MapXtreme2004 code reads the elements in the TAB table

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

MapXtreme2004 code reads the elements in the TAB table

For example, use notepad to open the TAB file "Ranan. Tab" to be accessed, you can see the following:

! Table! TABLE

Version 300

Charset WindowssimpCHinese

Definition Table

Type Native Charset "WindowsSimpCHINESE"


Geographical Code Char (10) Index 1;

Name Char (10);

Let's take a look at all "name" elements of the table. And add it to the DropDownList control.

Private static string _findlayername = "Ranan";

Private static string _findcolumnname = "name"; Table = mapinfo.Engine.Session.current.catalog.getTable (_FindlayerName);

IF (Table! = NULL)


MidataReader TR;

MicroNection Con = New MicroNection ();

MicMmand tc = con.createCommand ();

Tc.commandtext = "SELECT" _FindColumnName "from" _findlayername;

C.Open ();

Tr = tc.executeReader ();

While (Tr.Read ())


DropDownList1.Items.Add (tr.getstring (0));


Tc.cancel ();

Tc.dispose ();

Tr.Close ();

C. close ();



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