Twenty-two laws in the market

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  43

Twenty-two law market

Law of Leadership ABSTRACT from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

Many people think that the key to the market is to persuade others to have a better product or provide better service.

This is wrong. If your market share is small, you need to compete with big companies, then your market strategy needs to be deeply considered and adjusted. Because you have violated the market leader law (Law of Leadership).

The most essential point in the market is to create a category market that makes it first in this category market. This is the leader in the market: it is better to be the first tour to be better. This truth is more obvious, when you have a product, and occupy the position of the leader in the market, you have to say that you have A product that is more likely to be better than the current product in the current market.

We can explain this question through an example:

(1) Who is the first person to fly through the Atlantic Ocean?

(2) Who is the second person who fly through the Atlantic Ocean?

Obviously, most people know that the first person who fleszes through the Atlantic Ocean is Charles Lindbergh. But most people can't remember who is the second person. The second person is Bert Hinkler. His time has been used less, and less fuel consumes less. But how many people know Bert Hinkler?

In today's competitive environment, a Me-Too product has become a bigger and better brand in the market. In many types of markets, the brand of leaders is often the first company that enters the market. For example: in the car rental market, he is hertz; in the computer market, it is IBM; in the cola market, it is CoCa-cola.

After the Second World War, Heineken is the first beer introduced into the United States. About 50 years later, who is the first? In fact, there were already 425 brands in the US beer market, and they definitely have some tastes, the taste is better than Heineken, but Heineke is still the leader of the beer market, accounting for about 30% of the market.

But not every first brand that enters the market can become a leader. For example, Frosty Paws is the first ice cream made for dogs. Although the dog likes it very much, but the dog's person thinks that the dog does not need ice cream, the dog is already very happy to be able to lick the tray or bone.

The leader is compared to any product, any brand, any market type. For example, you may not know which US first university is? People often think that universities in the market are the first one. So, which is the most famous university? Is Harvard University. In fact, Harvard University is the first university established in the United States.

There are more examples here to illustrate that the first product or company that enters a certain type of market will often become the leader of this type of market.

Jeep is the first four-wheeled off-road model;

Acura is the first luxury Japanese car;

IBM is the first company with main frame computer;

Sun Microsystems is the first company with Work Station;

Now, Jeep, Acura, IBM, Sun is a leader brand in their respective markets.

and also:

The first microcar introduced into the United States is Chrysler. Now Chrysler accounts for 10% of the vehicle market, and 50% of the microcontrol market is present;

The first desktop laser printer is introduced by HP. HP is now 5% of the share in the PC market, occupying 45% of the share in the laser printer market. There are still many similar examples, and Gillette is the first safe razor brand. TIDE is the first clothing cleaner brand; Hayes is the first computer to rule the demodulator brand. And now, they are all leader brands.

The first brand often became a leader brand, one of the reasons, the first brand name is often the role of seeds. For example, Xerox is the brand of the first ordinary paper copy. People often stand in front of a Sharp or Ricoh copy, saying: I want to get a new Xerox copy. Similarly, in the Cola shop, they will give you a Cola, although they sell Pepsi-Cola. People often use the name of the first brand to represent the items they want, although these items are not what they said. For example, people will also say: Fedex this postal package to the East Coast. So when you want to create a new market type, first design a word (seed) that can play a seed effect as a representative.

It can be said that the market is the war of Perception, not a product of product.

Neil armstrong is the first person walking on the moon, who is the second person?

Roger Bannister is the first one-mile running for four minutes, who is the second person?

George Washington is the first president of the United States, who is the second?

Thomas's is the first British muffins brand, who is the second?

GATORADE is the first sports drink, who is the second?

If you are the second to enter a certain type of market, then it will be like Buzz Aldrin, John Landy, John Adams, some unknown muffins, or some unknown sports drinks, will gradually disappear? otherwise.

Fortunately, we have other market rules. But important, always remember:

It is much better to be the first tour.

Law of Category Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

In Law Of Leadership, we can very easily say who is the first person who fleshy over the Atlantic Ocean, but maybe who is the second? But who is the third person who fails to fly over the Atlantic?

People usually think: If you don't even know the second one, you will know the third person. otherwise. Many people know that the third party is Amelia Earhart. Not because she is the third, people remember; but because she is the first female who fly over the Atlantic Ocean.

So if you are not the first market that enters a certain category, don't give up. Create a new category market in the market, making you first. As long as you want to think, you can do it.

For example, after IBM occupies the first position in the computer market, a large number of companies entered this market, such as Control Data, General Electric, Honeywell, NCR, RCA, Sperry, Snow White, The Seven Dwarf, etc. However, many companies do not work hard to become the "second largest computer company in the world", but have created some new categories in the computer market, making them first in the new category market. For example, although IBM is the first in the computer, the DEC is the first in the microcomputer market; Tandem is the first in the fault-tolerant computer market; Stratus becomes the first corporate that is the first tolerant microcomputer. CRAY Research in high-end, the first time, the concept of supercomputement and production of products, CONVEX combines high-end and miniature, the first production of micro supercomputer products. There are other ways to create a new market category. For example, Dell is in the computer market, the first computer company using a phone sales method. Lear's is not the first women's magazine, but the first magazine for mature female.

Therefore, when you are ready to develop or put a new product to the market, you should first ask yourself: If the product is first, which type of market should be, instead of this product is more than the same type of product? Better place. In other words, which category of this product is first, not the second.

When you are confident that your product is the first in the market category you created, then you will drive this market. DEC told people to buy a microcomputer, not directly telling people, should go to buy a DEC microcomputer. Similarly, Hertz sells Rent-a-car services, Coca-Cola sells drinks, and never said that we sell HERTZ's car rental service or Coca-cola drink.

In fact, you have no competitors in this market, because you are the first in this market.

IF you can't be the first in a category, set uppin.

Brain law in the market (Law of Mind) Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

The world's first personal computer is MITS Altair8800. According to the leader law in the market, MITS Altair8800 should become the first brand in the personal computer market, but not.

Du Mont invented the world's first commercial TV. Hurley introduced the first washing machine, but these did not become Leader.

Don't you say that the leader in the front market has a mistake? Not. This is just because the head is changed. In people's minds, the first is more effective than in the market. In the mind, you can become the first in the market, but it is the first to make you more easily in the market in the market.

For example, IBM is not the first in the Main Frame computer market, Remington Rand is the first main frame, but IBM is the first in people's minds, so it has also won this competition.

Law of Perception will be introduced later in the market. If the market is a perceived war, rather than the war of the product, then, first, winning the mind is more important than first winning the market.

