Oracle Database 9i installation under Linux

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

Oracle9i released many new features in Oracle Open World on Oracle Open World, introduced many new features for Oracle Database, Application Server, and Development Tools. Oracle9i is the first integrity, simple, simply used for the Internet, and software infrastructure for various applications for the Internet. Oracle9i actually refers to the complete integration of Oracle9i Database, Oracle9i Application Server, and Oracle9i Developer Suite. As the software gradually begins to transition to a hosted service, high telescopic performance, intelligent, and reliable Oracle9i, which has an Internet, will become a key software implemented by high quality e-commerce services.

This article will introduce Oracle Database 9i installation procedure under Linux, if you have experienced Oracle's experience This installation process can be powered quickly; if you have never installed Oracle database under Linux, then we are from this An article began to be familiar with Oracle installation process.

System Requirements:

The following system requirements apply to typical Oracle installation and create simple databases.


Installing the Oralce 9i software requires at least 512M memory, with the following command to view the memory size of the machine:


Memtotal: 900252 KB

900252KB is your system's memory size.

Exchange area:

The size of the switching area is generally required to be twice the memory, at least 400m or more, of course, the bigger the better, with the following commands can view the size of the system switching area:


Filename Type Size Used Priority

/ DEV / SDA6 Partition 105221 686976 -1

The 105221 is the size of the system exchange area.

Optical drive:

If you use CD to install Oracle9i, you need 8 speed or more CDROM on your machine. If you are downloaded Oracle9i package file, you don't need to use CDROM.

hard disk space:

Installing the Oracle9i database to have at least 2.5GB of remaining space.

Temporary hard disk space:

The Oracle installer requires more than 400M or more temporary hard disk space during the installation process. It is recommended to use the / TMP folder as a zero folder. If the / TMP file does not have enough hard drive, you can create a folder as a temporary directory installed, then set up Environment variables TEMP and TMPDIR points to the corresponding location, for example:

Use Bash


Temp = / home / temp; Export Temp

TMPDIR = / home / temp; export tmpdir





operating system:

Oracle officially published information to Oracle 9i only on SUSUSE 7.1, kernel 2.4.4 and Glibc2.2 system test passes, through my test, Oracle in Linux Mandrake Release 8.0, core 2.4.3-20 and Glibc- 2.2.2 The version can also be installed smoothly. This article will introduce Oracle9i installation procedure as an example of Linux Mandrake 8.0.

Virtual X-Windows Software:

This software is not necessary! The so-called virtual X-Windows software refers to virtual software that can allow server X-Windows on the remote terminal. Now there is an Exceed, X-Win32 software, if you are suspected of installing Oracle system in the console, you can Use virtual X-Windows software to install Oralce9i under the graphical interface under the graphical interface, which will be described as an example of installing Oracle9i with virtual X-Windows with X-WIN32 5.0. JDK

If you want to install Oracle Http Server, you need to use BlackDown JDK1.3.1, please download RC1 / J2SDK-1.3.0-RC1-Linux-i386.tar.bz2

Configuring kernel parameters

Oracle9i works using resources such as Linux shared memory, exchange zones, and other resources, if your kernel parameter settings do not meet Oracle requirements, then there is a problem in installing ORACEL9i or using the process, so configuring the parameters of the system kernel are especially important and Key.

The configuration of the kernel parameters is generally configured under the / proc folder:

1. Allow the following commands in root users;

2. Enter the directory / proc / sys / kernel;

3. Use the CAT command or more command to view the value of the Semaphore current parameter:

Cat Sem

The following results will appear after the command is running:

250 32000 32 128

The value of the parameter SEMMSL, 32000 is the value of the parameter SEMMNS, and 32 is the value of the parameter SemOPM, and 128 is the value of the parameter SemMNI.

4. Use the following command to modify the above parameters

Echo Semmsl_Value Semmns_Value Semopm_Value Semmni_Value> SEM

Semmsl_Value, semmns_value, semopm_value, SemMni_Value replaces the corresponding value, and the order of these values ​​cannot be changed

5. Set the shared memory size, the shared memory size is generally half of the physical memory, where we assume that the physical memory is 512M, the value of shared memory 4294967295, with this, if your physical memory is 1G, the value is 8589934590 :

Echo 4294967295> SHMMAX

Add user

Oracle requires a specific user (non-root user) in installation and use, according to Oracle's standard description, you need to add three special users and user groups, in order to easily install and use our installation and use to return Oracle to a specific The user is completed.

