xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

1.world is but a little place, after all. It is within the same day of the world,

Explanation: IT IS Used WHEN A Person Meets Someone He Knows or Is in Someway Connected with Him in a place where he 10 never have expected to do so.

Example: WHO Would Have Thought I Would Bump Into An Old School ON A Trek Up Mount Tai.The World Is But A Little Place ALL.

2. WHEN in rome, do as the romans do.

Explanation: conform to the manners and customs of those amongst Whom you live.

Example: i know you have Egg and Bacon for Breakfast At Home, But now you are on the contactownloadyou will do as the romans do and take coffee and rolls.

3. What You Lose on The Swings You get back on the roundabouts. 失 东 东, 收

Explanation: a Rough Way of Starting a Law of average; if you have big.com on one day you have.com on another; if One Venture Results in Loss Try A Fresh One --- IT May MAY SUCCEED.

EXAMPLE: He May Always Possess Merits Which make Up for everything; if he loses on the swings, he may win on the roundabouts.

4.What are the odds so long as you are happy. Perfect

Explanation: What does anything else Matter if a person is happy.

Example: You Complain So Much, But you have a good family, parents, health, and money. What's the odd so long as you're happy.

5. Entertainment An Angel Unawares. It does not know Mount Tai

Explanation: To Receive a Great Personage as a guest without know.

Example: in The Course of Eventing Someone Informed Her That She Was Entertainment An An Angel UnaWares, in The Shape of A Composer of the Greatest Promise

6. Mevery Dog Has His Day. It is a day

Explanation: Fortune Comes To Each in Turn

EXAMPLE: TheY Say That Every Dog Has His Day; But Mine Seems a Very Long Time Coming.

7. Every Potter Praises His Own Pot. Wang Po Tour Guard, Self-selling Explanation: People Are Loath To Refer to Defects in Their Possessions or THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS

Example: He Said That His Teacher Considered His Work Brilliant, But I Would Rather Hear It from His TEACHER's OWN MOUTH. EVERY POTTER PRAISES HIS OWN POT

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- WE Are Good Friends!

1. Pain Past is pleasure. (The past pain is happiness.) [No matter how difficult must be biting his teeth, it will recall and have a sweetness in the future. ] 2. While there is life, there is hope / stay in Qingshan, not afraid of firewood.)

3. Wisdom in the mind. (There is knowledge in the brain, there is money in your hands.) [A firm belief from the small infusion to the child. ] 4. Storms make Trees Take Deeper Roots. (The storm makes trees deeply rooted.) [Grateful enemy, thank you! ] 5. Nothing is Impossible for a Willing Heart. (Wishes of your heart, everything.) [Adhere to a simple belief will certainly succeed. ] 6. (The simplest answer is dry.) [Want to speak fluent English? So now! The heart is not as good as the mouth. ] 7. All Things Are Difficult Before They Are Easy. (Everything must be difficult to easily.) [Abandon the fantasy of the speculative. ]

8. Great Hopes Make Great Man. (Great ideals to create great people.) 9. (Heaven help self].) 10. Four Short Words Sum Up What Has Lifted Most Successful Individuals Above The Crowd: a little bit More. (Four short words summarized successful secrets: more than one point!) [More efforts than others, more self-discipline, more Determined, more than a little more, learn more, more practice, more crazy, more points can create a miracle! ] 11. Practice with long talents.) 12. East or West, Home is Best. (East West is good, it is best at home.) 13. TWo Heads Are Better Than One. (Three stinklers, top, Zhuge Liang.) 14. Good Company on The Road is The Shortest Cut. (Walkway has a good companion is shortcut.) 15. Dropping Western.) 16. Misfortunes Never Come Alone / Single. (The disaster is not single.) 17. Misfortunes Tell US What Fortune is. (Without disasters do not know the blessings.) 18. Better Late Than Never. (Better than being not good; there is always better than late.) 19. It's never too late to mend. (Overhance to change, goodness; dead sheep, but not too late.) 20. IF A Thing Is Worth Doing It Is Worth Doing Well. (If things are worth doing, it is worth doing.) 21. Nothing Great Was Ever Achieved without ENTHUSIASM. (None of the enthusiasm, no greatness.) 22. Actions Speak Louder Than Words. (Action is more loud than language.) 23. LiFeless, Faultless. (Only if the dead is not wrong.) 24. (Greatly starting at small.) 25. One Today Is Worth Two Tomorrows. (A winning day today.) 26. "The fact is never afraid of investigation.) 27. The tongue is boneless but it it breaks bones. (The tongue can be folded.) 28. (Brave attempt is half of success).