Some people may have some ideas or concepts, and they believe that these ideas or concepts can bring huge changes, or actually. The problem is how to make these ideas or concepts, which makes these ideas or concepts into and account for people's minds. The traditional solution is Money. That is to use Money to establish agency for product production and service, or use Money to organize a press conference, participate in the exhibition or advertising. Unfortunately, this will cause more impressions to people, think that money is the only way to solve this problem.

Xerox is a leader in a copier market, but it hopes to enter the computer market. But very unfortunately, after 25 years, Xerox spent $ 2 billion, but nothing got. Wang is first in terms of word processing, but although it takes millions of dollars to promote their computer and microcomputer market, Wang is still a word processing company in people's mind.

If you want to change some of your computer, open it and change it. But if you want to change some things in people's minds, still free. Once a person has formed an impression, it is difficult to change. One of the most cost-effective things in the market is to strive to change people's impression.

If you want to change the impression in people's minds, you can't use the gradually deepening method, you need to be ruined, the autumn wind sweeps the leaf, to change, in people's mind, completely overturned the old impression, establish new impression. Why did you do this? Because people have formed an impression of you, then you are such a type of person in people's mind, not another type of person. This impression is difficult to change.

The impression formed in people's minds benefited from the company's short and easy to remember. The names of other competitors are relatively complex and lengthy. Early, five major computer brands are: Apple II, Commodore PET, IMSAI 8080, MITS Altair 8800 and Radio Shack TRS-80. Obviously, Apple II is the easiest and most easily memorized.

IT is better to be first in min..

Law of Perception Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

The market is not a war of products, but a perceived war.

Many people believe that the market is the war of products, the best quality products will eventually win the victory of the market. In fact, this is just a fantasy, there is no factual basis. Obviously, there is no optimal product, the advantages and disadvantages are relative, not absolute. Most marketers think that truth is in them, they think that their products are optimal, and strive to win the market victory through comparative products. As everyone knows, better products are also called good products due to people's perception.

Let us explain one example, the market is a perceived war, not the product.

In the United States, the three best-selling Japanese cars are Honda, Toyota, Nissan. Many people think that competition between the three brands is based on quality, model, price, or other factors. wrong. It is a perceived perception of Honda, Toyota, and Nissan. Which brand will win the market. The market is a perceived war.

Japanese car manufacturers sell the same car in the United States and Japan. If the market is a product war, then in the Japanese market or in the US market, the sort of different brands should be the same. After all, the quality, model, relative price, or even side of the car sold in Japan and the United States are almost the same. However, in Japan, Honda is not the first, and the top is to Toyota, and Honda is only in the third. Toyota's sales in Japan is four times that of Honda. So what is this? Whether it is Honda, Toyota or NISSAN, the car is the same, but the market sales is different? Is it the reason for the product? Obviously not, but a sense of perception.

If you tell your friends, you have bought a Honda in New York, they will ask: "Which Honda, Civic, Accord is you buy?" But if you tell your friends, say you I bought a honda in Japan, they will ask: "What kind of motorcycle do you bought?" Car.

Some of the heads of some beverage manufacturers believe that the market is a taste war. Everyone knows that New Coke is the first place. CoCA-COLA has made a 200,000-person survey, tasting CoCa-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and New Coke, thinking New Coke's taste is the best, Pepsi-Cola second, Coca-cola rankings third . But who has won the market? The taste is the best NEW COKE in the third place, and the taste is the first Coca-Cola in the market is the first brand in the market. why?

People will believe that they want to believe in things, people want to drink drinks they want to drink. The market is the war of people, not the taste of war.

It makes this situation more complex is that people usually do the purchase behavior is often based on second-hand perceived information. This is the rule of "people".

People know that domestic Lenovo family computers are an excellent brand, and the service of Lenovo computer is first class. Therefore, when purchasing a computer, it is often based on "Everyone knows the service of the Lenovo computer" to make a decision to buy Lenovo Computer. But when you ask if people who purchase the Lenovo computer is about the first-class personal feelings of Lenovo computer service, the answer is "no". The decision they purchase Lenovo computer is made based on the perception of others.

If you have purchased a Lenovo computer and you can't get a satisfactory service, then you are very unlucky. Because everyone knows that Lenovo computer service is first class. If you buy other brands of computers, and get a satisfactory service, then you are lucky, because other brands of computer services are not first in the eyes of others.

If someone purchased a bottle of fresh milk from the two milk drinks of A, B, but found a small glass piece from the milk purchased by the Other, so it will be announced through the media, prosecution. In the people. It is conceivable that the market sales situation after the two stores will be? Despite the later, it can prove that it will have a glass piece in a variety of milk drinks through a large-scale sampling, expert evaluation, on-site survey, etc., but who will believe it, this is still important, it will cause How big is it?

No, because people's perceptions have already believed that glass sheets may appear in the milk drinks, but the hotel has never had this situation, and many people around them think that people's perception will not be because of the glass store Advertising, sampling survey, etc.

Therefore, the market is a perceived war, rather than the war of products. Marketing is not a battle of product, it's a battle of perceptions.

Law of Focus ABSTRACT from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

If a company can find a way to make a vocabulary representing your company deeply rooted in people's minds, then this company may be very successful. This vocabulary can be very simple, nor does it require special creation. Simple vocabulary found directly from the dictionary, the effect is the best.

This is the focus method. By concentrating your own business or scope into a vocabulary, the company will root in people's minds, the vocabulary is the focus.

Federal Express can use the word Overnight to represent yourself, omit a lot of business, and focus on Overnight Package Delivery.

The leaders in the market have their own focus in their market types - vocabulary. For example, IBM has Computer. Usually people will say, I want to buy an IBM machine. He doesn't need to say, I want to buy an IBM computer, the general people think that he needs an IBM computer, not other commodities. This is the power of the focus.

We can also confirm the importance of focus on the market through a test. When we are talking about Computer, Copier, Chocolate Bar, COLA, we usually contact IBM, Xerox, Hershey's, Coke.

The most effective vocabulary is often just simple and related to commercial stake. Regardless of how complicated products, no matter how complicated market demand, focus on a vocabulary in two or more words, regardless of the market demand.

Of course, the focus often leads to a chain effect. For example, Safer often means better design and technology, Thicker often means better quality and concentration. Many famous, successful companies can often grow roots in people's minds on behalf of their focus, below is some examples:

CREST ------ 龉 龉

Mercedes ------ Craft

BMW ------ driving

Volvo ------ Safety

Domino's ------ delivery home

Pepsi-cola ------ Youth

Nordstrom ----- Service

Vocabulary can be targeted for multiple aspects, such as target customers (Pepsi-Colas, "services (send or go home), stake-related (to prevent 龉龉), sales-related (preferred brands).

