Delphi 6 New Features-Ede Part (Chinese)

zhaozj2021-02-11  216

Delphi 6 new feature

Original: Borland Corporation

Translation: MusicWind®

Start Date: 2001-07-13

End Date: 2001-07-14 (Complete the IDE Characteristics Part)


The content of the following article takes the help document that comes with Delphi 6.

Copyright Borland Corporation.

Translation This draft has not been approved by Borland in advance, and it is still a lot of forgiveness.

What is fresh?

Delphi 6 added some features and enhanced the original features, mainly with the following aspects:

IDE (integrated development environment)


XML (Extended Markup Language)

Compiler (compiler)

Com / Active X

Database Support



Custom Variants (can be defined)

VCL unit and characteristics

RTL unit and characteristics

Cross-Platform Development (cross-platform development)

Translation Tools (Translation Tool)

Deployment Changes (Publishing Mechanism)

Help System Extensibility (Extension Help System)

Note: Some features are not all Delphi versions.

Ide new features

The new features of IDE are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Data Modules (data module)

Object TreeView (Object Tree View)

Code Editor (Code Editor)

Object Inspector (Object Checkper)

Code Insight Tools (Code Insight Tool)

Project Manager (Engineering Manager)

FILE MENU (File Menu)

New Items Dialog Box (New Entry Dialog)

Internet Toolbar (Internet Toolbar)

Component Palette Changes (Change of Components Panel)

Key Mapping Modules (Keyboard Mapping Module)

Environment Options Dialog Box (Environmental Settings dialog)

Directories Dialog Box (Directory Settings Dialog)

Context Menu Display (context menu)

Writing Design-Time Packages (writing design time package)

Data Modules (Data Module) (All versions)

The Data Module designer in Delphi 5 is divided into three parts:

1. Standard Data Module (the same as Delphi 4), replaced the original Components Page.

2. Object TreeView replaces the part that is originally located on the left side of the designer.

3. Diagram Page Replace the contents of the original data graph page.

Object TreeView (All versions) This location view of this location in the upper left corner of the IDE, showing the visual and non-FORM, DATA Module, and Frame (frame, or framework) on a tree chart The logical relationship between the visual components.

This view is synchronized with the Object Inspector and the Form Designer. So when you select a component in any of the places, you have updated this two other design tools. In addition, the chart page in the code editor only responds to components from the Object TreeView and release.

New features of Object TreeView:

Typically TreeView is located above the Object Inspector window. If not displayed, you can press Alt Shift F11, or select View | Object TreeView in the main menu to let it redisplay.

TreeView contains components in Form, Frame, and Data Module.

The TreeView contains the visual components also contains non-visible components.

Add a toolbar, including new, delete, move, move down, etc. These buttons work according to the properties of the components. For example, if you add a data set component (such as TclientDataSet), after selecting the aggregates (total) property, click the New button to add a field. If there are many entries to increase, you will pop up a menu list after you click on the button.

Enhanced graphics is used to distinguish different types of elements, such as visualized fathers and subcomponents, non-visual components, and their implicit or direct properties. For example, some components that implicitly created, such as a default session display as black and white.

Original, when the attribute value of one component is not filled, the corresponding icon is included in a red circle. Now, this situation will cause a red question mark tag to appear on the left side of the component icon.

Click Right-click to make a more rich menu item than the original Data Module.

Code Editor (Code Editor)

Surface Designers (Surface Editor) (Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition)

The code editor has now supported the editor of the surface, or a definable view of the package. These views are switched through a page label located in the status bar. A unique built-in view is a standard code page. According to your Delphi version, the page of the code editor that can be used is:

Chart page DIAGRAM PAGE (Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition)

The chart page on the code editor provides visual tools that can describe the dependency between the visual components and non-visual components in the drawing frame diagram and the text. As a program document aid, diagram not only has these dependencies, but also allow you to add a note on these relationships. No components do not appear on the chart page unless you drag down from Object TreeView.

New features:

You can select multiple in Object TreeView and place them on the chart page again.

You can enter the name of each chart created in the editing box on the left side of the chart page, and you can find the previous chart with the drop-down list box.

There is a toolbar located at the upper part of the chart page, which contains buttons for associated components and buttons to add a note.

The association of the property is automatically displayed in labeling. You can drag them to this page anywhere.

You can create charts for each Data Module, Form (Form), or Frame (frame) in the project.

WebSnap Pages (Web Terminal) (Enterprise Version)

When you create a web server application using WebSNAP (Web Terminal), the components in the web page module will be HTML scripts, HTML results, preview, XML trees, and XSL trees to generate a number of pages. Dragable page labels (all versions)

The unit tag located at the top of the code editor can be rerouted by dragging. For example, if you have two units, it is About and TextEditor, you can drag About to the right side of TextEditor.

Object Inspector (all versions)

Now, the Object Inspector is located below the Object TreeView.

New feature:

Instance list box

The instance drop-down list is located at the top of the Object Inspector:

New feature:

The example list displays the class names of all objects in the list, not just objects located at the top.

You can name the same name as the Form or Data Module thereof. For example, you can add a button component on Form1 and then rename it Form1. The two names appear in the instance list.

The example list box can display a prompt for the selected component, which is useful when the name of the component is wide than the list box.

