Really depressed, I originally wanted to beautify my blog, but I was very unhappy. I didn't seem to have an effect. I can't keep up. I am mad. Waiting for free.
I refer to the article:
This log is transferred from the BLOG address of the Ice Sea: Adds the Weather Forecast for your Blog. Sun_Jianhua [Original] Add the following statement in "Options" -> Configuration, you can:
Today's weather b>
This can be implemented with JavaScript, but 9CBS Blog is not allowed to join JavaScript directly in the configuration, but we can add JavaScript to a picture in LNLOAD event. Look at me is added to the counting code code, the effect looks at the upper left corner. The program code is as follows: var div = document.createElement ('span'); Document.Body.insertadjacentelement ('BeforeEnd', Div); = 'position: absolute; display: block; top: 42; left: 2; Width: 20; color: green; background: Yellow; border: 2 outset; cursor: hand; '; div.innerText =' << Reset menu '; div.οclick = function () {var iShide = (RightMenu.Style.Display == 'None'); RightMenu.Style.display = Ishide? 'Block': 'None'; Div.innertext = ISHIDE? '<< Remove menu': 'Expand Menu >>'; Author Blog: The skin mode I have chosen is anothereon001 for the specific modification of the blog skin.
The following is a specific custom CSS: .HeadermainTitle {Font-Family: Font-size: 1cm; Color: # 000000; Align: center} .blogstats {color: black;} span {background-color: # e7e7e7;}. Post {border: 1px solid #cccccc; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-right-width: 2px; padding: 4px; margin-bottom: 28px; background-color: #dadada;}. POST H2 {font-size: 14px; margin: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px; font-family: _GB2312;}. Post a {color: # ff5500;}. post .postfoot {margin: 0px; margin-top: 14px; color: # aa6666; border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; font-size: 0.8em; Background-color: # c8c8c8;} # {background-color: #ffff; height: 75px; vertical-align: middle Background-image: URL (; Background-Repeat: no-repeat; Filter: alpha (Opacity = 80);} # Sub {Text-align: Right; Background-Color: # bbd4d9; color: #cccccc; font-size: 0.8em; padding: 4px;} # leftCell {Width: 200px; vertical-align: top; background-color: # bbc3d9 FILTER: alpha (Opacity = 100, Finishopacity = 0, Style = 1);}. Maincell { Border-left: 1px solid #ddddddd; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddddddd; padding: 10px; Background-color: # E7E7E7; Vertical-Align: Top;} Background image is uploaded to the photo album. There is no background image to the left menu area, just use filter: alpha (Opacity = 100, finishopacity = 0, style = 1); a background color of the transition effect produced.
In fact, there is no technical content! Author Blog: Blog Display your MSN and QQ status to paste the following code to the BLOG management configuration 'Static News' Text box, save the page, re-see Look at your home MSN status: More can go qq status: More you can go Author Blog: for you Blog Creating a Personality Calendar Calendar Control is one of the controls of the DOTNET, which is powerful. It is useful in many project development. It is essential for the Blog system. Need to be jade still needs to be carved, in order to make It is more beautiful and practical, we also need to develop secondary development. The first step is to set up, this according to your needs, just do some adjustments to its related properties. The following picture is the interface attribute I adjusted. The settings are as follows: DayHeaderstyle-BackColor = "# 5e715e" OtherMontHDayStyle-foreColor = "# cccccc" dayNameformat = "full" Runat = "server" titlesty-forecolor = "# ffffff" NextPrevStyle-forecolor = "# ffffff" cellspacing = "1" WeekenddayStyle-BackColor = "# eeeeee" dayheaderstyle-forecolor = "# fffff" SelectionMode = "none" TODAYDAYSTYLE-BORDERCOLOR = "# 5e715e" TodayDayStyle-borderwidth = "1" TodayDayStyle-font-bold = "true" TodayDayStyle-foreColor = "# 5e715e"> The second step is to adjust the internal function, which is mainly set to the processing of the following two events. Prerender: When the server control will be present to the PAGE object included. Dayrender: When the Calendar control is created every day in the control hierarchy. First define three integer variables and integer array private int [] arrcurrentdays, arrpredays, arrnextdays; // three variables are the current month, the first month, and the next month private int INTCURRENTMONTH, INTPREMONTMONTMONTH, INTNEXTMONTH; // three A integer array stores a blog date protected system.web.ui.webcontrols.calendar calendar1; // This is our calendar control 2. I will give the source code of these events, and Let's explain the functions it implemented. If you don't understand, you can first look at the following description. PreRender private void Calendar1_PreRender (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {Thread threadCurrent = Thread.CurrentThread; CultureInfo ciNew = (CultureInfo) threadCurrent.CurrentCulture.Clone (); ciNew.DateTimeFormat.DayNames = new string [] { "day", "One", "Second", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six"}; cinew.datetimeformat.firstdayofweek = dayofweek.sunday; threadcurrent.currentculture = cinew;} The above code changed the display of the week name . You can change your name to display only if you want to change the value of the character