Eclipse 3.0 data collection

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

Http:// Using Eclipse, Lomboz Plugins, JBoss Development J2EE Teaching Articles (EN) is very exciting

1. and (the famous development J2EE plugin)

Download URL: Group_id = 97?

Lomboz can do a lot of things, is the first choice for J2EE using Eclipse JBoss.

2. MYECLIPSE, the best J2EE development framework

Download MyEclipse Userid: YLFLY? Password: ******* registration code: Icecraftvar7zl-819-56 -54678656108018950for Eclispe2.1: Icecraftvar7zl-719-56-54678657538454123

3.Log4j or apache commit logger's most effective assistant is log4e: ??? Official website: ??? Download connection:

4. Easy Struts Supports Struts Plugin (0.64 version only supports Eclipse2.x) is an item on SourceForge.NET, and the latest version is 0.64.

Http:// Group_id = 54542 & package_id = 49230

5. TomcatPlugin supports Tomcat plugin

6.Hibernate SynchronizerHibernate Synchronizer is a free Eclipse plugin code generation tool to be used with the Hibernate persistence framework. The plugin will automatically generate java code when your hibernate mapping files are modified. Objects are created with generated code in an abstract base class and a user-modifiable extension class so user code does not get deleted when the generation is performed.http: // // group_id = 99370HibernateSynchronizer-2.1?. 25- ?? only supports M7

7. SWT Designer makes the GUI Cool, more in, more happy! Http:// ?? 8. XML Editor & XSLT Debugger Edit XML Plugin http://www.oxygenxml. COM /

8.1 Support Eclipse 3.0 XML plugin

8.2xml Viewerversion: 1.1.7http: //

9.uml Tool for Eclipse Shortname = SDEEC

9.1 UML Plugin Omondo (support Eclipse 3.0 Studio 1.0 only 20 days) ylfly password: *******

9.2 ECLIPSEUML2? IS Eclipse Tools

10. ECLIPSE Acceleration Plugin KeepResIdent

Principle: Using two Windows API - SetProcessWorkingsetSize and VirtualLock (for Windows Platform).

Surplus is much faster during switching.

The official suggestion minimum is set to 100 MB, the maximum is 250 mb.


12 other plugins

Perl plug-in plugin? plugin ??? / cdt / releases / newhex plugin

13. Eclipse plugin Using the Links Directory: Assume that the plugin is installed in the D: / MyPlugin directory, then MyPlugin's directory structure must be like this: d: / myplugin / eclipse / plugins / plugin and D: / MyPlugin / Eclipse / Features / plug-in, for example, install the EclipseMe plug-in to the D: / myplugin directory, the directory structure

D: /myplugin/eclipse/plugins/eclipseme_0.4.5. Suppose Eclipse is installed in the D: / Eclipse directory, create a directory named links in the Eclipse directory, in Links

A link file is created in the recording, such as MyPlugin.Link, which is patH = d: / myplugin. Start the Eclipse, the plugin is installed, if you want to temporarily do not start the plugin, just remove files. Supplementary description: 1. The plugin can be installed in multiple custom directory separately. 2. A custom directory can install multiple plugins. 3. The file name and extension of the Link file can take any name, such as myplugin.txt, goodplugin. 4. The LINK file can have multiple line PATH = plug-in directories, corresponding to multiple custom plug-in directories, each line's Path parameter will take effect. 5. There are also multiple link files in the Links directory, and the PATH parameters in each Link file will take effect. 6. The plug-in directory can use a relative path, if we create myPlugin directory in the Eclipse installation directory, as in the D: / Eclipse directory in the above example, simply set PATH = MyPlugin.


1) .all SDK Bundle (Include Source, Runtime and SDO).? 2) .The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Allows Developers To take an existing application

Model and Quickly Create a Rich graphical editor.

3) .uml2 is an Emf-based Implement of the UML 2.0 Metamodel for the Eclipse Platform.


15.plug-in URL: (very very famous plugin update website) (Classification Clear)

16. When debugging JSP, change /conf/server.xml

in Tomcat

??????? docbase = "c: / eclipse / workspace / myj2eeprect / myweb"

????????? Workdir = "c: / eclipse / workspace / myj2eeproject / j2src" />

DOCBASE = "D: / Workspace / myjsp / test" path = "/ test" reloadable = "true" workdir = "d: / workspace / myjsp / j2src" />

J2SRC does not change

17.CVS --- concurrent version of the system (Chinese manual) v1.12.9http: // //cvsdoc-zh.gro.clinux. ORG another CVS manual: Unable to display new installed plugins solutions

Delete the platform.xml file under C: /eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.Update, restart Eclipse

19. Evaluation

The latest and most practical IDE environment eclipse in the world. Plus the analysis design tool Eclipseuml, the Struts of the MVC architecture,

Object data binding architecture OJB, automatic unit test tool for Web systems, JUnit and HttpUnit, and the most popular database MySQL, most

The popular version of the management server CVS, and the best web engine Tomcat, Java / JSP / Servlet, JBoss.

What is the license for ECLIPSE? Now Eclipse-related licenses are most common-based, CPL, CPL is Open Source

INITIATIVE (OSI) license approved. Due to the establishment of Eclipse Foundation, Eclipse licenses will gradually tend to make

With Eclipse Public License (EPL), EPL is a license similar to CPL and is working on OSI's certification. In addition,

Eclipse also involves multiple open source projects and various licenses, mainly Apache Software License, IBM Public License

, Metro Link Public License and Mozilla Public License. Personal no need to care too much about the license, the company is using

Before the development of Eclipse, it is best to ask the legal person to study.


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