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xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

Home Links and buttons Here DHTML Tip Message All Credits: Name: Essam GamalHomepage: HomepageNote: Current version 1.2 Script modeled after OverLib script Description:.. Essam's script creates a comprehensive DHTML tip message to help describe important links on your webpage, perhaps the most comprehensive yet. Modeled after a similar script by Eric Bosrup, it is extremely versatile in its placement and special effects to render as the tooltip is being displayed. The script supports over 25 different configuration parameters! Overall an excellent script that works cross browser (IE4 ., NS4 , Opera 7 ) We decided to feature this script instead of the popular overLib for two reasons: 1) DHTML Tip Message is 1/2 the size of overLib 3.51 (14k instead of 27k) .2) DHTML Tip Message supports Multimedia Effects Not Found IN overlib. Demo (Move Your Mouse over Links): You May Not. You Can Position Your Tip As Right Which Is The Default, or Center or Left OR float. You also can make your tip sticky with a close link or keep it moving with the mouse around the page. You may also control the left and the top coordinates of the message from the mouse. You many also add visual effects to the tip ............................. ..

Directions:. Download the following zip file, and refer to "readme.html" for installation instructions There is also "demo.htm" that will get you up and running quickly through several live examples FYI the files contained inside the zip file are. : -demo.htm-readme.html-main.js-style.js enjoy!