29. Knowing somethingy ethers and everything of something. Good advice is beyond all price. (Advice is invaluable.) 1.Put A Move ON Trise He Tried to Put The Moves on Her, but she turned him down. He wants to tease her, but she refused him.

2. Put One's ass on the line Two ribs knives, don't wish all I put my ass on the line for you. I know you'll do the same for me someday. I know you two ribs, I know you have a day. Will do this for me.

3. DRAG hate what a drag! There is's nothing to do here! It is hated! There is no dry here.

1. Li Ming is a defeated family. Li ming is the black sheep of his family. 2. She is a born person crying. SHE's a Natural Crier. 3. He is really a unspeakable guy. HE's really a law-down dirty shame.

4. He is a musician, and there is no worries all day long. He's Good-Time Charlie, Feeling No Worries and anxieties.

5. On driving technology, not Li and Xiao Wang really do not divide it. In the skills of driving, xiao li and xiao wang area neck and neck.

6. He has already ranted his brain. He Had Racked His Brain.

7. He is a person with a mind. He's a brain.

8. Li Ming can do it. LI ming has a lot on the ball.

9. The writer you mentioned just is just a famous person. The Man You've Just Mentioned Is But a Poor apology for a Writer.

10. He is really too bone. HE really has no guts.

11.昙 昙 一 A Flash in the pan

12. He is unless of the insurance business. He Doesn't Know Beans About Insurance Business At All.

13. She is brave, but because of the neutralization of the enemy, she is dizes the past. The girl.

14. He likes to do a single gun. He Always Likes To Play a Lone Hand.

15. He was unfavorable. He Got Off On The Wrong Foot When He He Started Doing IT.

16. You still have tender. You're Still Wet Behind The Ears.17. Her amount of food is particularly small. SHE EATS LIKE A BIRD.

18. That child's mouth is particularly hard. That Boy Never say Un.

19. Our team accounted for the wind. Our Team Gained The Upper Hand.

20. You have a circle. You rose to the bait.

21. You can't lie to me. I'm from missouri.

22. Play to To the score.

23. There must be someone to make him do one thing. (Official: instigate = instigate)

24. He is not unwilling to help you, but his heart is weak. IT's Not That He Doesn't Like to Help, But That The Spirit Is Willing, But The Flesh Is Wile.

25. Today, we have only listened to it. WITH THINGS as Such, We'll Have to Let Things Slide.

26. I don't know what I have been upset this for a few days. I don't know what has set my net. On Edge these Days.

27. Let the past have passed, we are still good friends. Lit Bygones Be Bygones. WE Are Still Friends.

28. Yesterday, there was a risky. The boss is the same female staff in the office, and it is almost letting his wife hit it. .

29. This drought is in a hundred years. This Draught Occurs Once in A Blue Moon.

30. forget it. I'S Call it Quits.

31. Her mouth is very tight. She'S TIGHT-MOUTHED.

32. Don't blow with me, I don't know your bottom. No Big Talk with me. I have your number.

33. Lingling is her grandfather's palm pearl. Ling ling is the apple of mer Grandpa's Eye.

34. Jack is well known, the head is moderate, a pair of big eyes are stunned, become a target of many girls. JACK, WITH A BODY Well-proportioned, About The Middling, A Pair of Intense Big Eyes, HAS Become The Traget of Many Pretty Girls.35. In terms of population quantity, India is second only to China. Talking About The size of population, india is next only to china.

36. I don't want to eat white and drink others. I wouldn't free.

37. Casting Pearls Before Swine.

38. I do not know. That's just me guess. I Didn't Know. I Was Only a shot in The Dark.

39. They drove to the outside. The Drove The Car and Went Out for a Spin.

40. Why do you always take other people? Why SHOULD you always like to rib others?

Fourth, famous computer language

VF: Also writing VFP, Visual FoxPro abbreviation, Visual is "visible" in English, fox means "fox", originally referred to American Fox Database Software, the company has been acquired by Microsoft. The ProG is a slightly written in Progress, meaning "more into one". Visual FoxPro is a powerful, visualized, object-oriented database programming language launched by Microsoft's FoxPro, and it is also a powerful database management system.

