Windows API
1. Controls and message functions
AdjustWindowRect gives a window style to calculate the window size required to get the rectangle of the target client area.
AnyPopup judges whether there is any pop-up window on the screen
ArrangeiconicWindows arranges a minimal window of a parent window
AttachthReadInput connection thread input function
BeGindeferWindowPOS launches the process of building a range of new window locations
Bringwindowtotop takes the specified window to the top of the window list
Cascadewindows arranges windows in a laminated manner
ChildWindowFromPoint Returns the handle of the first sub-window of the specified point in the parent window
CLIENTTOSCREEN Judgment window screen coordinates in a point in customer zone coordinates
Closewindow minimizes the specified window
CopyRect Rectangular Content Copy
DeferWindowPOS This function specifies a new window location for a specific window
DestroyWindow Clears the specified window and all its sub-windows
DrawanImatedRects depicts a series of dynamic rectangles
All mouse and keyboard input are allowed or disabled in the enableWindow specified window.
EnddeferWindowPOS simultaneously updates the location and status of all windows specified when DeferWindowPos calls
EnumChildWindows enumerates the specified parent window
EnumthReadwindows enumerates windows related to specified tasks
EnumWindows enumerated all parents in the list list
EqualRect determines whether the two rectangular structures are the same
FindWindow looks for top windows that meet the specified condition in the list list
FindWindowEx looks for the first child window that matches the specified condition in the window list
FlashWindow Blink Displays the specified window
GetActiveWindow gets the handle of the activity window
GetCapture gets a handle of a window, which is located in the current input thread and has a mouse capture (mouse activity is received by it)
GetClassInfo acquires a copy of the WNDCLASS structure (or WNDCLASSEX structure), which contains information related to the specified class.
GetClasslong gets a long variable entry for window classes
GetClassName gave class name for the specified window
GetClassword gets an integer variable for the window class
GetClientRect Returns the size of the specified window customer area rectangle
GetDesktopWindow gets a window (desktop window) handle on behalf of the entire screen
Getfocus gets a handle with a window with input focus
GetForegroundWindow gets the handle of the front desk window
GetLastactivePopup gets a handle of a pop-up window that has been activated in a givefic feet
GetLastError acquires an extended error message with this function for the previously called API function.
GetParent judges the parent window of the specified window
GetTopWindow Search for the internal window list, find the handle of one window belonging to the header of the specified window
GetUpdateRect gets a rectangle that describes that part of the specified window needs to be updated.
GetWindow gets a handle of a window that has a specific relationship with a certain source window.
GetWindowContexthelpid gets helps the help scene id with the window
GetWindowl has obtained information from the structure of the specified window
GetWindowPlacement gets the status and location information of the specified window
GetWindowRect Gets the range of the entire window, the border, title bar, scroll bar, and menu, etc. of the window in this rectangle.
GetWindowText acquires a form of a form, or the content of a control
GetWindowTextLength Survey Window Title Text or Contents of Control Contents
GetWindowWord gets information about the specified window structure
Inflatrect Increase or Reduce the size of a rectangular INTERSECTRECT This function is loaded into a rectangle in LPDestRect, which is the intersection of LPSRC1RECT and LPSRC2RECT.
InvalidateRect blocks all or part of the area of a window client area
Ischild judges whether a window is a child or a member of another window
Isiconic judgment window has been minimized
IsRectempty determines if a rectangle is empty
Iswindow determines if a window handle is valid
IsWindowenableD determines if the window is active
IsWindowunicode determines whether a window is a Unicode window. This means that the window receives Unicode text for all text-based messages.
IswindowVisible judgment window visible
Iszoomed judgment window maximizes
LockWindowUpdate locks the specified window, disable it from updating
MapWindowPoints convert a window client area coordinate point to a client area coordinate system of another window
MoveWindow changes the location and size of the specified window
OFFSTRECT allows rectangular movement by applying a specified offset
OpenICON restores a minimized program and activates it
PtinRect Judging whether the specified point is within the rectangle
RedrawWindow Heavy or part of the window
ReleaseCapture releases mouse to capture the current application
ScreenToClient judges a customer area coordinate of a specified point on the screen
ScrollWindow scrolling all or part of the customer area
ScrollWindowEx is based on additional options, scrolling all or part of the window customer area.