First create an Oracle user group, we have set up this user group to DBA:

Log in to the system under the root user;

Run the groupAdd DBA command to add a DBA user group;

Add Oracle users:

Log in to the system under the root user;

Run UseRadd -g dba -p password -d / oracle -s / bin / bash oracle

After running the system, a user who belongs to the DBA user group, the password is Password, the main directory is / oracle uses Bash

This user will be used as the system installation and uses the specified user, so it is necessary to keep it!

Create a installation point (Mount Point)

Oracle9i's typical installation requires at least two mount points: a basic running program that requires at least 850m hard disk space; one is a hard disk space that stores a database, at least 450m. To simplify the installation, we can put the running program and database under the same installation point.

Find a partition with enough space on your file system, create a folder under partition, we assume that this folder is / oracle. Configure system environment variables

Many netizens have installed Oracle failure because the environment variables are not configured correctly, the configuration of the environment variable directly affects the installation and configuration of Oracle9i later, especially careful when configuration!

Configure X-Windows variables

Confirm whether Oracle9i uses local X-Windows installation during installation or remote virtual X-Windows installation, if you need to remote X-Windows installation, you need to configure the Display variable, this variable is used to tell the system screen to output a location, By default, it is a machine if you use virtual X-Windows installation, indicating the display of the remote terminal, such as the IP address of your remote terminal is, the display variable should be set to " XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: 0 "Rear": 0 "indicates the first display of the terminal.

Determine the installation temporary directory

As we mentioned in front of Oracle9i installation requires a temporary writable space, we here use / TMP as a temporary writable directory. If you are not using / tmp as a temporary written directory, you need to configure the corresponding value TmpDir = / Path.

Configuring Oracle's environment variables

One will provide an example for everyone to use

Export Display = ""

Export Bash_ENV = $ HOME / .BASHRC

Oracle_Home = / Oracle / Product / 9.0.1; Export Oracle_home

Oracle_sid = Oracle; Export Oracle_sid

Oracle_Term = xterm; Export Oracle_Term

TNS_ADMIN = / Home / Oracle / Config / 9.0.1; Export TNS_ADMIN

NLS_LANG = american_america.zhs16GBK; Export NLS_LANG

ORA_NLS33 = $ Oracle_Home / Ocommon / NLS / Admin / Data; Export ORA_NLS33


Path = $ path: / bin: / usr / bin: / usr / sbin: / etc: / OPT / bin:

/ usr / ccs / bin: / usr / openwin

Path = $ path: / OPT / local / bin: / OPT / NSCPNAV / BIN: $ Oracle_Home / Bin

Path = $ path: / usr / local / samba / bin: / usr / ucb:

Export Path

ClassPath = $ oracle_home / jre: $ oracle_home / jlib:

$ Oracle_home / rdbms / jlib

ClassPath = $ ClassPath: $ Oracle_Home / Network / Jlib

TMPDIR = / TMP; Export Tmpdir

Umask 022

among them:

Oracle_home is the installation directory of the system software;

Oracle_sid is the SID of the database, here you can set it yourself;

NLS_LANG is a character set for the database. In order to ensure that the database can output the input database, we need to set the characters here to American_america.zhs16GBK, where the American_america English character set, zHS16GBK is Chinese character set.

Log in to the system with an Oracle user,

VI $ home / .bash_profile passes the settings of the above environment variables into the file, confirms the corresponding content and modifies, and the deployment exits.

Re-landing Oracle users

Use the set | more command to see if the oracle user's environment variable takes effect

ClassPath = / Oracle / Product / 9.0.1 / jre: /oracle/product/9.0.1/jlib:


/ Oracle/Product/9.0.1/neetwork/jlib


LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / Oracle / Product / 9.0.1 / lib: / lib: / usr / lib:

NLS_LANG = American_America.zhs16GBK

Oracle_Home = / Oracle / Product / 9.0.1

Oracle_sid = Oracle

Oracle_Term = xterm

ORA_NLS33 = / Oracle / Product / 9.0.1 / Ocommon / NLS / Admin / Data

Ostype = Linux-GNU

Path = / usr / local / bin: / bot: / usr / bin: / usr / x11r6 / bin: / usr / games:

/ bin: / usr / bin: / usr / sbin: / etc: / OPT / bin: / usr / ccs / bin: / usr / openwin:

/ OPT / local / bin: / opt / nscpnav / bin:


TNS_ADMIN = / Home / Oracle / Config / 9.0.1

Take a closer look at the above items, make sure it is set correctly.

