(Transfer) Flash player

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

The main properties of TshockWaveflash are as follows:

ReadyState: The status when reading a flash file, including 0 = loading, 1 = uninitialized, 2 = loading, 3 = Interactive and 4 = Complete; TotalFrames: The total frame number, only when ReadyState = 4 can access this property; Framenum : Currently played frame; playing: Play or suspend a flash; Quality: Specifies the quality of the current rendering, including 0 = low, 1 = high, 2 = autolow, 3 = autohigh; scalemode: Zoom mode, 0 = showll, 1 = Noborder, 2 = Exactfit; AlignMode: Align mode, LEFT = 1, Right = 2, TOP = 4, Bottom = 8; BackgroundColor: BackgroundColor: Background Color, -1 is the default color; loop: Whether loop; Movie: Specify Played Flash file path, can be a URL.

The main methods of tshockwaveflash are as follows:

Play (): Start playing animation; stop (); stop playing animation; back (); play ahead frame animation; Forward (): Play a frame of animation; rebind (): Play the first frame animation; setzoomRect (int LEFT) , INT TOP, INT RIGHT, INTTOTOM: Set zoom zone; zoom (int init): Zoom is scaled by percent; PAN (int X, int y, int mode): Zoom play panel, where mode 0 is image, 1 is a percentage of window.

The main events of TshockWaveflash are as follows:

ONPROGRESS: Trigger when reading a flash; OnReadyStateChange (int State): Triggered when the status changes. The value of States can be 0 = loading, 1 = uninitialized, 2 = loaded, 3 = Interactive and 4 = COMPLETE.


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