VC: Visual C , Microsoft's Advanced Visual Computer Program Development Language. The C language is called one of the biggest contributions to computer program design in the past decade. It has a simple and easy-to-use feature of advanced languages, but also to complete the assembly language. Therefore, C language is particularly suitable for writing a variety of complex software. If the Basic language is the programming language of beginners and amateurs, then the C language is the programming language of professionals.

VB: Visual Basic Abbreviation, Microsoft's Advanced Visual Computer Program Development Language. Basic is an abbreviation of Beginner's All-Purpose Sybolic Instruction Code (initiator universal symbolic instruction code), starting from Basic, Quick Basic, Ture Basic, etc. Currently, the latest Visual Basic, which is the latest in Microsoft. This is a very strong object-oriented visualization programming language.

Delphi: pronunciation / 'Delfai /, Telfi, ancient Greek city name, is known as the center of the ancient Greek as the world, is known as the Apollo Temple. In computer English refers to a visualization, object-oriented, event-driven computer programming language of Borland, USA.

Java: pronunciation / 'DA: V /, "New English Dictionary" translation is "Java (a Indonesia), Java Coffee." Computer English refers to a new type of object-oriented programming language launched by US Sun (Sun). Java integrates to objects, platform independent, stable, security, multi-threads, etc., increase the function of abnormal processing, network programming, etc., especially suitable for the development of Internet applications, is a world, one The key to the idea of ​​the network. All kinds of software written in Java can truly "Write Once, Run Anywhere", running everywhere) ", that is, the same software can run on different computers, whether it is a PC, Apple, UNIX computer And the top box, PDA (personal data assistant) and even an exception of intelligent components. SQL: Structure Query Language, Structured Query Language. SQL is a concise, a set-oriented language in the relational database management system, which quesces one or more data tables to generate a result data table.

V. Common important computer English and its abbreviations

PC: Personal Computer, Personal Computer, PC, Also known as microcomputer or microcomputer.

NC: Network Computer, Network Computer.

MPC: MultiMedia Personal Computer, multimedia PC.

MMX: The abbreviation of MultiMedia Extensions is the important feature of the sixth generation CPU chip. The MMX technology is 57 instructions designed specifically for video signals, audio signals, and graphical manipulation. Therefore, MMX CPU greatly enhances computer multimedia (eg Stereo, video, three-dimensional animation, etc.) processing function.

Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM: Intel Pentium is Intel Corporation "Pentium" CPU.   为 "registered". 166MHz refers to the CPU clock frequency, MHz is the abbreviation of MEGA HERTZ. The TM in MMXTM is the story of "Trade Mark", meaning "Registered Trademark".

OOP: Object Oriented Programming, object-oriented programming. The so-called "object" is one or a set of data and a collection of methods and processes that handle these data. Object-oriented programming is completely different from traditional-oriented process programming, which greatly reduces the difficulty of software development, making programming as simple as a wooden programming, is a unstoppable trend of today's computer programming.

28VGA: 28 is the yellow light network point pitch (spacing) on ​​the color display, the smaller the display, the more delicate the image, the better because each image point on the color screen is made from a set of red , Green, blue-ray convergence, due to the technical third beam light, it is not 100% convergence, there is a spacing of a yellow light network, the smaller the interval, the more clear the image displayed on the screen. . VGA is an abbreviation for Video Graphics Array (Video Graphic Array).

FAT: Allocation Table, File Allocation Table, its role is to record how relevant files in the hard disk are dispersed in different sectors.

EPA: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, the US Environmental Protection Department. EPA announced the "Energy Star" program in 1992 and has got a positive response to the international community. Just start the computer, you can see the "Energy Star" sign on the screen for a few seconds. The goal of the Energy Star is to automatically enter the low power state when the components of the computer system are inactive, and when the components are restored (ie, when the keyboard, mouse or the like is used), the computer system automatically returns to the fully clear state. For products that meet the energy star specification, EPA will send the Energy Star logo "EPA Polle Prevent", meaning "The US Environmental Protection Department recognized by anti-pollution energy-saving products". IC card: Intelligent Card, smart card.

ATX: a new computer chassis, motherboard, power supply structure specification.

IDE: Integrated Circuit Equipment or Smart Disk Equipment.

DLL: Dynamic Link Library, Dynamic Link Library.

KB: KILO BYTE, KB represents kilobytes. K = kilo, the composition word ingredient, indicating "thousand; kilometers; kg; km". B = byte, meaning "byte", is the minimum storage unit in the computer (one byte can store an English letter, and one Chinese character can be stored every two bytes).

