WebLogic performance reading notes

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

1. Bandwidth You can assume that the bandwidth of 56kps can handle connections for 7-10 synchronous clients. (Depending on the page size you posted) In order to determine if your system has enough bandwidth, you can use the network monitoring tool with the operating system to determine the load, the bandwidth is your system bottleneck.

2. Adjust the stack space and garbage collection of JVM A.jvm If you set a lot of stack space, then perform a complete garbage collection change slower, but the recycling frequency is declining; if you need to set the stack space according to your memory needs Then, the garbage collection will be faster, but the recovery frequency rises; the purpose of adjusting the stack space is to make your virtual machine spend the smallest time to do garbage recycling, allowing WebLogic to process more clients at a given time. Many objects are allocated to be garbage after being assigned memory. These objects are said to have the "baby's mortality", and your application creates the frequency of the release object directly affects the size of the stack space, and the stack space size determines the frequency of garbage recycling. Therefore, to cache an object as much as possible to use, not recreate an object! ! ! Detailed garbage collection allows you to accurately calculate how much time and resource in garbage, which determines the most effective stack size, open detailed garbage collection, redirect output to log files, to diagnose, and approximate steps are as follows: 1) Monitoring under maximum load WebLogic performance.

2) Use the -verbosegc option to open detailed garbage collection and redirect to the log file. For example: Under Windows or Solaris, enter the following:% java -ms32m -mx200m -verbosegc -classpath $ classpath -dweblogic.name =% server_name% -dbea.home = "c: / bea" -dweblogic.management.username =% WLS_USER% -Dweblogic.management.password =% WLS_PW% -Dweblogic.management.server =% ADMIN_URL% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled =% STARTMODE% -Djava.security.policy = "% WL_HOME% / server / lib / weblogic. Policy "WebLogic.server >> Logfile.txt 2> & 1 This log is written: logfile.txt

3) Analyze the following data: a). How often is garbage collection? In the WebLogic.log file, the garbage collection timestamp is compared. B) How long is garbage collection? Complete garbage recovery should not exceed 3-5 seconds. C) How much is the stack of stacks after the garbage collection? If the stack space is stable in 85% idle, then you may need to make the stack size be smaller.

4) If you are using the version 1.3 version of JVM, set the new initial stack size. 5) Confidence that the stack size does not exceed the maximum memory size available. Use large stack sizes as much as possible without causing the operating system to swap Page to disk. Idle RAM depends on your hardware configuration.

6) If you find that your system spends too much time in garbage collection (you allocated virtual memory exceeds your RAM can handle the range), then you may have to reduce your stack size. Typically, you should use 80% of available memory (not occupied by operating systems or other processes) as virtual memory.

7) If you find that you have a big idle memory, you can run more WebLogic Server instances (clusters) on your machine. Remember: Adjusting the size of the stack size is to make garbage recycling for your JVM virtual machine, and allow WebLogic Server to handle up to the number of customer requests. B. Specifies that the stack size is when the WebLogic Server is started, the JVM stack size must be specified. For example: When starting WebLogic Server, the stack size should be as follows: java -xx: newsize = 128m -xx: maxnewsize = 128m -xx: survivorratio = 8 -XMS512M -XMX512M -DWEBLOGIC.NAME =% Server_name% -dbea .home = "C: / bea" -Dweblogic.management.username =% WLS_USER% -Dweblogic.management.password =% WLS_PW% -Dweblogic.management.server =% ADMIN_URL% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled =% STARTMODE% -Djava. Security.policy = "% wl_home% / server / lib / weblogic.policy" WebLogic.server default size in byte calculation, adding 'k' or 'k' after the value is KB, 'm' or ' M 'represents MB,' g 'or' g 'represents GB, WebLogic Server boot script is startwls.cmd and setenv.cmd (Windows operating system) or StartWLS.SH and STENV.SH (UNIX operating system) These scripts in WL_HOME / Server / bin, option: -xx: news Using this option to set the newly generated stack size, typically set to 1/4 of the maximum stack size; -xx: maxnewsize set the maximum new stack size; -xx: survivorratio new generation The stack space is divided into 3 regions: Eden 2 survival space, use this option to configure the proportion of Eden / Survivor, generally set to 8; -XMS Use this option to set the minimum stack space, generally equivalent to the maximum stack space (-XMX) to minimize garbage collection. -Xmx uses this option to set the maximum stack space; Note: All of these setup values ​​should be a multiple of 1024.

c. Automatically detect low memory, forced garbage collection


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