinese language: It may rain tomorrow.
Example: そ そ な こ こ っ っ っ っ っ..
Chinese language: Maybe I said that.
◆ [... え え]
★ ... although ... but ...
Example: Near え え 歩 歩 歩 30 points は っぷ っぷ っぷ かか かか かか.
Chinese language: Although close, 30 points are required.
◆ [... ころ が]
★ ... but ...
Example: く く く だろ だろ っ..ころ が, failure.
Chinese language: It was originally considered to be in place, but it failed.
◆ [... す す と ...]
★ So ...
Example: わ わ が が っ, す す 妹 も い い だ だ だ
Chinese: I sang 1 song, so my girl also sang.
◆ [... そ そ て ...]
★ and ...
Example: Today, 楽 楽 く そ そ て て て 有 义 て て
China: Today is a pleasant and meaningful day.
◆ [... め に ...]
★ So ...
Example: 気 気 め に こられ こられ かっ..
Chinese language: Due to illness.
◆ [... ころ が ...]
★ But ...
Example: News は か く く 扱っ 扱っ 扱っ い よ よ だ, ころ が, これ これ 大 体 体 ん ん.
China: The news has not been made important to pay, but this is a big thing.
◆ [ほど ... な]
★ There is no more ..., the most ...
Example: Wildlia is good. な も は い.
Chinese language: I am the most happy baseball.
◆ [... し う]
★ Oral ..., do ...
Example: 1 day 読 読 で で で っ っ っ.
Chinese language: After using 1 day, it's finished.
◆ [わけ が no]
★ Will not ..., you can't ... ... is impossible
(I'm confident that it is confident that it is impossible)
Example: Trying to have a score が あが あが わけ が が.
Chinese language: Do not work hard to achieve good results.
◆ [わけ わけ は い]
★ is not ... Not ...
Example: Japan に も も 民 が が わけ わけ わけ..
Chinese: It is not a minority of Japan.
◆ [わけ に か か い]
★ can't ..., it is impossible ...
Example: Self-respects workplace れ れ わけ に に か か か い い.
China: Can't leave your duty.
[Column, and remember, exemplified]
◆ および
★ and, and
Example: The Hall of the Shipping is managed, and he is Ren Yi.
Chinese language: Entrusted the company's transportation and management to him.
◆ ~ が
★ ★ 両 事 事 続 続
Example: も も も, 中 が, 一 郎 お い い い お お お お
China language: I am a field, please call Mr. Yilo.
◆ ~ て
★ and, both ...
Example: あ あ レ ト ト ラ ン, あ く て, お し し し し し し し し し し し し し お す す す し す
Chinese language: That hotel, is cheap and delicious. ◆ そ て て
★ and, both ...
Example: Wooden Village さ ん は きれ きれ.そ て て へ へ へ へ.
Chinese: Miss Wood Village is both beautiful and very enthusiastic.
◆ それ から
★ then
Example: Handshake.それ から こ こ も も お お お お お....
China language: Please give me a stamp. Then put the baggage to the boat.
◆ り
★ 両 両 动 动 并 并 并
Example: Sunday, buy い 物 り, 映 り ま.
China: Sunday, I bought something and watching movies.
★ Table side
Example: Wooden Village さ ん は きれ で で で,, へ へ へ. へ.... す...... す す す す す す.
Chinese language: Mr. Mu Village is both beautiful and hot.
◆ た
★ again, at the same time
Example: Talking is a famous voice, and the horses are 家 家 家 家 家 家 家 家 家 家 家 家 家 家 家
Chinese: He is a famous voice, and it is also a Tao family.
[続 続, front and rear relationship, designation]
◆ それ から
★ then
Example: 晩ご 饭 べ.それ から テレビ テレビ 见 ま.
Chinese language: I have eaten rice. Then watch TV.
◆ ~ て, ~ て
★ ...
Example: 晩ご 饭 べ, テレビ テレビ 见, Japanese language is reluctant.
Chinese language: After eating, after watching TV, learn Japanese.
◆ ~ て から
★ ...
Example: 晩ご 饭 べ て から テレビ テレビ テレビ テレビ から.
Chinese language: After eating, watch TV.
◆ ~ き
Example: The Shipping Society is a row, but the tram is.
Chinese language: 経 often take the tram and go to the company. (When you go to the company, you will take a tram.)
◆ ~ え に
★ Before
Example: Before the bed, Japanese language is reluctant.
Chinese: Before you sleep, learn Japanese.