MB: MEGA BYTE, MB represents megabytes. M = MEGA, the composition word ingredient, indicating "mega; million".

GB: GIGA BYTE, GB indicates a Gigabile byte. G = GIGA, the composition word ingredient, indicating Gigabit; billion.

CAI: Computer-Asced Instruction or Computer-Aided Instruction, computer-aided teaching. It will be the most important and popular teaching means in the twenty-first century.

CAD: Computer-Aided Design, computer-aided design.

ISO: International Standard Organization, International Standardization. ISO launched the ISO 9000 series of international standards on quality management and quality assurance in 1987, issued amended standard in 1994. Among them, the main standards constituting the ISO 9000 series are: 1.ISO 9000-1: 1994 "Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standard - Part 1: Select and Use Guide". 2.ISO 9001: 1994 "Quality System - Design, Development, Production, Installation and Service Quality Assurance Mode". 3.ISO 9002: 1994 "Quality Assurance Mode of Quality System - Final Test and Test".

3DS or 3D Studio: Three Dimension Studio, 3D Photography Room. It is a multi-function three-dimensional animation software launched by US Autodesk, set realistic modeling, static coloring and animation creation, greatly popularizing three-dimensional styling technology. It can exchange graphical information with AutoCAD, using the scanner input graphic, output animation to a TV or video tape through the VGA and the television conversion interface.

VR: Virtual reality, virtual reality, also known as input 3D, the evolution of the Air Force simulation flight device, basically using the principle of the left and right visual space alternately displaying the image, which actually exceeds the category of image processing, It is a computer generated environment of integrated light, sound, and image, and people can interactively operate as objects in virtual environments as in real life, and virtual reality application prospects are extremely broad.

The abbreviation of OCR: Optical Character Recognition refers to inputting a text material into a computer image file through a scanner, using software to identify a Chinese or English internal code, and then perform text processing. Since the randomness of the handwritten is too large, the current OCR is mainly limited to the identification of print text. At present, the highest level of accuracy representative of Chinese OCR is the TH-OCR NT for Windows from Tsinghua Wentong. SCSI: Small Computer System Interface, Small Computer System Interface, which is to address the connection between many external devices and computers.

OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer, original device manufacturer.

Microsoft OEM: Microsoft OEM products. It refers to the software operating system pre-installed on the microcomputer, including Windows98, Windows NT, Workstation, Windows3.x, MS-DOS.

MIS: Management Information System, Management Information System. It is widely used in all walks of life, and the most famous management information system in China has "Wang Shi MIS", "Jacob MIS", "Quick Mis".

Pnp: Plug and Play, plug and play, is an important technical feature of Window98. The so-called plug-and-play means that the operating system automatically sets the system structure when installing peripherals such as PC cards that comply with PNP standards. That is to say, when the user installs new hardware, there is no need to set any jumper switch, nor does it have to use the software configuration interrupt request (IRQ), memory address, or direct memory access (DMA) channel, Windows 98 will notify the application New changes in hardware devices, automatically coordinate the conflicts between IRQ, memory addresses, and DMA channels.

OLE: OBJECT LINKING AND Embedding, object connection and embedding, referred to as OLE technology. OLE is not only a desktop application integration, but also defines and implements a mechanism that allows applications as software "objects" (data set, and operational data) to "connect", this connection mechanism and protocol are called components. The object model (Component Object Model), referred to as COM. OLE can be used to create a composite document, and the composite document contains the creation of different source applications, there are different types of data, so it can combine text, sound, images, forms, etc. together.

MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface, Musical Digital Interface. It is one of the basic terms of multimedia. The MIDI file is used as an electronic instrument such as the electronic piano, guitar, saxophone and recording, it can play on most multimedia computer sound cards, even if you don't create your own MIDI file You can also use an existing MIDI file as a background music as a multimedia presentation. The MIDI file is stored only for the description of the sound, relying on the synthesizer (FM or waveform table) of the sound card to generate the true sound of people.

MPEG: It is the abbreviation of Motion Picture Experts Group, the "Motion Image Expert Group", which is a compression code standard for a moving image in a multimedia computer, which is the MPEG standard that people usually say. It includes three parts: MPEG audio, MPEG video, and MPEG systems.