SetActiveWindow activates the specified window
SetCapture captures the mouse to the specified window
SetClasslong Set a long variable entry for the window class
SetClassword Set an entry for the window class
SetFOCUSAPI Sets the input focus to the specified window. If necessary, activate the window
SetForegroundWindow Set the window to the front desk window
SetParent Specifies a new father of a window
SetRect Setting the contents of the specified rectangle
SetRectempty sets the rectangle to an empty rectangle
SetWindowContexthelpid Sets help scenes (context) ID for the specified window
Setwindowl Settings Information for the Specified Window in Window Structure
SetWindowPlacement Settings Window Status and Location Information
SetWindowPOS specifies a new location and status for the window
SetwindowText Settings the contents of the title text or control of the window
SetWindowWord Settings Information for the Specified Window in Window Structure
ShowowNedPopups Show or hide all pop-up windows from the specified window
SoWindow Control Window visibility
ShowWindowasync is similar to ShowWindow
SubtractRect loading rectangular lprcdst, which is the result of subtract LPRCSRC2 in rectangular LPRCSRC1
TileWindows arranges windows in tiled sequence
UnionRECT loads an LPDESTRECT target rectangle, which is the result of lpsrc1rec1Rect and LPSRC2RECT.
UpdateWindow enforces an update window now
All or part of the ValidateERECT check window
WindowFromPoint returns the handle of the window that contains the specified point. Ignore the mask, hidden and transparent window
2. Hardware and system functions
ActivateKeyboardLayout activates a new keyboard layout. The keyboard layout defines the position and meaning of the button on a physical keyboard.
BEEP is used to generate simple sounds
Chartooem converts a string from ansi character set to OEM character set
Clipcursor limits the pointer to the specified area
ConvertDefaultLocale converts a special place identifier into a real place ID
CreateCaret Creates an insert (cursor) based on the specified information, and selects it as the default insert destroycaret of the specified window (destroy) one insert
Enumcalendarinfo enumerates calendar information available in the specified "place" environment
EnumdateFormats lists the long, short date format available in the designated "local" settings.
EnumsystemCodePages Enumerates the code page installed or supported in your system
EnumsystemLocales enumeration system installed or supported "local" settings
EnumTimeFormats enumerates a specified place to apply time format
EXITWINDOWSEX exits Windows and restarts with a specific option
ExpandenVironmentStrings Expand the environment string
FreeENVIRONMENTSTRINGS translation specified environmental string block
Getacp Judging the ANSI code page currently in force
GetasyncKeyState determines the status of the virtual key when the function is called
GetCareTblinkTime judges the flashing frequency of the insert
GetCareTPOS judgment the current location of the insert
GetClipCursor acquires a rectangle for describing the cutting area currently specified by the mouse pointer
GetCommandline gets a pointer to the current command line buffer
GetComputername acquired the name of this computer
GetCPinfo gets information about the specified code page
GetCurrencyFormat Formats a number according to the currency format for the specified "place" setting
GetCursor Gets the handle of the currently selected mouse pointer
GetCursorpos gets the current location of the mouse pointer
GetDateFormat formats a system date for the specified "local" format.
GetDoubleClickTime Judging the interval between the two-clicked mouse click
GetENVIRONMENTSTRINGS assigns and returns a handle for a memory block set by the current environment string
GetENVIRONMENTVARIABLE obtains a value of an environment variable
GetInputState determines whether there is any mouse or keyboard event that is presented (waiting)
GetkbcodePage is replaced by getoemcp, both of which are identical
GetKeyboardLayout gets a handle to describe the keyboard layout of the specified application
GetKeyboardLayoutList gets a list of all keyboard layouts that apply system applications
GetKeyboardLayoutName gets the name of the current active keyboard layout
GetKeyboardState gets the current state of each virtual key on the keyboard.
GetKeyboardType understands information related to the keyboard being used
GetKeyNameText judges the key name under the premise of give the scan code
GetKeyState determines the status of the specified virtual key when the processed button is entered for the processed button.
GetLastError acquires an extended error message with this function for the previously called API function.
GetLocaleInfo acquires information related to the designated "place"
GetLocalTime gets local dates and time
GetNumberformat formats a number in a specific format for the specified "place"
Getoemcp Judging Windows Code Page in OEM and ANSI Character Sets
GetQueuesttus determines the type of message that is in the application message queue in the application message queue
Getsyscolor judges the color of the specified Windows display object
GetSystemDefaultLangid acquires the default language ID of the system
GetSystemDefaultlcid gets the current default system "place"
GetSystemInfo acquires information related to the underlying hardware platform
GetSystemMetrics returns information related to the Windows environment
GetSystemPowerStatus gets information about the current system power status gets the current system time. This time is "synergistic world time" (ie UTC, also known as GMT) format.
GetSystemTimeAdjustment synchronizes the internal system clock with an external clock signal source
GetThreadlocale gets the local ID of the current thread
GetTickCount is used to get the length of time (milliseconds) experience since Windows startup.
