Using Crystal Report JRC (Java Report Component) implements real-time reports under UNIX

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

At present, online discussions under. Net under the discussion under Java, the discussion under Java is relatively small, and the crystal report (CE, CR) in one project is purchased to implement the report part. Our platform is WebLogic HP UNIX ORACLE9I, the development platform is WebLogic Windowxp Oracle9i, and is directly called directly from the front desk application, and the data generation of the report is scheduled to call the stored process every day. Digging data from the production system library to the statistical database, but there is no power for the Timetop part CE, because you need to grasp the data directly from the production system, so I use JRC10 (Java Report Component to implement, below is during the development of debugging Some problems and solutions. First, when passing parameters to the report on the development platform, "Some Parameters Are Missing Values". JRC's Sample has problems, the correct parameter passed should be like this: (from http: // Parameterfield paramfield = new parameterfield (); paramfield.setReportName (""); ... and its example is this sentence without the above red. Second, Oracle Process 1, Because you need to return dynamic result sets, store the process in Oracle unable, so define a package to implement, package is the Create or REPL of this definition.


Package reportRealTimeDataSetas / ********************************************************** ****************************** Name: ReportRealTimeDataSet Purpose: Operating Classification Timetom Generating Package Defined Sections Revisions: Ver Date Author Description ----------------------------------- --------------------- 1.0



Goubo 1. Created this package. ************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Allow dynamic SQL queries, otherwise the power SQL query cannot be used; * / type myrctype is ref cursor; procedure getTestResultSet (StaffID Integer, p_rc in out myrctype; / * Customization process Generate query results classification @Param Condition Query Condition (F.Handlestaff In (6004, 6005) @S_date query condition, start date @e_date query condition, end date * / procedure getDataSet (Condition varcha2, s_date date, e_date date); / * Customization process Generate query results according to the input condition @Param Condition query criteria (F.Handlestaff in (6004, 6005) @S_date query condition, start date @e_date query condition, end date * / procedure getDataSetnum (Condition var); / * Number of non-operated account classification list @Param s_date: Statistical start date @Param E_DATE: Statistics End Date @Param Staff: Statistics Object (Person), Workgroup Team Department Department * / Procedure getchargedetail (s_date date, e_date date, department varcha2, workgroup VARCHAR2, STAFF VARCHAR2, P_RC IN OUT Myrctype; / * Take Personal Business Class Class Collection @Param S_Date: Statistics Start Date: Statistics End Date @Param Staff: Statistics Object (Person) @Param Business: Business * / Procedure getstaffproc (S_Date Date, E_DATE, S_DATE DATE, Business VARCHAR2, P_RC IN OUT MyRCTYPE); / * Adjustment Section Collection Quality Collection @Param S_Date: Statistics Start Date @Param E_DATE: Statistics End Date @Param Staff: Statistical object (Personal), Department Acceptance Department Workgroup: Acceptance team? @

param business: Business * / PROCEDURE getacceptdetail (s_date DATE, e_date DATE, department VARCHAR2, WORKGROUP VARCHAR2, STAFF VARCHAR2, p_rc IN OUT myrctype); / * get the amount of personal business acceptance result set @param s_date: Statistics start date @param e_date : Statistics End Date @Param Staff: Statistical Objects (Personal) @Param Business: Business * / Procedure GetstaffProcnum (S_Date Date, E_DATE DATE, STAFF VARCHAR2, Business VARCHAR2, P_RC IN OUT MyRCTYPE); / * Trouble Business Account Classification @param s_date: statistics start date @param e_date: statistics end date @param workgroup: statistics objects (team) @param business: business * / PROCEDURE getworkgroupproc (s_date dATE, e_date dATE, WORKGROUP VARCHAR2, bUSINESS VARCHAR2, p_rc IN OUT myrctype ); / * Small group business acceptance amount result set @Param s_date: Statist Attribution Date @Param E_DATE: Statistics End Date @param workgroup: Statistics objects (team) @param business: Business * / PROCEDURE getworkgroupprocnum (s_date DATE, e_date DATE, WORKGROUP VARCHAR2, BUSINESS VARCHAR2, p_rc IN OUT myrctype); / * fetch sales account team classification department @param result set s_date: statistics start date @param e_date: statistics end date @param workgroup: statistics Object (department) @param business: business * / PROCEDURE getdepartproc (s_date dATE, e_date dATE, department VARCHAR2, bUSINESS VARCHAR2, p_rc IN OUT myrctype);

/ * Small group business acceptance amount result set @Param s_date: Statistics start date @Param E_DATE: Statistics End Date @Param Workgroup: Statistical Object (Department) @Param Business: Business * / Procedure getDepartProcnum (s_date date, e_date date, department, department VARCHAR2, Business VARCHAR2, P_RC IN OUT MyRCTYPE); / * Custom Function ) 'or' '* / function gencondition (instr varchar2) Return Varchar2; End ReportRealTimedataset; / 2 defines a session type global temporary table (Create Global Temporary Table RP_YY) in Oracle

_business_accept () on commit preserve rows, use this temporary table directly in each method to return data. (Note To reduce REDO, you need to hit the Oracle9i patch to, see 3, deploy to production system (WebLogic "Unable to connect to an an x11 window server us": 0.0 "As Display Variable Value": 0.0 "As Display Variable Value" appears in the development system without this problem. You need to specify the startup item Djava.awt.Headless = true when starting WebLogic, see 4, deployment to the production system (UNIX) "Some Parameters Are Missing Values" and in the development system (Windows) no this problem RPT file name cannot be Chinese. Must be English to correctly identify it. You need to specify the startup item Djava.awt.Headless = true when starting WebLogic, see HTTP : // 4 When the deployment to the production system (UNIX), the old "" Some Parameters Are Missing Values ​​"is in the development system (Windows) No problem RPT The file name cannot be Chinese. Must be English to identify correctly.


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