[Before the text, the problem is mentioned, or the opinion is わわ. Imagine, look forward to に に に る る る る】】】】】 る
◆ ~ が
★ Reverse and smooth use
Example: Today, は ここ で に に し が が, He Wei Qi Qi.
Chinese: Today, I will tell this, what else is there?
2 reverse (but)
Example: Japanese べ べ は お お し し し が が お お お が が す す す が が.. が
Chinese: Japanese food is delicious, but it is expensive.
◆ けれども
★ but
Example: See "は おも おも ろ ろ.けれども, Quality is が い い い ま ま ま ま ま ま... い い. い
Chinese language: The study is very interesting. However, I think the problem is too short.
◆ か か か
★ but
Example: く く ん べ.か か か, お が っぱ っぱ に に に に に.
Chinese language: a lot, but the stomach is not enough.
◆ だ が
★ However, but
Example: The life of life is reluctant.だ が, peace of mind.
China: Do your best to study hard. But still don't worry.
◆ も
★ However, but
Example: メ メ メ が し し し い.も, お 金 が あ あ せ ん ん.
Chinese language: Want to camera. However, there is no 銭.
◆ ころ が
★ However, but
Example: Everything く く く る.ころ が が と ん で も い こ こ に っ.
Chinese language: Everything is very obedient. But what is not happy.
[Former に に 理 理, the conditions are よ よ, the result is opinion, the reason を べ べ]
◆ だ から
★ So, so
Example: Hey, けち けち ぼ ぼ.だ から, み み に わ れ れ.
Chinese: He is a ghost, so everyone does not like him.
◆ ~ ら
★ If ...
Example: も も tomorrow, rain is smashed, ち ち に い.
Chinese language: If you raining tomorrow, stay at home.
◆ ~ と
★ (if) ...
Example: こ こ っ ぐ ぐ く く く,, 工 に 工. あ あ あ に....
Chinese language: Going straight along this road, the workshop is right.
◆ ぜ ぜ ぜ ら
★ The reason is ...
Example: Private Xiaoxiao.ぜ ぜ ぜ, summer, swimming.
Chinese: I don't like summer, the reason is: too hot, and will not swim.
[Before に し し 文 文 対 て て, じ じ じ じ 别 表 现 を を す】】
◆ わち わち
Chinese language: That is to say ..., in other words ...
Example: 痩せ 痩せ い こ こ こ は は は は い い こ が が こ こ こ こ こ こ こ
Chinese language: Speaking of weight loss, in other words, it is to reduce weight.
◆ つ り り
Chinese language: That is to say ..., in other words
Example: He is suspected of れ れ も も, つ り り 実 が から から だ.
Chinese language: He was disappeared, (in other words) is because there is no reason.
◆ 要 る に に
★ 総 ..., in other words ...
Example: too embarrassing. Wheel, eat and eat.
Chinese language: Too fat, in other words, it is too much to eat.
[それ それ 话 话 话 変え 使 使】]
◆ て
★ That ... (the topic of topics)
Example:, は は それ ぐら ぐら に に て 本 り り り ょ ょ..
Chinese language: That is here, then go to the topic.
◆ ころ で
★ By the way, please (the topic of the topic)
Example: Today is は 楽 かっ た ね ね.ころ で お嬢 ん は お お 気 気 か.
Chinese: Happy Today. By the way, Xiaoyu House?
◆ それ それ
★ That ... (the topic of topics)
Example: それ で は で で 失 し ま.
Chinese language: Let me lose.
[The foregoing 事 に あ あ あ い い
◆ かも
★ and
Example: わ わ 部 屋 広く て て, かも かも 明 る.
Chinese: My room is big and bright.
◆ お お
★ Further, and
Example: The meeting is over.お お, は 水 曜 日.
China: The meeting ended. In addition, the next time is carried out on Wednesday.
◆ そ そ
★ and
Example: rain, り 上 上 そ だ だ だ.....
China: The rain is coming, and it is starting to thunder.
[どちら か か ぶ ぶ]
◆ それ も も
★ Also, 戓
Example: お お お 人 人 人 い い い い.それ も も お 子 が い い い い か か い か か い か
China: The gift is the choice of playing, or is it good?
◆ た は
★ 戓
Example: umbrella, は は レ コ コ コ コ ト 准 て て て.......... い い.
Chinese language: Please prepare the umbrella raincoat.
◆ も も く
★ 戓
Example: rain, も も く は ょ に に に に に.
Chinese language: It's going to rain.