Once a vocabulary is rooted in people's minds, it will be a very difficult thing to change it. The manager of the Lotus Development Corporation will explain this.

In a long time, Lotus has spreadsheet words, in fact, Lotus is Spreadsheet and 1-2-3. But as competition is increasingly fierce, the growth space is also very limited, and Lotus hopes to develop further.

Later, Lotus purchased Ami Pro Word Processing Software and introduced a large number of new software products through extended product lines. Then Lotus repositions their own products and proposes the focus of GroupWare. It can be said that Lotus is the first company to develop GroupWare products and have successful. Lotus has successfully converted its focus spreadsheet in people's minds into groupware. But it has also experienced considerable time and financial resources. The key to the market is to make your business more and more flat, once you compress your business, you are more powerful in the scope represented by the focus. If you want to fully reflect your business, you can't represent anything, you can't reflect anything I hope to reflect.

When choosing your focus, you can't choose vocabulary like "Quality, Taste". When you choose a vocabulary, you need to cultivate your competitors. Obviously, there is no company is willing to produce UN Quality's goods, nor a company is willing to produce Taste Bad drinks. As a leader, you need to have followers. For Lotus, if there are other companies to enter the Groupware market, there is an intentional thing for Lotus. It will make Lotus's market types more important, of course, more beneficial to consolidate Lotus leaders in this market.

and so:

The Most Powerful Concept in Marketing Is Owning a Word in The Prospect's Mind.

Law of Exclusive (Law of Exclusive) Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

When your competitor already has a vocabulary, trying to have the same vocabulary as its own focus will eventually lead to failure.

As us say before, Volvo has Safety. Many other car manufacturers, including Mercedes Benz and General Motors, have also hoped that Safety is based on Safety market strategy. However, only Volvo makes Safety takes people's minds.

Once a person has formed a thought, it is difficult to change. In fact, if you continue this, you will continue to increase the position of the competitor.

Federal Express has tried to change from Overnight to Worldwide to capture the market from DHL WorldWide Express. So, "Overnight Letter" appearing on the postal parcel before FEDEX, and its advertisement is also transformed by "When IT Absolutely, Positately Has to BERE OVERNIGHT" is also translucent.

This way, there is a very important issue: Federal Express has WorldWide vocabulary? No. Because this vocabulary has been owned by DHL WorldWide Express. The concept of DHL propaganda is: Faster to more of the world. Therefore, Federal Express is only confront to DHL by flattening WorldWide, and cannot be implemented by trying to have a focus of WorldWide.

A few years ago, market research showed that for fast food, the most important feature is FAST. So Burger King decided to develop fast food in Faster as its own focus. Its slogan said: if the world desward, our adventising shouth tell the we are fast. But in market research, there is no explanation: FAST This vocabulary is actually owned by McDonald. FAST belongs to McDonald, McDonald is FAST. Despite this, Burger King still starts market movement of the slogan "Best Food for Fast Times". This is almost a disaster. The consequence of that is: Advertising agencies are fired, and the management team is fired and the company is sold.

Many people are paying a price because of the provinces in the market.

Two Companies Can Not Own The Same Word in The Prospect's Mind.

Laying method in the market (law of ladder) Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

If you can't occupy the first position in the market, it does not mean the final failure. Because there is still a stepped method to solve the second or third problem.

Any product is incomplete. When people make a purchase decision, there is always a product order. For each type of market, there is always a ladder in the hearts of the market to sort the products in the market, and every ladder is a brand. With car rental, hertz is the first, AVIS is the second, national is the third.

Your product strategy needs to correspond to your location in the ladder of this type of market. Let's see this example of AVIS. Avis is a long period of time, and the advertising theme is a high quality service, such as "Finest In Rent-a-Cars". But people will feel strange after seeing this advertisement, how can AVI have the best car rental service, it is not a car rental company of NO 1.

Then, AVIS changed the market strategy, which admitted its position, and the slogan also became "Avis IS Only No 2 in Rent-a-Car, SO why go with us? We Try Harder". Avis loses a lot of money in length in 13 years. But when it admits his status, it began to make money, and earned a lot of money. But shortly AVIS is sold to ITT, and the advertising strategy has become "Avis IS Going to Be No 1".

But people say: No, it is not, hertz is just. Even many people call him directly to HERTZ. Obviously, this is a disaster for AVIS.

Many market analysts believe that Avis's success is attributed to its efforts. This is wrong, AVIS is mainly because it associates market strategies with their position in the market.

In people's minds, what is the ladder of your product? How many ladder is there in this ladder? This relies on your product to use the product or low density using products. People use products every day belong to high-density use products such as cigarettes, cola, beer, toothpaste, food, etc., such product market ladder more ladder; unusually purchased products are low-density use products, such as furniture, Luggage, etc., such products correspond to the ladder.

It is possible to provide people who have a sense of high-density, such as cars, watches, cameras, and, with, such as such products, the markets, are often more ladder, although they are not purchased.

The market portraits that are not often purchased and can lead to unpleasant things related to the market portraits, such as automotive batteries, tires, life insurance, etc. There is a big relationship between market share and the ladder steps. Generally, if the products X, Y, Z correspond to the first, second and third gradients of the same type, then the proportion of market share in X, Y, and Z is about 4: 2: 1.

So, how many of the ladder on a type market? Almost 7. If people have listed the first few commodity brands on a product market they are familiar with, few people can be numbered. Dr. George A. Miller, a Psychology of Harvard University, has said that human intelligence usually does not handle more than 7 things at the same time. At the same time, 7 is also a iconic number. If the phone number is generally 7, the world's 7 miracles, Snow White and 7 dwarfs, 7 dangerous signals of cancer.

Sometimes, although you can dominate the market ladder corresponding to our own products, this ladder is too small. Be a big fish in a big pond may be better than the big fish in a small pond. In other words, in a large market, the third may be better than in a small market.

The ladder method is very simple, but it is very useful. Before starting a market plan, first ask yourself a few questions: In some of the people's minds, which is the ladder order? First, second, third, or not on this market ladder?

Then confirm that your market plan is adapted to the ladder of the market. This is the step law.

The Strategy To Use Depends on Which Rung You Occupy on The Ladder.

Law of Duality Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

In the early stage of a new market category, there may be many ladder steps on the corresponding ladder, that is, there are a lot of brands. In the long run, there will be only two gradients on the ladder.

