Configure complete resolution of CVS servers and clients

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

Configure complete resolution of CVS servers and clients

Author: Unknown Updated: Ideal Source: GNU Update Time: 2004.07.23 Contributor mail: tg * CVS represents the Concurrent Versions System; this is a group of files in a hierarchical directory tree to maintain synchronization system. People can update their local hierarchy copies from the CVS server and send the modified result or new file; or delete the old file. CVS based on client / server behavior makes it easy to accommodate multiple users, and it is convenient to constitute a network. This feature allows CVS to become the first choice when people in different locations have handled data files (especially the source code of the program). All important free software items use CVS as a central point between its programmers to integrate the improvements and changes to each programmer. These items include: GNome, KDE, The GIMP, WINE, and more. Therefore, it is naturally, Mandrakesoft also uses CVS as its own development management platform.

Below is my own steps I have to configure the CVS server and the client, I hope to save time, one step, the steps to configure the server are as follows: 1: I use Linux RedHat9.0 2: Create CVS users Group GroupAdd CVS 3. Establish CVSROOT User and Contents of CVS Group UserAdd -g CVS -G CVS -D / Home / CVSROOT CVSROOT 4: Add password for cvsroot users PASSWD CVSROOT 5: Change / Home / CVSRoot directory property chmod 775 / home / cvsroot 6: Initialize the CVS source library, this action generates directory / home / cvsroot / cvsroot, under the initialization file cvs -d / home / cvsroot init 7: Create a user and password that can log in to CVS services, need to be created The contents of the file passwd vi / home / cvsroot / cvsroot / passwd file are as follows: Steven: XXXXX: CVSROOT 8.XXXXXX is the password, generated by the following file: vi /home/cvsroot/ file content: #! / Usr / bin / Perl Srand (Time ()); My $ Randletter = "(INT (INT (INT (1) .5)% 2? 65: 97))"; MY $ SALT = Sprintf (" % C% C, Eval $ Randletter, Eval $ randletter; My $ plaintext = shift; my $ crypttext = crypt ($ plaintext, $ salt); print "$ {crypttext} / n"; 9. If you need your password to : Some, then knock: "some" Enter the encrypted password, use it replaces XXXXXXX 10 in the passwd file. Join the CVS service (my redhath9 has a CVS service, so no added) VI / etc / services cvspserver 2401 / tcpserver 2401 / udp #pserver CVS Service 11.CVS service is evoked by inted, so you need to change the service provided by inetd, my redhat makes Use inetd to add as follows in file /etc/inetd.conf: CVSPSERVER STREAM TCP NOWAIT ROOT / USR / BIN / CVS CVS - Allow-root = / home / cvsroot PServer My redhat9 is using Xinetd Way, so add the service you need to start under the xinetd.d directory: cd /etc/xinetd.d vi cvspserver file content: service cvspserver {disable = no flags = reuse socket_type = stream wait = no user = root server = / usr / BIN / CVS Server_args = -f - allowow-root = / home / cvsroot pserver log_on_failure = userid} 12. Restart inetd or xinetd: /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd Restart 13. Check if the CVSPServer service is It has started netstat -l | grep cvspserver results as follows: TCP 0 0 *: CVSPSERVER *: * Listen The above results, but perform CVS -D: PServer: Steven @ on my client (redhat9)


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