Six, online English

Internet: The Internet, also known as the International Internet for International Net. It was the earliest research plan of the US Department of Defense, which was 1969, the original purpose is only the data sharing of the remote computer, and later developed into each other's computer and computer networks around each other, forming one Unneable super big net. The main service items of the Internet are: E-mail, remote login (Telnet), Query Services, File Transfer (FTP), Document Server (ARCHIVE), Newspaper (USENET), electronic bulletin (BBS ), News Group, World Wide Web (abbreviated is WWW, also known as World Wide Web), etc. BBS: Bulletin board system, bulletin system or electronic bulletin board, also known as Public Access Message System, public access information system. It is an electronic version of an ordinary announcement, and the user can publish a message through the bulletin board, and any user can read the messages on the bulletin board, or send information to a particular person or a group of users. The bulletin system is widely used in communication information, and consult an electronic bulletin is often more fast and effective than using the interactive mailbox or public mail system.

E-mail: Email, this is an interactive service that uses Internet network to exchange text information, the world Internet users can send and receive emails with each other.

Www: World Wide Web Abbreviation, Global Network, Also known as the World Wide Web. It is a hypertext-based information retrieval tool that provides a friendly information query interface, is currently one of the most advanced Internet search tools.

Remote login: Remote login (registration), is an important means of realizing resource sharing in a network environment, using this way, users can connect to any of the world's Internet host.

Http: Hyper Text Transmission Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

IP: IP International Internet Protocol, i.e., internet protocol.

FTP: It is the abbreviation of Transfer Protocol, the file transfer protocol, which is used to transfer files on the Internet. The FTP task is to transfer files from a computer to another computer. People can get a lot of free practical software through FTP.

Gopher: Pronunciation / 'guf  /, English meaning "地 鼠"; (US southern hole) edible turtle ". It is a menu-driven information query software based on the Internet to automatically convert users. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or Telnet (standard IP protocol for remote terminal connection) command, under the boot of the menu, users can access the remote information system on the Internet.

Archive: Pronunciation / 'A: KAIV /, "Archives; Archives". The document server in the Internet can automatically access numerous Internet FTP servers, and index files on these servers into a retrieved database.

WAIS: It is a short written, wide-area information server for the Wide Area Information Service. It makes it easy to retrieve on the Internet on the Internet, and information on the remote database can be obtained.

LuisitServ: This is a way to exchange information between users popular users.

IRC: Internet Relay Chat, Internet relay chat. This is a multi-user chat facility that allows multiple users to chat with others in real time through words. Hypertext: Super text. Originally used to represent all hyperlinks, also means text containing "link". This is a non-linear information organization method, text, graphics, and other data can point to (link) other elements as a single element.

Hyperlink: Hyperlink. A "link", a file, a file, a file, a file, a file, a file, or a phrase, and when the user selects the hyperlink, the connected information will be displayed.

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language, hypertext labeling language. It is invented by the European Particle Laboratory Researcher Tim Bemers Lee, which is a general language of "WWW (Global Network) World". Server and customer browser between "WWW World", communicate with each other; information resources are also described by "performance", HTML can describe the home page and static text. Tens of millions of people in the world are using the HTML language, can say no exaggeration, there is no "www world" without html.

HyperMedia: Super Media. A method based on computer-based utilization text, graphics, animation, sound, and video transfer and display information. The constituent elements of superphones such as these texts can be connected to other files and can be processed as a single object.

Navigator: One of the Internet browser software produced by Netscape Company. Navigator's English means "Navigates, Maritime Explorers", which means that people can use the software to save, advent in the ocean of the Internet network. Navigator can not only browse the World Wide Web (WWW), but also have multiple features such as email (E-mail), file transfer (FTP), remote login (NEWS Group), information browsing (Gopher).

IE: Internet Explorer, Explorer means "explorer".


That's Terrible. It's horrible! 2. How awful! It's terrible! 3. That's Horrible. It's terrible! 4. That's Dreadful. I am scary! 5. What a nightmare! It's a nightmare! 6. How matchening! Horror!