In the battery market, there are Eveady and Duracell; in the film market, there are Kodak and Fuji; in the car rental market, hertz and avis; in the waters market, there are listerine and scope; in the hamburge market, there are McDonald's and Burger King; Shoes market, Nike and Reebok; in the toothpaste market, with crest and colgate.

In 1969, there were three major brands of Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and Royal Crown Cola, accounted for 60%, 25% and 6%, respectively. The remaining points are posted by other brands of products. The binary law indicates that there will only be only two brands in the future, and the market share of the first brand will be reduced, and the market share of the ranking will increase. 20 years later, in 1991, the market score of the first brand was reduced to 45%, and the market share of the second brand increased to 40%, and the third Royal Crown Cola dropped to 3%.

Understanding the market is very beneficial for a binary market to develop a recent or medium-term market strategy. When you are a third brand of a type of market, you need to carefully consider your market strategy. Suitable market strategies play a key role in your sales situation.

It often appears, in the second grade position, often more than one brand. Take a laptop as an example, Toshiba is the first brand, accounting for 21% of the market. But there are five companies ranking, including Zenith, Compaq, NEC, Tandy and Sharp, with approximately 8-10% of the market. Now, although there are about 130 brands in the laptop market, from the binary rule, there are only a few brands in the future. We will wait and see. Let's take a look at the auto market. In 1904, there were about 61 car companies in the United States; in 10 years, it has increased to 531 car companies, but there were 346 closed closures; until 108 continued to exist in 1923; to 1927, left 44 under 44. Now, Ford and General Motors lead to the entire car market.

Successful market experts will put primary energy on the first and second ports. General Electric's CEO Jack. Welch once said: In GE, only those products in the market are the first or second products to win in the global competitive market and are reserved and rapidly developed. The remaining or closed or is reroute or is sold.

The 44 product brands of P & G are in the US market, and 32 products occupy the first or second position.

Of course, the sales of products occupying the second or third position on the step may seem very attractive. Sales rise, new customers continue to join their customer base. However, these customers often don't know who is the leader in the market. All them often choose those products that look more attractive or interesting when making a purchase decision.

Over time, these customers have gradually understand the market and believe that the leading brands on the market will be better than their previous brand, so they will turn into a leading brand.

It is worth noting that customers often consider the competition of products on the market. Therefore, for the first, second brands on the market, customers will think that these brands are best because they are leaders in the market.

In The Long Run, Every Market Becomes A Two-Horse Race.

Law of opposite Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

No matter the powerful, there is also your own weaknesses. When the right angle force, use the other party's strength to fight against each other, a company should fully recognize the advantages and weakness of market leaders, and transform the other's weakness into their own advantages to fight against leaders brand. In other words, don't try our best, try your best to change.

CoCA-Cola is the first brand with a hundred years of history. Only 7 people know the recipe of CoCa-Cola. According to the legislative, Pepsi-Cola presented a beautiful Cola beverage, claiming this is a PEPSI generation COLA, and therefore be a second brand.

For any type of market, there are always some customers who want to buy the first brand of products, and there are always some customers who don't want to buy the first brand of products. As a company that wants to be a second brand, it needs to be the main appeal of the market strategy as a market strategy. Therefore, if Pepsi can attract all young people to choose Pepsi, then who will drink Royal Crown Cola?

However, there are too many NO 2 hopes to replace NO 1, which is wrong, you must position itself into something different from NO 1, and strive to become a replacement of NO 1.

When Beck's beer introduces the United States, it is not the first to introduce the US beer (the first introduction of the United States is Heineken), nor the first German beer appeared in the US market (the first German beer in the United States. Lowenbrau). But Beck's slogan is "Maybe you have already tasted the most popular German beer in the United States, now please taste the most popular German beer in Germany!" Now, Beck's is the second largest European beer sales. (For beer, I would like to believe in my feelings of German beer, and I would rather believe that German feels for German beer.)

In addition, ranking second products cannot be small in market strategies, but should directly adopt a strategy for the first brand. Otherwise, you will become easy to attack, these attacks will not be just from the first brand, and will also come from the ladder marks. The following is an example of Burger King.

Burger king has been very successful. It directly targeted McDonald's, such as "Have It Your Way" corresponding to McDonald's mass production; "Broiling, Not Frying" corresponds to the frying method of McDonald's. All of these deeply consolidated the status of the second ladder of Burger King.

Later, I don't know why, Burger King ignores the legislative. It becomes timid and stops attacking McDonald's, and the slogan has become "The Best Food for Fast Times", "We do it the way you do it", etc. It did even launch a market plan to try to attract children, and this is precisely the major customer base of McDonald's.

Burger King gradually lost the second position and did not return to the grand event. Because Burger King violates the legislation on the market.

If you are shanging for second place, your statate is determined by the leader.

Law of Division Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

The variata in the medium is likely to split, and the entire market area can be seen to make a changing ocean of different types of markets.

When you start, there is only one type, such as a computer, etc. But over time, this single type of market will be divided into several parts. Taking a computer as an example, including Mainframes, MiniComputers, WorkStations, Personal Computers, Laptops, Notebooks, and Pen Computer.

Like a computer, the car is just a single category, Chevrolet, Ford and Plymouth dominate this market. With the continuous segmentation of the market, the cars in the market can be divided into luxury cars, sports cars, four-wheeled off-road vehicles, mini cars, etc.

At the field of TV, ABC, CBS and NBC occupy approximately 90% of the market, covering 90% of viewers. Later, there was a network TV, cable TV, toll TV, public TV, interactive TV, etc.

Each market type after submissions is relatively independent, different. Each market type has its own reasons, and has its own market leaders, often this leader is different from the initial market leader. IBM is the Leader of Main Frame, Sun is the Leader of Work Station, DEC is Minis's Leader.

However, many companies mistakenly believe that the long-term trend of the market is merger, not subdivided. This is wrong. In the long run, the market is only subdivided and does not merge. Take a look at the financial service market. If the long-term trend of the market is merger, in the future, we will not see banks, insurance, securities, brokers or mortgage stores. We will see financial services companies, which will meet all of people's financial services. This will not happen.

In order to ensure that you have dominated this type of market, you should create a new brand for this type of market, just like GE, it has Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Cadillac, Geo, Saturn and so on. Brand.

Otherwise, you will cause errors. Take Volkswagen as an example. Volkswagen successfully introduces small cars into the US market. Its Beetle has been very successful and won about 67% of the market. Volkswagen is so successful, it hopes to enter the large car market, selling a larger, faster, and more sporty car like GE products. Therefore, it will introduce the United States in various models manufactured in Germany, but they are all crowned to the same brand: Volkswagen.