GetTimeFormat formats a system time in a specific format for the currently specified "place"
GetTimeZoneInformation acquires information related to system time zone settings
GetUserDefaultLangId acquires the default language ID for the current user
GetUserDefaultlcid gets the default "place" setting for the current user
GetUsername gets the current user's name
Getversion judges the current Run Windows and DOS version
GetversionEx acquires version information related to platform and operating system
Hidecaret hides insert (cursor) in the specified window
IsValidCodePage determines if a code page is valid
IsValidLocale determines if the local identifier is valid
KeyBD_EVENT This function simulates keyboard action
LoadKeyboardLayout loads a keyboard layout
MapVirtualKey performs different scan code and character conversion according to the specified mapping type
MapVirtualKeyex performs different scan code and character conversion according to the specified mapping type
MessageBeep play a system sound. The allocation scheme of the system sound is determined in the control panel.
Mouse_Event Simulates a mouse event
OemKeyscan judges a scan code and SHIFT key status of an ASCII character in the OEM character set.
OEMTOCHAR converts a string of the OEM character set to ansi character set
SetCareTBLINKTIME Specifies the flashing frequency of the insert (cursor)
SetCareTPOS Specifies the location of the insert
SetComputername Setting up new computer name
SetCursor sets the specified mouse pointer to the current pointer
SetCursorpos Set the position of the pointer
SetDoubleClickTime Settings Two mouse clicks can make the system think that the interval between the double-click event
SetENVIRONMENTVARIABLE sets an environment variable to the specified value
SetKeyboardState Set the status of each virtual key on the keyboard
SetLocaleInfo changes the user "local" setting information
SetLocalTime Sets the current place
SetsysColors Set the color of the specified window display object
SetSystemCursor changes any standard system pointer
SetSystemTime Sets the current system time
SetSystemTimeAdJustment Timed Add a calibration value to synchronize the internal system clock with an external clock signal source
SetthreadLocale sets places for current threads
SetTimeZoneInformation Set System Time Zone Information
ShowCaret displays insert (cursor) in the specified window
Showcursor controls the visibility of the mouse pointer
SwapmouseButton decides whether to switch the function of the mouse
SystemParametersInfo gets and sets the number of Windows system parameters
SystemTimeTotzspecificLocalTime converts system time to local time
Toascii converts a virtual key to a ASCII character based on the current scan code and keyboard information
Tounicode converts a virtual key to Unicode characters according to the current scan code and keyboard information.
UnloadKeyboardLayout Uninstalls the specified keyboard layout
VKKEYSCAN is a ASCII character for Windows characters, judges the status of the virtual key code and the SHIFT key.
3. Menu function
Appendmenu adds a menu item in the specified menu
CheckMenuItem checks or revokes the check-specified menu entry
CheckmenuradioInItem specifies a menu entry being subselected as "radio" project
CreateMenu creates a new menu
CreatePopupMenu Creates an empty pop-up menu
DeleteMenu Removes the specified menu entry
DestroyMenu Delete the specified menu
DrawMenubar is the specified window heavy painting menu
EnableMenuItem allows or prohibits designated menu entry
GetMenu gets a handle of a menu in the window
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions returns a size of a menu check
GetMenuContexthelpid acquires a menu help scene ID
Which entry in the GetMenudefaultItem determination menu is the default entry
GetMenuItemcount returns the number of entries (menu items) in the menu
GetMenuItemID Returns menu ID in the entry at the specified location in the menu
GetMenuItemInfo acquires specific information related to a menu entry
GetMenuItem loading screen coordinate information on a specified menu entry in a rectangle
GetMenustate acquires information related to the status of the specified menu entry
GetMenustring gets the string of the specified menu entry
GetSubmenu acquires a handle of a pop-up menu, which is located in the menu
GetSystemMenu gets the handle of the system menu of the specified window
HiliteMenuItem controls the top-level menu entry to highlight the display status
InsertMenu inserts a menu entry at the specified location of the menu and moves other entries down as needed.
InsertMenuItem inserts a new menu entry
IsMenu judges whether or not the specified handle is a handle of a menu
LoadMenu loads a menu from the specified module or application instance
LoadMenuindirect loads a menu
MenuItemFromPoint determines which menu entry contains a specified point on the screen
ModifyMenu change the menu entry
RemoveMenu Removes the specified menu entry
SetMenu Settings Window Menu
SetMenuContexthelpid sets a menu help scene ID
SetMenudefaultItem will set a menu bar as the default entry
SetMenuItemBitmaps Set a specific bitmap to use it in the specified menu entry, instead of the standard check symbol (√)
SetMenuItemInfo sets the specified information for a menu entry
TRACKPOPUPMENU displays a pop-up menu anywhere on the screen
TRACKPOPUPMENUEX is similar to TRACKPOPUPMENU, but it provides additional features
Here are a few types of definitions about menu functions
Menuiteminfo This structure contains information on menu entry
TPMPARAMS This structure is used for TrackPopUpMenuex functions to support additional features.
