Three ways of jbpm parsing process definition

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

There are three ways to define the JBPM parsing process: 1) Par package static processdefinition AuctionProcess = Processarchive.Parse ("ORG / JBPM / TDD / AUCTION.PAR"); Note that there must be an Auction in the Classes ORG / JBPM / TDD / Directory .par file

2) XML file mode static processdefinition auctionprocess = jpdlreader.parseFromResource ("ORG / JBPM / TDD / AUCTION.XML"); Note, you must have an Auction.xml file in the class of classs of org / jbpm / tdd / directory

3) Text Way Static ProcessDefinition AuctionProcess = JPDLXMLReader.parse ("" "" "" " " " " " " " " " " " < / process-definition> "); the nature of this approach is the same as the XML file resolution.


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