Its advertisement is called: Different Volks for Different Folks. Five different models, including Beetle, 412 Sedan, Dasher, Thing, and a Station Wagon. There is no need to say, keeping only beetle.

Then Volkswagen stops selling Beetle to facilitate greater, faster, more expensive models such as Vanagon, Sirocoo, Jetta, Golf GL, Cabriolet, and more. It even established a factory in Pennsylvania to produce these new cars.

Unfortunately, the small car market continues to subside. Because people can't buy an economical, durable car from Volkswagen, all they turn to Toyota, Honda and Nissan.

Now, Volkswagen67% has dropped to less than 4%. A competitor of Volkswagen, Honda decided to compete for high-end markets. Honda did not use Honda brand in a luxury car, but introduced Acura. Honda even spends huge sums to establish an Acura brand to avoid confusion with Honda.

Acura became the first Japanese luxury car sales in the United States, and now Acura's sales is better than Volkswagen. Honda already has two leaders' brands.

Time is also very important. You can't create a brand too early. Returned for decades, Nash Rambler is the first small car in the United States. But the US auto market has not developed.

It is a good thing that can be earlier to enter the market and build their own brand. But only you have prepared time and money to wait for the market development, you can really enter people's minds and have the opportunity to get leaders.

Over Time, a category will Divide and Become Two or More Categories.

Law of Perspective Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

According to your point of view, alcohol is a stimulus, or a sedative?

If you go to some bars or dance halls at night, you will find alcohol is a stimulus. The harsh music, crazy dance and incurred people after drinking are the best proof. But at 4:00 am, when you find that some people are drunk on the street, you will think that alcohol is actually a sedative.

From chemical, alcohol is a strong sedative. But in a short time, by releasing people's psychological depression, alcohol looks like a stimulus. Many market trends also show the same phenomenon. The long-term impact is often inconsistent with the short-term effect.

In a short period, excessive diet can meet your appetite, but it will cause obesity and other conditions for a long time.

Consumption will be stimulated in a short period of time, but it will lead to economic recession after a long period of time.

Similar situations, there are many cases, such as excessive consumption, medication, walking room, and long-term effects often go to the opposite of the short-term effect.

Do you think that the price reduction sales promotes the increase in sales? Obviously, in the short term, the price reduction sales can improve commercial sales. But more and more facts prove that price-selling sales will reduce the company's sales and market share from the long run because it tells people that the transactions just reached when selling prices are the right deal. The price-selling store will tell consumers are too high, and the price after price cut is the right price. Therefore, when the price reduction is stopped, people will avoid far.

There is no evidence to prove price-selling sales, including coupons, discounts, etc., will increase sales from the long run. Many shops or companies have found that they have to be sold frequently to maintain the normal sales level. Because they find that once the price is stopped, the sales will dramatically dive, and even the level of equalization is maintained.

The price reduction sales is essentially educating consumers only if they can get a lower, more reasonable price. So what if a company never takes a price reduction or similar measures?

In the region of retail, the winners of the market are those who offer "Everyday Low Price", such as Wal-Mart, etc.

In terms of shower heating, everyone can see the market, the sales of Opu Yuba have always been leading, but they are taking a unified price. For consumers, no matter where you are in large supermarkets, still in the street shop, or is still Shopping malls, the price you see is always unified and has never been reduced by any discount sales, preferential promotions. They have won the market with high quality and quality services. And I will eventually choose to buy the Opu Maritime.

In terms of clothing, it is also very obvious. When most brands in the mall are busy discounted, preferential sales to improve their sales, and Baozi and other international famous brands have never participated in activities, and there is no preferential measures (Baoji will regularly hold the discount sales activities of clothing, but this period is generally long Used to handle styles excessive clothing). However, Baozi's customer base is always faithfully purchasing the treasures that they want to buy, but will not lose because there is no discount.

The market's vision is very simple, but always remember: the market is not a game of amateur. When you are excited because of short-term effects, please note that the long-term effects of the long-term effect caused by your approach are gradually spread.

"Medienity, often happy; when you are proud, you will have a sadness."

Marketing Effects Take Place Over An Extended Period of Time.

Law of Line Extension Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

If you violate any market law, you will inevitably lead to the company's closing, then the companies that exist now have nothing.

In all market rules, it is most likely to violate the expansion rule. Because the role of the extension is not perceived, it will not be noticed continuously. Just like a bookcase or a suitcase, you will be filled with it unconsciously.

A company can focus on a piece of product in a period of time. In the future, this company constantly loses the market because of product line expansion, and cannot be profitable. Therefore, when a company tries to provide all possible items to all customers, it will be in trouble. Just like a manager, I would rather be strong in some respects, I am not willing to be weak in many ways.

From a narrow perspective, the extension means placing a successful product brand on a new product. For example, A-1 Steak Sauce and A-1 Poultry Sauce.

It may make sense to sound. We already have a very successful product A-1 Steak Sauce, and occupy most of the market share. But people's tastes may be turned from BEEF to Chicken, so we need to introduce a new product to adapt to changes in people's taste. This has poultry sauce, of course, is called A-1 Poultry Sauce. Because this tells people that this Sauce is from the first brand A-1 in the market.

However, the market is a perceived war, not the war of products. In people's minds, A-1 is no longer a brand, but the alternative vocabulary of Steak Sauce. So when a chef said: Can you give me a A-1? No one will answer: A-1 What?

It turns out that A-1 Poultry Sauce is a catastrophic failure for the company.

In the long run, the extension will not have any benefits for the company's development. As you know, create a new taste is a common method for market share. More tastes, more market share. It sounds reasonable and actually does not work.

Back in 1978, 7-Up is just a simple citric acid uncola, which has a share of 5.7% of the market. Next, this company introduced 7-Up Gold, Cherry 7-Up, but now the 7-Up market share has dropped to 2.5%.

It is almost constant that leaders in a certain type of market are often not extended. Take Baby Food as an example, Gerber has 72% of the market, beyond Beech-NUT and Heinz, and the two are expanded companies.

Despite the expansion of the company's long-term development, the exemplary examples are everywhere:




Heinz Ketchup and Heinz Baby Food?

Adidas Running SHOES and Adidas Cologne?

Levi's Blue Jeans and Levi's Shoes?

Why do most managers recognize the expansion rule, but will also deliberately expand? One major reason is that the extension is no longer in long-term development, but its short-term effect is the opposite.

Most is small. The more products, the more markets. However, the longer the product line, the less money earned.

less is more. When a company hopes to grow in the future, you need to focus on a few products in order to win the status of people in people's minds.

