(3) PostgreSQL database letter library

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

POSTGRESQL database letter library

32 functions in this function library

The Postgres database is a database system developed by the Berkle University Computer Science, for the pioneer of the class-related database. It provides SQL92 / SQL3 syntax. PostgreSQL is a free system for public use. More details can be seen on http://www.postgresql.org station.

On the phpwizard.net website, you also use Browser to manage PostgreSQL's set programs Postgresadmin. You can use it to easily manage PostgreSQL databases.

After the PostgreSQL version 6.3 of the 1998, you can use the Domain Sockets on UNIX. Postmaster plus parameter -i can be used, and the PostgreSQL system will use the file of /tmp/.s.pgsql.5432.

Below is an example of using LOB (Large Object)

$ database = pg_connect (",", ",", "jacarta);

PG_EXEC ($ Database, "Begin");

$ OID = PG_LOCREATE ($ Database);

ECHO ("$ OID / N");

$ hand = pg_loopen ($ Database, $ OID, "W");

ECHO ("$ Handle / N");

PG_LoWrite ($ Handle, "Gaga");

pg_loclose ($ handle);

PG_EXEC ($ Database, "Commit")

PG_EXEC ($ Database, "END")


PG_Close: Turn off the PostgreSQL server connection.

PG_CMDTUPLES: A number of data writes affected by SQL instructions.

PG_CONNECT: Open the PostgreSQL server connection.

PG_DBNAME: A current database name.


PG_EXEC: Execute Query instructions.

PG_FETCH_ARRAY: Returns an array of information.

PG_FETCH_OBJECT: Returns class data.

PG_FETCH_ROW: Returns a single column of each field.

PG_Fieldisnull: Check if the field is available.

PG_fieldName: Returns the name of the specified field.

Pg_fieldnum: Number of rows that get the specified field.

PG_FieldPrtlen: Calculates the length of the list.

PG_FIELDSIZE: Calculate the length of the specified field.

PG_FIELDTYPE: Get the type of current field.

PG_FREERESULT: Release returns to occupy memory.

PG_GetLastoid: A final class code.

PG_HOST: Get the connection of the machine.

PG_LOCLOSE: Turn off the large class.

PG_LOCREATE: Establish a large class.

PG_LOOPEN: Open a large class.

PG_LOREAD: Reads a large class.

PG_LOREADALL: Reads large classes and outputs.

PG_LOUNLINK: Delete large class.

PG_LOWRITE: Reads a large class.

PG_NUMFIELDS: Number of returned fields.

PG_NUMROWS: Number of returned columns.

PG_OPTIONS: Get the connection machine option.

PG_PCONNECT: Open the PostgreSQL server to continuously.

PG_PORT: Get the connection machine.

PG_RESULT: The result of acquiring query (Query).

PG_TTTY: Get the connection machine terminal.

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