4. Drawing function
Abortpath Abandon all paths in the specified device scenario. Also canceled the creation of any path currently ongoing
Anglearc draws a line with a connection arc
ARC draws a arc
BeginPath launches a path branch
Canceldc Cancels the long-term drawing operation in another thread
Chord draws a string
Closeenhmetafile closes the specified enhanced chamber file device scene and returns a newly created element file.
Closefigure is depicted to a path, close the currently open graphics
Closemetafile closes the specified primitive file device scene and returns a handle to the newly created element file.
Copyenhmetafile makes a copy of the enhanced element file (copy) CopyMetafile creation designated (standard) chair file
Createbrushindirect creates a brush on a logbrush data structure
CreateDibPatternbrush creates a brush with a bitmap that is not related to the device to specify a brush style (pattern)
CREATEENHMETAFILE Create a enhanced element file device scene
CreateHatchbrush creates a brush with shadow patterns
CreateMetafile creates a chair file device scene
CreatePatternbrush creates a brush with a bitmap specified by the brush pattern
Createpen creates a brush with the specified style, width and color
CreatepenIndirect creates a brush according to the specified Logpen structure
CreateSolidbrush creates a brush with solid color
Deletenhmetafile deletes the specified enhanced element file
DeleteMetAfile deletes the specified element file
DeleteObject deletes GDI objects, all system resources used by the object are released
Drawedge depicts a rectangular border with a specified style
Drawscape Call Code (ESCAPE) function sends data directly to the display device driver
DrawfocusRect draws a focus rectangle
DrawFraMecontrol depicts a standard control
DrawState is a variety of effects for an image or drawing operation.
Ellipse depicts an ellipse, surrounded by the designated rectangle
Endpath stops defining a path
ENUMENHMETAFILE lists a separate element file record for an enhanced element file.
Enummetafile enumerates a separate chamber file record for a standard Windows element file.
Enumbobjects enumerates a brush and brush that can be used with the specified device scene
ExtCreatepen creates an extension brush (decorative or geometry)
Extfloodfill fills a zone with the currently selected brush in the specified device scenario
FillPath close any open graphics in the path and populates the current brush
FillRect fills a rectangle with the specified brush
FLATTENPATH converts all the curves in a path into line segments
FLOODFILL pops a zone in the specified device scene with the currently selected brush
Framerect with a specified brush a border around a rectangle
GDICOMMENT adds a comment information for the specified enhanced element file device scenario
GDIFLUSH performs any unresolved drawing operations
GDIGETBATCHLIMIT judge how many GDI drawings are in the queue
GDisetBatchLimit specifies how many GDI draws commands can enter the queue
GetarcDirection When drawing a circular arc, judge the currently used drawing direction
GetBkcolor gets the designated device scene current background color
GetBKMode For the specified device scenario, get the current background fill mode
Getbrushorgex judges the starting point of the currently selected brush in the specified device scene
GetCurrentObject gets the currently selected object of the specified type
GetCurrentPositionEx gets the current brush position in the specified device scenario
GetENHMetAfile acquires the element file handle of a enhanced element file included in the disk file
GetenhmetafileBits copies the specified enhancement element file to a memory buffer
GetenhmetafileDescription returns a description of a enhanced element file
GetenhmetafileHeader gets the element file header of the enhanced element file
GetENHMETAFILEPALETTEENTERTRIES acquires all or part of the palette of the enhanced element file
GetMetAfile acquires the meta file handle of the element file contained in a disk file
GetMetAfileBitsex copies the specified primitive to a memory buffer getMiterlimit to get the slope limit of the device scene (MITER) settings
GetnearestColor acquires a solid color closest to the specified color based on the display capabilities of the device
GetObjectAPI acquires a structure for the specified object
GetObjectType determines the type of GDI object referenced by the specified handle
GetPath acquires a series of data defined for the current path
GetPixel acquires a pixel RGB value in the specified device scenario
GetPolyfillMode gets polygon padding mode for the specified device scenario.
Getrop2 acquires current drawing mode for the specified device scenario
GetStockObject gets an inherent object (stock)
Getsyscolorbrush got a brush for any standard system color
GetWinMetafileBits converts a enhanced element file into a standard Windows element file by popping data for standard primitive files in a buffer.
InvertRect reverses the rectangle specified in a device scene by reversing the value of each pixel
Linedda enumerate all points in the specified line segment
Lineto is used in a line with the current brush, and is connected from the current location to a specified point.