For many companies, establishing a new brand not only requires financial support, but also needs a good idea or concept. For a brand, its success needs to live in a new market type, or become a replacement product of leaders in a type of market. Those who wish to wait until the market have entered the company. When they enter, the first and seconds of this type of market have established their status. Therefore, these companies will naturally need to expand, using existing brands to stimulate the entry and development of their company products in this type of market.

This is the expansion rule.

There is an orresistable pressure to extend the equity of the brand.

Abandoning law in the market Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

Abandoning the law is corresponding to the expansion. If you want to succeed, you must abandon some things to ensure that your energy can be concentrated on the product capable of becoming Leader.

As a company, there are three things that can be discarded: product lines, target markets and continuous changes.

Let's talk about the product line first. For a company, it is very extravagant to have all product lines. If you want to succeed, you must reduce your product line, not to expand it. There is no fact that you can prove: The more you can sell, the more you sell. This is very wrong.

Take EMERY AIR FREIGHT as an example. Emery is a company that runs air freight business. Whether you want to transport any type of goods through air transport, Emery can do, including large goods, small goods, delay delivery, overnight delivery, etc.

From the market's point of view, what is the business of Federal Express? It is the overnight air freight business that specializes in small goods. Now, Federal Express is much larger than Emery Air Freight.

The powerful vitality and development potential of Federal Express is that it can be deeply rooted in people's minds in people's minds. When you need to send a piece of goods overnight, you will first think of Federal Express.

So, what is Federal Express done? This company did the same thing as Emery Air Fright. Expand the product line. It waits Overnight to extend the product line from Tiger INTERNATIONAL in the hands of 880 Million. Now, Federal Express is a worldwide air cargo transportation company, but there is no worldwide corresponding location. Within 21 months, Federal Express loses more than $ 1 billion worth.

The market is the competition of the mind, which is a sense of competition, not the competition of the product or service. In people's minds, Federal Express is an Overnight company, rather than a world-wide company that is engaged in any air transport business. At the beginning, Federal Express has Overnight this vocabulary, but when it turns to international business, Federal Express faces a market dilemma. Can it use a domestic brand to identify new images engaged in international business? Or should it create a new name? In addition, it is also facing competing with DHL, DHL is the first company entering the international air transport business.

For Federal Express, the Abandon Overnight market is very bad, it is even more bad that it cannot use a new name to replace Overnight's Federal Express.

Take another example. Eveready maintains a leader in the battery sector. But new technologies have emerged. The first technology is the Heavy-Duty battery. If you have kept NO 1 position in the battery area, how will you name your new product? The most likely idea is that Eveready Heavy-Duty Battery, which is doing Eveready. Then, the technology is Alkaline battery, the same, Eveready called it is an Eveready Alkaline battery. It seems to be reasonable. Later, p.r.mallory introduced an Alkaline battery product line and only produced Alkaline batteries. Different, p.r.mallory gave it a new name: DURACELL.

Duracell abandoned other products, and single-attack Alkaline battery market is to plant Long-Lasting batteries to grow in people's minds, thus winning the leadership position on the market. The result is that DURACELL has developed twice as Duracell.

EvereAdy had to change its product name, created a new brand "The Energizer", competing with DURACELL, but it is too late. Duracell has become the leader of the battery market.

Either generalist or Specialist. However, it turns out that Generalist is in vulnerable. Take a look at Kraft. Almost everyone knows that Kraft is a powerful brand. In Jellies & Jams Jam, Kraft has 9% of the market share, but SMucker has 35%; in the Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Market, Kraft has 18%, but Hellmann has 42%. Kraft does have some products that occupy a leader in the market, such as Cream Cheese, but Cream Cheese is not Kraft, but Philadelphia (a brand of Kraft), PHILADELPHIA has 70% of the market.

The second is the target market. Taking the Cola market as an example, Cocacola is the leader. So how is Pepsi-Cola who fight against? Pepsi-Cola discards all other markets of young people and positions their markets in the young people 's COLA. Now, Pepsi-Cola is in the US COLA market, and its sales are only 50% of CoCacola.

The goal of advertising is not the entire market, and the appeal of the market strategy is not those who actually buy your products. Even if Pepsi-Cola is positioned in the young market, the actual situation is that there are often many middle-aged and elderly people drink Pepsi-Cola, because they think they are young.

The third can discard continuous change. As a leader brand, you can't change any market changes. The best way to keep constant position is the first change, not yourself. There is not much speaking this aspect.

It turns out that lucky and opportunities will only fall in those who can abandon.

You Have to Give Up Something in Order to Get Something.

Characteristic France in the Market (Law of Attributes) Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

In the rules of row, you can't use the vocabulary owned by your competitors to compete with competitors. You must find your own vocabulary, in other words, you must find different characteristics with competitors.

Cocacola is the first Cola beverage and is the first choice for adult drinks. Pepsi-Cola is successful because it is positioned in your own choice. Crestes have CREST, other toothpaste manufacturers avoid using Cavities, turning to vocabulary such as Taste, Whitening, Breath Protection. The market is a sense of competition. If you want to succeed, you must use your own product characteristics and unique ideas to take into help. Some people say that not all features are equally important. Yes, for the product, some feature is more important than other features, and people will more value these features when making a purchase decision. Therefore, you should go as much as possible to have the most important characteristics that can express our products.

CAVITY PROTECTION is the most important feature of toothpaste products. But already have Crest has it. The rules in the market have already explained that if your competitors have a feature, you must give up it, otherwise it will be small. You have to turn to other feature vocabulary, such as Taste, Whitening, etc. What you have to do is to try to emphasize your product characteristics, and then improve your market share.

Over the years, IBM dominate the large machine market, it emphasizes the big and powerful (Big and Powerful). Those who later hoped to enter the main area of ​​these concepts into the Mainframe area, such as RCA, GE, UNIVAC, Burroghs, Honeywell, NCR, Control Data, etc. But from Boston, a company can create a new market with Small and MiniComputer, that is, DEC. Those large machine companies may laugh at DEC, US companies will only purchase large machines, so-called MiniComputer will not have any market. But facts have proven that SMALL is now spread all over the United States and around the world, but large machines are facing dilemmas.

There is a company, when its competitors put forward new product characteristics, not ridicule but competition is Gillette, the world's first large razor producer. Gillette almost dominated the world's razor market. When a small company from France put forward a confirmed feature, when a "free use" razor, Gillette did not ignore it, but produced its own raw razor, named Good news . Gillette won the victory of this competition through large-scale market propaganda.

Now, Gillette's random razor dominated this type of market.

For Every Attribute, There is an Opposite, Effective Attribute.

