ODBC calls Sybase stored procedure

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  48

Create Procedure Test @ iCount Integer, @dtmodifytime DateTime, @dcquantity decimal (20, 2) Output as ..... In the program, this stored procedure is called, the code is as follows try {odbccommand cmd = new odbccommand (); cmd.connection = DbConnection; cmd.comMandtext = "test"; cmd.commandtype = commandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.parameters.add ("@ iCount", odbctype.int); cmd.parameters [0] .value = 10; cmd.Parameters.Add ("@dtmodifytime", odbctype.datetime); cmd.parameters [1] .value = convert.todatetime ("2005-2-25 00:00:00"); cmd.parameters.add ("@ dcquantity", ODBCTYPE .Numeric); cmd.Parameters [2] .direction = parameterDirection.output; cmd.executenonQuery (); float num = (float) cmd.parameters ["dcquantity"]. Value; messagebox.show (Num.toString ()) } catch (ODBCEXCEPTION OE) {messagebox.show (OE.MESSAGE);} The program is executed to cmd.executenonquery (); will throw an exception error [HY000] [INTERSOLV] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] Procedure Up_shizelastbm Expect, Which Was Not Supplied.Error [HY000] [Intersolv] [odbc sql server driver] [SQL Server] Procedure Up_shizelastBM EXPECTS PARAME ter @dtModifyTime, which was not supplied.ERROR [HY000] [INTERSOLV] [ODBC SQL Server driver] [SQL Server] Procedure up_shizeLastBm expects parameter @dcQuantity, which was not supplied needs to be changed:. DateTime dt = new DateTime (2005, 1, 10); ODBCCommand cmd = new odbccommand (); cmd.connection = dbconnection; cmd.commandtext = "TEST?,?,?"; Cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedProcedure; cmd.parameters.add ("@ iCount" , Odbctype.int; cmd.parameters [0] .value = 10; cmd.parameters.add ("@ dtmodifytime"; cmd.parameters [1] .value = dt; cmd.parameters.add ( "@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @


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