When The Body Was First Made, all the parts wanted to be boss. When a body is just complete, all organs want to be the boss of this body. The Brain Said, I Should Be Boss Because I Control The Whole Bodys Responses and Functions. The mind is said; I should be a boss, because I dominate the entire body, the reaction is functional. The Hands Said, We Should Be the Boss Because is said to be said; I should be a boss because I am doing things. We do all the work and earn all the money on andon with the heart, so this dispute has been continuing, the heart, the lungs are also joining the dispute, The Lungs and the Eyes UnTil Finally The Asshole Spoke Up of THE ASSHOL The last ass (English translation: idiot) also speaks to the boss! All the parts laugh being the boss. All organs can make fun of the boss, so the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work. Flew to the eyes, plugging yourself, unhappy, strike Going to WITHIN A Short Time The Eyes Became Crossed, The Hands Clenched, The Feet Twitched, in a short time, your eyes, the hands, the Heart and Lungs Began to Panic and the Brain Fevered. Hearts Lost Features EVENTUALLY ALL DECIDED THATUALLED BETER DECIDED That The Asshole Should Be The Boss, So The Motion Was Passed. Finally, everyone still resolution let the ass to make the farte, all the other parts did all the work while the boss just sat and passed out the shit! So When all the organs are doing things, they are sitting in the boss (English: saying fits) MORAL OF THE Story: This story tells you: You Don 'T NEED BRAINS to Be a Boss - Any Asshole Will Do. Want When the boss does not need the brain at all! Any idiot can be! Swan is traveling. . . . . I encountered a crow, swan asked: "Who are you?" The crow said: "I am a swan." How are you swan? "" I am a swan burned boiler. "I touched a swallow Swan Q: "Who are you?" Yan Zi said: "I am an eagle." "How are you the eagle? Such a small." "I am a vain." I touched a parrot, swan Q: "You Who? "Parrot said:" I am Sparrow. "" How do you sparrow? "" I was sparrow in the table. "I met a roast chicken, swan Q:" Who are you? " The roast chicken said: "I am a big geese." "How are you a geese? All ... all like this." "I am the geese practice Falun (self-immolation)."

Nice Men Are Ugly.

Good man is not handsome

The Handsome Men Are Not Nice.

Handsome man is not good

The Handsome and Nice Men Are Gay.

Handsome and good men are gay

The Handsome, Nice and Heterosexual Men Are Married.

Handsome and good, not gay men are getting married.

The Men Who Are Not So Handsome But Are Nice Men Have No Money.

Not very handsome but a very good man is no money

The Men Who Are Not So Handsome But Are Nice Men With Money Think We Are ONLY AFTER THEIR MONEY.

A man who is not very handsome but good and money will think that we look at their money.

The Handsome Men WITHOUT MONEY Are After Our Money.

And there is no money, but very handsome man looks like our money.

The Handsome Men, Who Are Not So Nice and Somewhat Heterosexual Don't Think We Are Beautiful Enough.

Not very good but very handsome and heterosexual man, but we are not beautiful enough.

The Men WHINK WE Are Beautiful, That Areneieterosexual, Somewhat Nice And Have Money Are Cowards.

It's good and rich, it's a heterosexual, but I feel that our beautiful man has no guts.

The Men Who Are Somewhat Handsome, Somewhat Nice and Have Some Money and Thank God Arement, Weigh !!!!!

It's good and handsome and a little money and it is a part of a man who is shy and never taken.

The Men WHO Never make the first move, Automatically Lose Interest on Us WHEN We Take The Initiative.

Those men who never take the initiative to lose interest in us


Now ... who knows how men do this?

Absolute English classic. There's mastercard & visa. Money is not universal, credit card is still there.? One surplend love animals. Everyone should love animals because they are delicious.? Save Water. SHOWER WITH YOURLFRIEND. To save water, try to take a bath with your girlfriend. But don't get caught. Love your neighbors, but don't be "captured".? Behind Every successful man, there is A Woman. And BEHIND EVERY UNSUCCESSFUL Man, there is a woman behind each success; there are two women behind each unsuccessful man.? Every Man Should Marry. After All, Happiness Is Not The Only Thing in Life. Everyone should get married, after all, happiness is not the life of life.? The Wise Never marry, and when marry. Smart people will not marry, and when they got marriage It is no longer smarter.? Success is a relative Term. IT BRINGS SO MANY RELATIVES. Success is a related noun, he will bring you a lot of relatives. Never Put Off The Work Till Tomorrow What You Can Put Off Today If you can think of excuses today, don't wait until tomorrow, you will come again.? Love is photogenic. Love is like photo development, require a lot of dark room to cultivate.? Children in backseats Cause Accidents. Accidents in Backseats Cause Children. The child's lattice will lead to accidents, and the accident will "lead" children.? "Your Futu Re Dends On Your Dreams. "So Go to Sleep." Your future depends on your dream ", so go to sleep quickly.? There would be a better way to start a day tour Up every morning. Should be more than daily Get up in the morning, get a new day.? God Made Relatives; Thanks God We can choose our friend, who decided to be your relatives, good to choose friends yourself.? A Dress is like a barbed fence. IT Protects The Premises without Restrick The View. Clothes is like a stabbed wire, which prevents you from acting, but does not hinder your viewing.? The more you learn, The more you know. The more you know, The More you know More you forget, The Lee forget, The Lear to Learn. The more you know, the more you know, the more you know, the more you forget, the more you know, the less you know. , Then why should you read the book ?!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

