(2) Java development environment

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

Machine environment: Operating system: WindowsXP SP1, Windows 2000 Sever SP4 The following procedure is a JDK download installation:

1. Click the following URL to enter the JDK1.4 download page:


2. Click on "Download J2se SDK":

3. "Accept", Continue:

4. The JDK version under each platform is listed below, where Windows has two installation methods, one is fully downloaded and then installed, one is online installation, we choose the first:

5. After the download is complete, double-click the icon to install, you can customize the installation directory during the installation process.

For example, we choose the installation directory to d: /jdk1.4

The following procedure is to configure the JDK environment variable: 6. Right click on "My Computer" and click "Properties":

7. Select the Advanced tab and click "Environment Variable":

8. In "System Variable", set 3 properties, Java_Home, Path, ClassPath (

It doesn't matter if you already exist, click "Edit", there is no existence, click "New":

9.java_home Indicates the JDK installation path, which is the path selected when installing.

D: /jdk1.4, this path includes lib, bin, jre and other folders (

This variable is best set, because it is necessary to rely on this variable after running Tomcat, Eclipse, etc.

PATH makes the system to identify the java command in any path, set to:

% Java_home% / bin;% java_home% / jre / bin classpath is the Java Load Class (Class or LIB) path, only classes in classpath, Java commands can be identified, setting to:


% Java_home% / lib;% java_home% / lib / Tools.jar (To add. Representing the current path)

% Java_home% is to reference the Java_home of the previously specified.

10. "Start" -> "Run", type "cmd":

11. Type the command "java -version", appear the following picture, indicating that the environment variable configuration is successful:

12. Ok, finished the collection. Let's start your first Java program, see follow-up article.

JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Complete Graphics (Linux) See: ...... I haven't done yet.

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Published on January 20, 2005 2:49 PM

Feedback # Reply: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Complete Graphics (Windows) 2005-01-20 3:10 PM Guity

So Cool

# 回:: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Fully Graphic (Windows) 2005-01-20 4:32 PM Liaoliao

Why is it still 1.4, the times are 5.0!

# 回: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Complete Graphics 2005-01-20 6:19 PM Old Kang

I have to know that some programs can't run in JDK1.5. Now the mainstream application is still 1.4

# 回:: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Fully Graphic (Windows) 2005-01-21 10:40 AM passerby

Good, promising

# 回: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Full Scheme (Windows) 2005-01-22 2:15 PM Old Kang

Top, go all the way, the eyes are tears, you don't think.

# 回: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Full Scheme (Windows) 2005-02-15 12:06 PM JHT793

J2se 5.0 is JDK1.4.2

# 帮 帮 一, 2005-02-15 1:08 PM JHT793

I downloaded the JDK1.4.2_07 version. I set the following java_home = c: /j2sdk1.4.2_07 path = path "% java_home% / bin;% java_home% / jre / bin" classpath =.;% Java_home% / lib ;% Java_home% / lib / Tools.jar, I always prompts if the package system does not exist is not right when I execute the "javac aa.java" command. The program aa.java content is: Class Displayer { Public static void main () {system.out.println ("You'll Love Java!");}}

# 回:: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Fully Graphic (Windows) 2005-02-15 4:49 PM Old Kang

To jht793: First: J2se 5.0 is not JDK1.4.2 Second: The program name is wrong, Displayer.java

# 回:: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Fully Graphic (Windows) 2005-02-16 1:41 AM Kelvin

I would like to ask, I use Win2000, use JDK1.4.2, I am the same as you, I entered Java-Version, I am not inside or external command. . . After I entered Javaac, I also said that I have seen many times, it's the same, I don't know where it is wrong, I hope the masters can help me!