Law of Candor Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

Few people think that admitting their own shortcomings or insufficient behavior is good for their future market. So when a company adopts the deficiencies of a certain aspect of their own, many people will be more surprised when converting it into an associated advantage. But such practices tend to get a good effect.

"AVIS is just the second largest Rent A-CARS provider";

"Companies named SMUCHER's, it must be good";

"1970 VW will be more ugly";

"Joy, the most famous perfume in the world";

Whether it is the initial feeling, or the final feeling, frank is the easiest to make people eliminate the heart. Very sure, absolute words will make people disgusting, and then produce refusal psychology.

As mentioned above: "1970 VW will be more ugly" will make people think that ugly cars are inevitable, and it is not bad;

"Joy, the most famous perfume in the world" will make people think that since it is the most expensive, it must be the best;

"Companies named SMUCHER'S must be good." Many companies, you will first use your name to name it, but smucker 'is done. This is a reason why SMucker's becomes Jam and Jellies market leaders.

Since "AVIS is just the second largest Rent-A-CARS provider", they will inevitably work harder, provide better services, providing better products, so choosing Avis car should not be wrong.

Because you can't shake the leader in the market, your market behavior is best to use things that have been cured in people's minds, to promote their market development, just like Avis, etc.

When a company began to pass a message, when it is insufficient, people tend to accept, and then express their own views. Imagine a person with a question, I hope you can give a solution, you will be happy to help.

Now, since people's minds have accepted you, the next step is to translate the information you previously published into positive information and let people accept it. Scope used a tasteful washstone to enter the toothpaste market led by Listerine. How do Listerine do? It certainly can't tell people that Listerine's wash is not as bad, so the market will become very bad. Conversely, Listerine uses a confession, and the advertisement says "The Taste You Hate TWICE A Day".

Not only Listerine admits that the taste of the washstone is poor, but it also admits that people actually hate this taste. But this is just set up the sterilization concept of Listerine's washstone. In people's minds, it is believed that aspirates like Listerine will inevitably kill more bacteria, and the result of Listerine finally won a larger market.

However, be sure to pay attention to: The frank law must be used with caution, and it also requires high skills. First of all, you acknowledge that the deficiencies must be universal understanding of people; secondly, you must quickly convert shortcomings to the benefits of people's minds. The purpose of frankself is to establish a superior concept in people's minds, which in turn drives their own market development.

This law just proved an old saying: honest is the best strategy.

When You Admit a Negative, The Prospect will Give You a Positive.

Law of Singularity ABSTRACT from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

Many people think that success is a collection of results brought about by many smiling efforts. In fact, no matter whether you work hard, it does not have an essential difference in the results of the market. History proves: It is a single and fatal blow to real in the market. Furthermore, in any given situation, there is only one market effort to get a truly return.

Those successful corporate managers believe that fatal hits are just the behavior of competitors. It is already difficult to find a chance to find such a chance, constantly finding this opportunity is almost impossible.

Strategicists and writers B.h. Liddel Hart will call this deadly blow to the most impossible foresee of fronts or battlefields. The location selected by the famous Normandy land is a place that is dissatisfied with the rock, which is precisely the Germans believe that the most impossible place.

Hannibal crosses the ALPS mountains, one other person thinks it is impossible. Hitler bypasses the Maginot defense line, which passed its armored car unit, which is also where the French commander believes that the tank is impossible. In fact, Hitler has done twice, once in the France War, once a Bulge War. Similarly, in the market, the situation that is often met is that competitors often have only one place to be the weakener. This place is that you need to concentrate the most advantage to make competitors fall.

Look at General Motors, for a while, GM faces the competition from the low-end sedan from Japan, like Toyota, Datsun, Honda, etc., as well as competition from high-end sedans from Europe, such as Mercedes, BMW, etc.

With the offense of Japanese sedan and European sedan, GM has a lot of pressure. In order to save resources and maintain profits, GM made a very deadly decision, decided to use the same car model to produce different brands of cars. Almost suddenly, people can't distinguish which one is Pontiac or Chevrolet, which is Buick or OldSmobile, because they look similar.

This unified approach weakens the mid-range market of the GM, making it introduced to TAURUS and SABLE sedan, and Japan introduced Acura, Lexus and Infiniti. GM has been weakened from different degrees in high, medium and low-end markets.

Therefore, it must be remembered that your competitors have only one of the weakest places. The biggest efforts in your market are to focus on the strength of the strength, and make a fatal blow. This is the most effective strategy and method in the market.

IN Each Situation, Only One Move Will Produce Substantial Results.

Law of unpredictability (law of unpredictability) Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

In the market plan, it is often wrong about future circumstances. However, it is often deviated and errors based on what you have happened.

Even if you use hundreds of computers and a lot of meteorologists, no one can accurately predict weather conditions after three days, so how can you foresee the market in advance?

IBM has developed an OfficeVision plan, which plans to connect all PCs to the IBM's mainframe. But this plan failed because there was Sun Microsystems, Microsoft and many other companies' growth and continuous development. So it can be said that officevision has foreseen a lot of things, but the only unforeseen is from companies such as Sun, Microsoft and other companies.

So what should you do? How do you apply and deal with unforeseen rules? Although you can't preview the future, you can use the development trend. One example of the development trend is the growing health demand in the United States. This trend brings a lot of new products and market extensions, especially healthy foods.

For how to use the development trend, a big danger is to add inference. Many companies have asserted that a trend can last for a long time.

It is equally dangerous to incorporates that many companies have assumed that they have happened in the future. When a person says, what happens when he doesn't happen, he actually said that some things will happen. Please remember Peter: There is no foreseeable thing.

Although the use trend can help companies better foresee things that may happen in the future, from most of the cases, the market research often brings some problems. Market research can analyze the past things well. But new ideas and concepts are almost impossible to get it. People often know what they have to do next when they face an actual decision. A typical example is the research on the market before Xerox introduces a Plain-Paper copying machine. Studies have shown that no one will spend 5 cents to make a Xerox copy if they only need to spend 1.5 cents to make a THERMOFAX copy.

However, Xerox did not adopt the results of this market survey, but quickly introduced Xerox copiers, and everyone knows.

A method of dealing with unforeseen things in the future is to maintain a lot of flexibility in the enterprise. If you come, you can quickly adjust your business processes or organize architecture to adapt to new changes, thus maintaining a competitive advantage in long-term development.

No one can preview the future, and the market plan cannot be.

Unless You Write Your Competitors' Plans, You Can't Predict The Future.

Law of success from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

The biggest enemy of the self-contained is a successful market.

Objective is what the market needs.

When people succeed, they will tend to become less objective and are more conceited. They often use their ideas to replace products needed in the market.

