(10) Longhorn will complete Microsoft will push 7 versions next year in May next year.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

According to the industry's observer Paul Thurrott, Microsoft's next-generation operating system "Longhorn" will enter the production state in May next year. By then, Microsoft will launch seven different versions of the "longhorn" operating system.

Paul Thurrott operates a Windows website in Redmon, which is revealed that Microsoft's 7 different versions of "Longhorn" systems are designed for different user markets.

This 7th version includes Longhorn Home Edition, Longhorn Value Edition (Premium) / Media Center, Longhorn Professional, Longhorn Small Enterprise Edition, and Longhorn Move / Tablet PC.

From the version of the LONGHORN system we can see that Microsoft attempts to use this operating system to attract all users from high-end to low-end.

In addition to the above 5 versions, Thurrott also said that Microsoft will also propose a "comprehensive version" Longhorn system that will integrate all the features of the family version, the value, the professional version, the small enterprise version, and the Tablet PC version.

At the same time, Microsoft also plans to launch longhorn primary version, which is a simple low-end product, mainly in response to Microsoft's strategy to launch a Windows XP primary version of the system in some countries.

Currently, Microsoft has not yet published any comments on the forecast. A spokesperson of Microsoft said: "Currently, the company has not officially announced the specific information about the LONGHORN version." But the spokesperson also pointed out that Microsoft will continue to support the current version of the version. At the same time, it will also add some versions for different users.

Currently, the version of the Microsoft operating system mainly includes the family version, the Professional Edition, Tablet and Media Center.


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