# 回: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Fully Graphic (Windows) 2005-02-16 4:29 PM Old Kang

To Kelvin: It is definitely that PATH is not set, the system can't find the java command

# H j 200 2005-02-22 10:27 AM SKY

I downloaded JDK1.4.1_01, system variable I set up java_home = c: /jdk1.4 path = c: /jdk1.4/bin; c: /jdk1.4/jre/bin classpath = .; C: / JDK1.4 / lib; c: /jdk1.4/lib/tools.jar; can I execute the "javac test.java" command always prompts package system does not exist whether my library is not loaded? Test.java content is: public class test {public static void main (string args) {try {system.out.println ("HelloWorld!"); System.out.Println ("Press any key to contact .."); System.in.read ();} catch (exception e) {}}}

# 回:: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Fully Graphic (Windows) 2005-02-22 11:11 AM Old Kang

Public class test {public static void main (String [] args) {try {system.out.println ("HelloWorld!"); System.Out.println ("Press any key to contact .."); System.in. Read ();} catch (Exception E) {}}} # Reply: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Full Scheme (Windows) 2005-02-22 2:02 PM Cold Water

C: /jdk1.3.1/bin> jar cvfm test.jar manifest.mf -ce: / zrh / java / test / test / test / test /test.class -c: no new list of files or directory (Manifest) Added: E: /ZRH/JAVA/test/test/test/test/test.class (read = 826) (write = 506) (38% compressed 38%) C: /jdk1.3.1/bin> JAR CVFM TEST .jar manifest.mf -c E: / ZRH / JAVA / TEST / TEST / TEST / TEST / TES T java.io.filenotFoundException: test.mf (the system cannot find the specified file.) at java.io.fileInputStream. Open (native method) at java.io.fileinputstream. (fileinputstream.java: 64) at sun.tools.jar.main.run (main.java: 124) at sun.tools.jar.main.main Main.java:904) How I always can't get a package! ! ! I have a program and can be compiled! ! !

# 回:: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Full Scheme (Windows 2005-02-22 2:03 PM Cold Water

C: /jdk1.3.1/bin> jar cvfm test.jar manifest.mf -ce: / zrh / java / test / test / test / test /test.class -c: no new list of files or directory (Manifest) Added: E: /ZRH/JAVA/test/test/test/test/test.class (read = 826) (write = 506) (38% compressed 38%) C: /jdk1.3.1/bin> JAR CVFM TEST .jar manifest.mf -c E: / ZRH / JAVA / TEST / TEST / TEST / TEST / TES T java.io.filenotFoundException: test.mf (the system cannot find the specified file.) at java.io.fileInputStream. Open (native method) at java.io.fileinputstream. (fileinputstream.java: 64) at sun.tools.jar.main.run (main.java: 124) at sun.tools.jar.main.main Main.java:904) How I always can't get a package! ! ! I have a program and can be compiled! ! !

# 回: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Fully Graphic (Windows) 2005-02-22 2:04 PM Cold Water 3

My program: import java.awt *; import java.awt.event *; class Test extends Frame {public Test () {addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter () {public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) {dispose (); System.. .exit (0);}});} public static void main (string args []) {system.out.println ("Starting Test OK ..."); test mainframe = new test (); mainframe.setsize 500, 500); mainframe.settitle ("main"); mainframe.setvisible (TRUE);}} # Reply: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Complete Graphics (Windows) 2005-02-22 2:05 PM Cold water

My program: import java.awt *; import java.awt.event *; class Test extends Frame {public Test () {addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter () {public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) {dispose (); System.. .exit (0);}});} public static void main (string args []) {system.out.println ("Starting Test OK ..."); test mainframe = new test (); mainframe.setsize 500, 500); mainframe.settitle ("main"); mainframe.setvisible (TRUE);}}

# 回:: JDK1.4 Installation and Environment Configuration Fully Graphic (Windows) 2005-02-22 2:05 PM Cold Water

My program: import java.awt *; import java.awt.event *; class Test extends Frame {public Test () {addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter () {public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) {dispose (); System.. .exit (0);}});} public static void main (string args []) {system.out.println ("Starting Test OK ..."); test mainframe = new test (); mainframe.setsize 500, 500); mainframe.settitle ("main"); mainframe.setvisible (TRUE);}}


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