The example list box can be hidden.

Properties dialog Properties Dialog Box

The context menu (pop-up menu) provided by Object Inspector Adds an entry for a dialog property, which can also be accessed by selecting Tools | Environment Options, then click Object Inspector. It provides the following interfaces related options:

Quickly customize the color of Object Inspector:

You can display or hide the instance list box, the class name, status bar, background, and read-only properties in the list box.

The attributes of the reference component can be embedded, regardless of the property page or event page.

Embedded reference component extension

Embedded cantylists The properties and events of the component properties are allowed to access components attributes without having to select the components of the referenced.

New features include:

By default, the attributes of reference to other components are displayed in red, and the properties of the referenced components are green.

By default, the events that reference other components are displayed as red, and the time to be referenced is green.

The properties of the interface can also be built-in references.

Code Insight Tools (Code Insight Tool) (All versions)

The code insight technology has been enhanced in both the code completion and the code parameters.

Code completion

When you press (Ctrl Space) on a blank line of a routine to activate the function of the code, there will be a pop-up list box displays the identifier in the included RTL (running time library) unit, even if the current unit These RTL units are not referenced. (May not be used in Chinese operating systems, because Ctrl Space is a shortcut key of the call input method - Translator's Note)

New feature:

Filter all methods referenced by the attribute read and write terms. Only the properties are displayed in the list box and a separate method belonging to the interface type.

Enter instant filtration. And when you select an entry, the text already entered is automatically deleted.

Multi-selection is supported when the interface is partially declared.

The contents of the display include inherited, virtual methods, and methods and properties of the interface.

The size of the pop-up window can be adjusted.

Different colors are different from different entries. For example, the process is gray, the function is dark blue. You can change the default color of the system by changing the content in the registry.

A message method of WM_XXX, CM_XXX, and CN_XXX, etc., which supports all units referenced.

The abstract method is now displayed in red. All other code insights show the image of the same color as the normal process and functions when the abstract method is abstract.

Code parameter

If an entry is a process or function with parameters, if you enter "(", immediately display the prompt information of the code parameter. New keyboard mapping module (all versions)

The keyboard binding set of the Visual Basic mode is added to the existing keyboard mapping module.

Package in Engineering Manager (all versions)

All open package project files are displayed in the Engineering Manager view. The reference nodes of these packages can not be used to help set the project for the current activity when browsing the open package, even when a package is not included in the current engineering group.

File menu

File | New entry for the file menu gets updates. It shows six types of projects (applications, CLX applications, Data Module, Form, Frame, and Unit), and other options, which will lead to a dialog box for the new project.

New entry dialog

New entry dialog, or object repository, add three page contents and new wizards and data modules.

WebSnap page, which contains WebSnap applications, WebSnap data modules, and WebSNAP also page modules.

The WebServices page contains SOAP server applications, SOAP server data modules, and WebServices importers.

The CORBA page contains contents such as CORBA client applications and CORBA server applications. You can also access the relevant wizard by menu Tools | Regenerate Corba IDL Files.

Internet Toolbar (Enterprise Version)

The Internet Tools are newly introduced to help you create a Web server application for WebSnap. Select View | Toolbars | Internet to display the toolbar. On the toolbar, you can access three newly introduced wizards, which are newly built WEBSNAP applications, new WebSNAP page modules, new WebSNAP data modules, and a built-in editor. These buttons are consistent with many of the most commonly used functions when creating a server application with WebSNAP.

Component panel changes

Add the action channel components on the Additional (Additional) page, used to manage components lists, and custom menus and toolbars, including the following: TActionManager, TACTIONMAINMENUBAR (Action main menu), TActionToobar (Action Tool Articles) and TCUSTOMizedlg (Customized dialog), etc.

For the CLX application, the CommON Controls page replaces the Win32 page. (Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition).

Some components on the new WebSNAP page are added to support multiple modules when creating a web server program. (Enterprise Edition).

The WebServices page is added to provide support for creating multi-layer applications (web or web). (Enterprise Version)

Database components are also changed. (Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition)

A new COM page provides ComadminCatalog components. (Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition)

Add three new INTERNET-based components, including Indy Clients, INDY Servers, and INDY MISC. The Internet Direct (INDY) component is an open source of blocking sockets-based Internet protocol components. (Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition)

Environmental Settings dialog

Menu Tools | Environment Options dialog box added four pages:

Designer Page - Provides some settings that are separated from the Preference page, as well as a new settings: Whether to display the extended prompt information. Environment Variables page - You can view, create, edit,, and delete here, override user-defined variables and system variables.

Object Inspector page - You can use the new property settings, or click the right button in the Object Inspector, then select Properties Settings in the pop-up menu to open the dialog setting parameters.

Internet Page - You can set the file types and script options you expect in your WebSNAP program. (Enterprise Version)

Directory (Path) Settings Dialog

The directory setting dialog is used to edit the directory entry, such as the path of the library unit, etc., automatically displayed as gray when encountered an illegal path. You can click to delete the illegal path button to delete it.

Context menu display

For objects selected on the form, or a selected window, or any focus, you can press the ALT-F10 or MENU button (available on the Microsoft keyboard) to call out the corresponding context menu.

Writing design time package

You must add DesignIDE.DCP to the Package Requires list.


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