Var color = new array (9);
Color [1] = "ff";
Color [2] = "EE";
Color [3] = "DD";
Color [4] = "CC";
Color [5] = "bb";
Color [6] = "aa";
Color [7] = "99";
COLOR [8] = "88";
Color [9] = "77";
COLOR [10] = "66";
Color [11] = "55";
Color [12] = "44";
Color [13] = "33";
Color [14] = "22";
COLOR [15] = "11";
COLOR [16] = "00";
/ * DO NOT DISPLAY TEXT ON A FADING Background. Instead, let it
Fade in and outable or twice, the load a new page. * /
Function fadein (where) {
IF (where> = 1) {
Document.bgcolor = "#" color [where] "0000";
WHERE - = 1;
SetTimeout ("Fadein (" WHERE ")", 15);
} else {
Settimeout ('Fadeout (1)', 15);
Function fadeout (where) {
IF (where <= 16) {
Document.bgcolor = "#" color [where] "0000";
WHERE = 1;
Settimeout ("Fadeout (" WHERE ")", 15)
} else {
SetTimeout ("Fadein (16)", 15);
// window.location.href = "";
// unhat ->
M = Daviewer.pixellibrary; mypic = m.importImage ("");
MyRotate = m.Rotate3rateDegrees (M.Vector3 (0, 1, 1), 45) .PARALLELTRANSFORM2 ()
MyImg = mypic.transform (MyRotate)
Daviewer.Image = myImg;
Daviewer.start ();
// ->