[Windows Security Settings] Teach you how to close 135 ports and 445 ports

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

1. Turn off the 135 port

Users using Windows 2000 or XP today are tossing today by the worms that use the RPC service vulnerability, the main attack method of the virus is to scan the computer's 135 port to attack, and now you have a manual way to turn off the 135 port. Although I can't completely solve the problem, it is also an urgent urgency to solve the time. Updating Microsoft's patches still necessary. Use a 16 to open your system x: winntsystem32 or x: windowssystem32 under the RPCSS.dll file under WindowsSystem32. Find 31 00 33 00 35 Replace 30 00 30 00 30 Find 3100330035, replaced it to 3000300030, meaning that 135 port is changed to 000. The task to this modified has been completed, and the following will face a saved issue. Because the file is running, it cannot be overwritten in a Windows environment. If you are a FAT32 file system, then directly into the DOS environment, cover the original file to the DOS environment. If it is NTFS format, it will be troublesome. Incoming security mode. Then start the PULIST to list the process and then kill the svchost.exe program with the PSkill. Then in Copy. Restart after override, use the netstat -an command, you can see that there is no 135 port under Windows 2000. There is also a TCP 135 under the XP system, but there is no 135 port in UDP.

2. Turn off the 445 port

There are a lot of ways to close the 445 port, but I recommend the following methods: Modify the registry, add a key value hive: hkey_local_machine key: system / currentcontrolset / services / netbt / parameters name: SMBDeviceEnabled type: reg_dword value: 0 Modifications After restarting the machine, run "netstat -an", you will find that your 445 port is no longer listenging. (http://www.fuwu.net.cn/Article/showArticle.asp?teffleid=81)


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