An important aspect of using English is to learn and master the vivid, lively idioms commonly used by English natives.

You. Please please. This is a very common guest truth, in the entrance / go, you can express it. (It seems that the lady is not willing to do this, especially those feminists, I still remember such words:

A lady said to a man who made her first: You do this Because I am A Woman?

The man replied: I do this Not Because You Are A Woman But Because I am A Man!

I love this guy!

2. i Just Couldn't Help It. I can't help. Think about it, how many appetables can such a beautiful sentence?

Here is an example of randomness:

I Was Deeply Moved by The Film and I Cried and Cried. I Just Couldn't Help IT.

Great sentence, I love it. :)

3. Don't take it to heart. Don't go in your heart, don't worry about injuring. Life example:

THIS Test Isn't That Important. Don't take it to heart. Advantoo's super sentence.

4. We'd better be off. We should go. It's getting late. We'd better be off.

5. Let's face it. In the face of reality. Often indicate that the speaker is unwilling to escape the status quo of difficulties.

Reference Example: I Know It's a difficult situation. Let's face it, ok?

Very good, young people make mistakes, God will forgive, Remember? But make mistakes, you have to face him, let's face it,

Or: Let's face the music.

6. Let's get started. Let's start. Persuadie others say: don't just talk. Let's get started.

Let's get started.

Let's start.

Let's do it right now.

Let's hit..

Let's Rock & Roll.

Let's putur hands on sth.

7. I'm really dead. I am really exhausted. When you feel your feelings: After all this work, I'm really dead.

8. I've done my best. I have tried my best.

This sentence is very useful, failure is sometimes inevitable, but if you can say, I'VE Done my best.or i spare no effort.

It is not necessary to regret, after all, man supports, god disposes.

9. Is this so? Is that true? It is often used in a person to listen to a surprise, suspect.

10. Don't play games with me! Don't play with me!

11. I don't know for Sure. I don't know.

STRANGER: COULD you tell me how to get to the toward?

Tom: I don't know for sar. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.12. I'm not going to kid you. I am not joking with you.

Karin: you quit the job? You are kidding.

Jack: i'm not going to kid you. I'm serious.

13. That's something, too good, great.

A: I'm granted a ful Scholarship for this semester.

B: CONGRATULATIONS. That's Something.

14. Brilliant IDEA! This idea is awesome! This idea is really high!

15. Do you really mean it? This is true?

Michael: WHENEVER You are Short of Money, Just Come To Me.

DAVID: Do you really mean it?

16. You Are A Great Help. You have helped

17. I COULDN'T Be More Sure. I am sure.

18. I am Behind you. I support you.

A: a: whatever decision you're going to make, i am behind you.

19. I'm broke. I have no texture.

I am Penniless.

20. Mind you! Please note! listen! (You can also use only Mind.)

Model: MIND you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.

21. You can count on it. You although I believe it, even if you can rest assured.

A: Do you think he would come to my birthday party?

B: you can count on it.

22. I Never Liked It Anyway. I have never like this thing.

When a friend or colleague accidentally broke out your things, you can use this sentence to give him a step.

Break the situation: OH, Don't worry. I'm thinking of buying a new one.

I Never liked it anyway.

23. That Depends. (On STH)

Example: i May Go To The Airport to Meet Her. But this depends.

24. Congratulations. Congratulations, congratulations.

25. Thanks Anyway. I am still got thank you anyway. When others try to help you, they are not helped.

You can use this phrase a gratitude.

26. It's a deal.

Harry: Haven't Seen You for Ages. Let's have get-together next week.

Jenny: It's a deal

I always hear, IT's a deal, That is a good deal. Or two people plan to reach an agreement or make a business saying: deal? Deal!


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