Success is often the direct cause of product line expansion. When a product brand is successful, the company often believes that the brand is a key reason for this product. So they will expand the product production line and have successful product brands on all products. In fact, it is exactly the opposite, not the product brand, which has successfully obtained the product, the success of the brand is from your correct, appropriate market strategy. In other words, the market behavior you take meets the basic law of the market. Because you first entered this market, you can focus on a product, you can seize the essential properties of the product and make it root into people's minds.

The more you recognize and rely on your company's brand or product, you easily fall into the trap of the extension rule.

Sometimes, it is interested in it. It can successfully effectively promote the driving force of the market. However, if you will be harmful in market behavior. Wise market staff can think about future students. They link themselves with their customers, rather than impose their own subjective views in the market environment.

Generally, the greater the company, the easier management, the easier away from the market, which may be one of the very important factors that restrict the growth of the company. Smaller companies are closer to the market than the big company, which is why small companies can develop rapidly, because they do not use the "opportunity" of successful rules in the market.

Success off Arrogance, And Arrogance to Failure.

The failure law in the market (Law of Failure) Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

There are too many companies in the world trying to fix certain things, but they will not discard certain things. It is often "Let us find the problem and save the time".

Acknowledges a mistake but does not address it is unfavorable to people's career development. A better strategy is to find errors as soon as possible and then minimize losses. Failure is not terrible, terrible is constantly repeating some or some errors.

In general, the Japanese can recognize the error in the earlier, and then make the necessary changes. The main reason is their team decision method. The team's opinions often reduce the negative impact of individuals' self-intelligence. This unneurvisible and more objective practice makes Japan to succeed in many markets. It is not that they never make mistakes, but when they have an error, they will make a revision quickly and then continue to promote the development of the market. Let's see example of Wal-Mart. Wal-mart has another way to face the incorrect, called the "Ready, Fire and Aim" method of SAM Walton. People will not be punished because of a mistake, is like Wal-Mart's CEO said in the business weekly period. "If you can learn and master something, you will have a return. We should punish It is those who repeated the same mistake. "

If a company wants to develop in an ideal way, it must have team organizations, wise talents and leaders who dare to sacrifice. It will make people think of Patton and his army. In history, no troops can do so vast battlefields, and prisoner so many people, and the time is so short. Unfortunately, Patton was opened by Eisenhower.

Failure is to be evected and accountted.

ABSTRACT from ABSTRACT from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

When things have progressed smooth, a company does not need big advertisements. But when you need a lot of advertising, you often means that you are in trouble.

Young and lack of experienced journalists and editors often have been influenced by their coverage on other media, rather than relying on their own data and data. Once the big publicity and the scam start, it will often last for a long time.

Review history, a lot of great success in advertising, but eventually bringing failure. Taking the computer market as an example, there is no other computer than NEXT publicity. The meeting the audience is so strong, even if the conference hall can accommodate thousands, Steve Jobs have to print tickets in advance to limit the audience. All seats will be full. Steve Jobs made an advertisement in almost all large media and publications, and also published TV news. IBM, Ross Perot, Canon has invested $ 3 million for this.

Is NEXT successful? of course not.

The purpose of publicity is not to indicate that a product will succeed. The purpose of the big propaganda is to announce that existing products have been out of date.

The Polyster's purpose is to make WOOL outdated, the videotext purpose is to make NewSpaper, and Personal Helicopter wishes to pass the road and highways, and there are also Tucker 48, U.S. Football League, Manufactured Home, Picturephone, etc.

In future office advertising, all office appliances are integrated into a small box. But now we can see, separate computers, separate copiers, separate fax machines, separate laser printers, etc. The integrated office appliance described in the future office is just a fantasy that will not be implemented in the future.

In the long run, advertising is advertising. Real innovation will not promote the big flag, and will be quietly carried out and finally successful.

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Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

Fashion and trends are different. Fashion is like the waves in the sea, but trends are tidal. Usually, there are many scams and foams, but the trend is slim, real. Everyone saw the wavy, very spectacular, but it was fast, and the tide was almost unrecognizable, but the time is long, it will show an amazing power. Although fashion is a short-term phenomenon, there may be a lot of benefits, but it can't last long. Moreover, since some companies often make fashion to make a trend, it leads to a serious failure.

Therefore, when you face a rapid expansion and rising market, the market clearly shows the stylish feature, it is recommended that you should first suppress it first. By suppressing stylish things, you may get rid of fashionable practices, transform them into a market closer to trends.

We can take a look at an example of a toy market. Some toy producers want to print them very popular to every toy, and strive to convert it to a fashion. As a result, this fashion often disappears quickly after a period of time.

Ninja Turtle is a stylish example. When Ninja Turtle became a very best-selling brand, the toy manufacturer did not try to suppress it, but the opposite land felt. When this generation has a Ninja Turtle, no one will buy a Ninja Turtle. Conversely, Barbie Doll is a trend. BARBIE has been a long time, but it has been very popular. Barbie Doll has become a trend rather than a fashion.

The most successful entrepreneurs are those who can control and master their behavior. When these people appear, they can use this fashion very well, and steadily convert these fashion into trends, and can grow in the long run.

Forgot fashion, when they appear, suppress it. If you want your product to be welcomed, then never make it sat. Only a long trend is the best way to drive the market.

Successful Programs Are Not Built on Fads, They're Built on Trends.

Resource Law in the Market (Law of Resources) Abstract from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing", by Al Ries and Jack Trout

If you have a good idea, and think you have understood 22 rules in this book, what you need is the help of the market, then this law will be a hot water for your hot brain.

If you don't have a fund to make your creativity to be implemented, even if it is the best idea in the world, it is useless. Nothing is more convincing than the facts. The market is a game that competes in people's minds. You need money to make your thoughts reside in people's minds, try our best to become leaders, and further, you also need money to make your thoughts in people's minds and keep your location.

Some entrepreneurs regard advertising as a solution to people's minds. But advertising is very expensive. For World War II, I have to spend 9,000 US dollars per minute; for the Vietnam war, spend $ 22,000 per minute; one minute advertisement on NFL Super Bowl will cost 1.5 million US dollars.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak have a great idea. But the $ 91,000 of Mike Markkula makes their ideas become reality. (Mike got 1/3 of Apple Computer.)

There is no meaningful idea without funds. However, what you need to do is to use your thoughts to get funds, not the help of pure market. The market should start starting after getting funds.

After you have an idea, you need to achieve it by getting funds. It is funding to drive the market's operation. If you want to succeed, then you need funds to make you rotate the wheel. WITHOUT ADEQUATE FUNDING, An IDEA WON 'Get Off The Ground.


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