PHP's spaw installation in the editor

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  39

When installing, set the config file in Config, and only the directory is set. The following is setting // Directory WHERE SPAW Files Are Located $ SPAW_DIR = '/ BioInfo-Workshop / Admin / Spaw /'; $ Reset = ' / home / cs / public_html / bioinfo-workshop / admin '; // base url for images $ spaw_base_url =' ./ ';

/ * If (! Ereg ( '/ $', $ HTTP_SERVER_VARS [ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) $ spaw_root = $ HTTP_SERVER_VARS [ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'] $ spaw_dir;. Else $ spaw_root = $ HTTP_SERVER_VARS [ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'] substr ($. Spaw_dir, 1, strlen ($ spaw_dir) -1); * / $ spaw_root = $ reset. '/ spaw /'; / ***************************** Edited: 80x86 i changed $ spaw_root and $ spaw_dir to myself's $ spaw_root is the absolute dir $ spaw_dir is the dir like $ HTTP_SERVER_VARS [ ''] $ _SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF'] *************** ***** /


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