When using DataGrid, if you have an ASP: HyperLinkColumn, you want to use multiple parameters that need to be bound as the URL of the link, then change to the template column, use the normal LINK tag or ASP: HyperLink, below Two solutions for implementing multi-bound parameters. Also modified http://blog.9cbs.net/lovecherry/archive/2005/02/25/301441.aspx. (1) Backstage returns URL front desk ask: hyperlink> itemtemplate> ask: templateColumn> Background protected String myfunc2 (Object S1, Object S2) {return "newpage.aspx? Name =" s1.toString () "& agn =" s2.toString ();} (2) Direct front Set URL asp: hyperlink> itemtemplate> ask: templateColumn>
In fact, the above 2 programs are one thing, but the former is more clear, and it is easy to generate the URL in the background.