Install Oralce9i

Install JDK1.3.1

Upload the downloaded J2SDK-1.3.0-RC1-Linux-i386.tar.bz2 file to the server / usr / local / directory, log in with the root user, use BZIP-D J2SDK-1.3.0-RC1-Linux- The i386.tar.bz2 command first solves the file into the TAR format, and then use TAR XVF J2SDK-1.3.0-RC1-Linux-i386.tar.bz2 to decompress it, and change the folder name to JDK ..

Configure X-Windows

Oracle9i installs all of the X-Windows, also supports remote virtual X-Windows installation, if you want to log in to the Oracle user we previously created on the console (Note To set the environment variable first, and Set the DISPLAY value to empty export display = "") Run the startX command to enter X-Windows.

If you need to install the remote terminal using virtual X-Windows, you need to install X-Win32 software in the customer, we don't introduce it, and then run the X-win32 command after the installation is completed in your taskbar. A X of the Peugeot will appear. Terminal attacks using NETERM Take the Oracle User Login System to confirm that the environment variable has taken effect and the value of the Display variable is the IP address of your terminal, run the startkde command to start X-windows, and then the system will have a lot of error message after running. Ignore no matter, after a few seconds, Linux's KDE interface will appear on your remote terminal.

Download Oracle Installation Software

Oracle website ( now provides Oracle9i for Linux software download, please read his License carefully before downloading, so there will be no copyright issues in future use. You need a OTN account before downloading, the application is free, as long as you answer a few questions, Oracle9i's installer has three file packages: Linux9i_disk1.cpio.gz (412,092kb)

Linux9i_disk2.cpio.gz (638,547kb)

Linux9i_disk3.cpio.gz (82,956kb)

After downloading these three files, upload these three files into the server / oracle directory and ensure that the host of these three files is Oracle users. If you have an Oracle9i installation CD that you can save a big download time.

Install Oracle 9i Database

Log in to the system, start local X-Windows or virtual X-Windows, open a console window, enter to the directory that just stores Oracle files, use

Gunzip Linux9i_disk1.cpio.gz


Command unpack, compress three files into three installation folders, DISK1, Disk2, Disk3, respectively.

Enter Disk1 Directory

CD Disk1

Type in the console window

./runinstaller &

An OUI graphical interface will appear after running, as shown below:

The green window in the middle is the installation graphical interface of Oracle.

Let's take the most basic installation of Oracle9i, and go back to the installation interface. Next:

Source refers to a file containing Oracle product information. In general, he will automatically identify if you can't find the BrowSe button to manually specify the path.

Destination refers to the path to which 9i will be installed here is $ ORACLE_HOME we set in the environment variable. If you are blank in this column, you have to retrieve whether the settings in the environment variable are incorrect. After confirming the correct, press Next:

This step has three installation options for selection:

Oracle9i Database, install Oracle9i database server version, management tools, network services, and basic client software;

Oracle9i Client, Enterprise Edition client software, network services, and development tools.

Oracle9i MANGEMENT AND INTEGRATION, Install Management Server, Management Tool Oracle's network directory, integrated service, network services, and basic client software.

We choose the first item to install the Oracle9i database service, then Annxt button;

This step is to select the type of Oracle installation. There are three types to select Enterprise Edition, Enterprise Edition, the Enterprise Edition, StandStard Edition Peugeot Edition, Custom Custom Installation, We choose Enterprise Edition installation, if you are more familiar with Oracle's products You can choose a Custom Custom Installation, select the component according to your own needs, confirm that after the next step is entered next;

Here you can choose a database template suitable for your, usually we choose the first generic database template. If you need to use a data warehouse, you can use the template for the selection data warehouse to install. After confirmation, press Next to enter the next step;

This step is to confirm the name of Oracle9i's SID and global database, and the value of SID has been set in environment variables, so here is automatically displayed, the global database name, we can also specify the value of the SID Similarly, after confirmation, press Next to enter the next step; before we mentioned that the character type of the database is critical in the database superposition, this step is to set the character set of the database, before we set up NLS_LANG = American_America.zhs16GBK, so We choose SimplifiLled Chinese ZHS16GBK, press Next to enter the next step;

Because we select the Enterprise version of Enterprise, you will install Oracle Web Server. Installing Oracle Web Server Use JDK, we use the Browse button to specify the previously installed JDK directory so that the system can find the required application during the installation process Program, confirm that press next to enter the next step;

After all the selection, the system will give an installation summary. Here, you have selected the components you choose to install, confirm that the things you want to install are installed in the list, and the security installation is installed. If you don't need to install other programs, then you don't need to install additional programs. Press EXIT to exit the installation interface.

Oracle's installation speed view server's performance is generally a 30-minute time. You may have a dialog box in the installation process. There will be some command to run in the dialog to ask you to execute, then open a control. Table window, SU into root and run the command inside the prompt box, and press OK to continue installed after running;

After installing the database, the system will run the configuration tool to network and database configurations for the system. After the configuration is complete, the system will automatically start the database and open Oracle Web Server. After all configuration is finished, press Next to complete the installation.

If everything is normal, the OUI will appear the words of The Installation of Oracle9i Database Was Success, which indicates that your Oracle9i database is installed properly. If you need to install other content, press the NEXT Install button to make the installation of other content, otherwise, press EXIT to exit installation.

Use Oracle 9i Database

After installation, the Oracle database will start automatically. Here we use the actual superheet to illustrate the launch and off of the Oracle 9i database.

Log in to the database with an Oracle user, open a console window;

Close Oracle 9i database

[Oracle @ Wing / Oracle] $ SQLPLUS "/ as sysdba" // Log in to the database with SYSDBA users

SQL * Plus: Release - Production On Wed Jul 11 ​​15:35:31 2001

(c) CopyRight 2001 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production

WITH THE PartInog Option

JServer Release - Production

Run the shudown command to turn off the database

SQL> Shutdown

Database closed.

Database dismount.

Oracle Instance Shut Down.


Launch Oracle 9i Database

[Oracle @ wing bin] $ SQLPLUS "/ as sysdba" SQL * Plus: Release - Production On Wed Jul 11 ​​16:00:59 2001

(c) CopyRight 2001 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connected to an iDLE Instance.

SQL> Startup

Oracle Instance Started.

Total System Global Area 336356520 Bytes

Fixed size 279720 bytes

Variable size 268435456 bytes

Database buffers 67108864 bytes

Redo buffers 532480 bytes

Database mounted.

Database opened.


Launch Oracle 9i Listening Program

Oracle's listener is mainly to provide interfaces for client connections

[Oracle @ wing bin] $ lsnrctl

Lsnrctl for Linux: Version - Production On 11-Jul-2001 16:12:17

CopyRight (C) 1991, 2001, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to lsnrctl, Type "Help" for Information.


Starting /oracle/Product/9.0.1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait ...

TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

System parameter file is /racle/product/9.0.1/network/admin/listener.ora

Log Messages Written to /Oracle/Product/9.0.1/neetwork/log/listener.log

Listening on: (Description = (Address = (protocol = ipc)))))))) (key = extproc)))

Listening ON: (deScription = (address = (protocol = tcp) (port = 11)))))))

Connecting to (deScription = (address = (protocol = ipc))))

Status of the listener


Alias ​​Listener

Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

Start Date 11-Jul-2001 16:12:58

Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec

Trace Level Off

Security off


Listener parameter file /oracle/product/9.0.1/neetwork/admin/listener.ora

Listener log file /oracle/product/9.0.1/neetwork/log/listener.log

Listening Endpoints Summary ...

(Description = (address = (protocol = IPC))) (description = (address = (protocol = tcp) (port = 1521)))))

Services Summary ...

Service "PLSextProc" HAS 1 Instance (s).

Instance "PLSextProc", Status Unknown, HAS 1 Handler (s) for this service ...

Service "Oracle" HAS 1 Instance (s).

Instance "Oracle", STATUS UNKNOWN, HAS 1 Handler (s) for this service ...

THE Command Complated SuccessFully


Close Oracle 9i listener

[Oracle @ wing bin] $ lsnrctl

Lsnrctl for Linux: Version - Production On 11-Jul-2001 16:12:17

CopyRight (C) 1991, 2001, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to lsnrctl, Type "Help" for Information.


Connecting to (deScription = (address = (protocol = ipc))))

THE Command Complated SuccessFully


Close Oracle Web Server

CD $ Oracle_Home / Apache / Apache / Bin


/ Oracle/Product/9.0.1/apache/apache/bin/apachectl stop: httpd stopped

Launch Oracle Web Server

CD $ Oracle_Home / Apache / Apache / Bin

[Oracle @ wing bin] $ ./

/ Oracle/Product/9.0.1/apache/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd start

The default port number is 7777 after starting Oracle Web Server


If the browser appears below, it means that Oracle Web Server is operating normally.


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