array. DayRender Private Void Calendar1_dayrender (Object Sender, System.DayrenderEventArgs E) {// This control occurs every day. Calendarday d = ((DayRendreventargs) e) .day; TableCell C = ((DayRendreventargs) e) .Cell; // Initialize the current month's date array if (intPRemonth == 0) {INTPREMONTH = D.DATE.MONTH; // Note: When the calendar control is initialized, our first month is not the current month, but the month INTCURRENTMONTH = INTPREMONTH 1 for the previous month; IF (intCurrentMonth> 12) INTCURRENTMONTH = 1; intnextMonth = IntCurrentMonth 1; IF (INTNEXTMONTH> 12) INTNEXTMONTH = 1; arrredays = getArrayDay (, INTPREMONTH); // Get the previous month's date array arrcurrentDays = GetArrayDay (, IntCurrentMonth); // Get the month There is a date array of blog, arrnextday = getArrayDay (, INTNEXTMONTH); // Get date arrays of blog next month} int J = 0; if ( (intPremonth)) {while (! arrpredays [j] .Equals (0)) {if ( (arrpredays [j])) {c.controls.clear (); c.controls.add (New LitralControl (" " "));} J ;}} else if ( (intcurrentmonth)) {While (! arrcurrentdays [j] .equals (0)) {if ( (arrcurrentdays [j])) {c.controls.clear (); c.controls.add (new literalcontrol (" ""))))) } J ;}} else if ( (intnextMonth)) {while (! Arrnextdays [j] .Equals (0)) {if ( (arrnextdays [j]))) {C.Controls.clear (); c.controls.add (new literalcontrol (" " <"));} J ;}}} Date Control A page can display the date of three months, the current month is complete, before one Some date on the month and the next month. DayRender event initializes the display method of the specific date, here we have to add a hyperlink on the date with Blog content. So we need to get three arrays during initialization, and store the date of writing with Blog for three consecutive months, respectively. Then compare with the current date in turn, add a link. When using a DayRender event, you must do not forget that it is performed once at each date initialization, which means that the event initialization of the calendar control is to execute 42 times, so do not add as possible, don't add Judging the repeated database operation, I didn't pay attention when I started, and two read library statements were written in the event, and the results were seriously affected. The following method is that I have used to get a date array. // Get the date array of Blog this month private int [] GetArrayDay (int tent "{int [] INTARRAY = new int [31]; // Select records in accordance with the requirements in the database, deposit the date into array string strSql = "select content_time from content where year (content_time) =" intYear "and month (content_time) =" intMonth; dr = SqlHandle.GetDr (strSql); while (dr.Read ()) {if (i = = 0) {INTARRAY [I] = Dr.getdateTime (0) .day; i ;} else f (Dr.GetdateTime (0) .day! = INTARRAY [I-1]) {Intarray [i] = Dr.GetDatetime (0) .day; i ;}} Dr.close (); Return INTARRAY; The specific usage effect can go to my blog to see:
DayHeaderstyle-BackColor = "# 5e715e" OtherMontHDayStyle-foreColor = "# cccccc" dayNameformat = "full"
Runat = "server" titlesty-forecolor = "# ffffff" NextPrevStyle-forecolor = "# ffffff" cellspacing = "1"
WeekenddayStyle-BackColor = "# eeeeee" dayheaderstyle-forecolor = "# fffff" SelectionMode = "none"
TODAYDAYSTYLE-BORDERCOLOR = "# 5e715e" TodayDayStyle-borderwidth = "1" TodayDayStyle-font-bold = "true"
TodayDayStyle-foreColor = "# 5e715e"> The second step is to adjust the internal function, which is mainly set to the processing of the following two events. Prerender: When the server control will be present to the PAGE object included. Dayrender: When the Calendar control is created every day in the control hierarchy.
First define three integer variables and integer array private int [] arrcurrentdays, arrpredays, arrnextdays; // three variables are the current month, the first month, and the next month private int INTCURRENTMONTH, INTPREMONTMONTMONTH, INTNEXTMONTH; // three A integer array stores a blog date protected system.web.ui.webcontrols.calendar calendar1; // This is our calendar control 2. I will give the source code of these events, and Let's explain the functions it implemented. If you don't understand, you can first look at the following description.
PreRender private void Calendar1_PreRender (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {Thread threadCurrent = Thread.CurrentThread; CultureInfo ciNew = (CultureInfo) threadCurrent.CurrentCulture.Clone (); ciNew.DateTimeFormat.DayNames = new string [] { "day", "One", "Second", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six"}; cinew.datetimeformat.firstdayofweek = dayofweek.sunday; threadcurrent.currentculture = cinew;} The above code changed the display of the week name . You can change your name to display only if you want to change the value of the character array.
DayRender Private Void Calendar1_dayrender (Object Sender, System.DayrenderEventArgs E) {// This control occurs every day.
Calendarday d = ((DayRendreventargs) e) .day; TableCell C = ((DayRendreventargs) e) .Cell; // Initialize the current month's date array if (intPRemonth == 0) {INTPREMONTH = D.DATE.MONTH; // Note: When the calendar control is initialized, our first month is not the current month, but the month INTCURRENTMONTH = INTPREMONTH 1 for the previous month; IF (intCurrentMonth> 12) INTCURRENTMONTH = 1; intnextMonth = IntCurrentMonth 1; IF (INTNEXTMONTH> 12) INTNEXTMONTH = 1; arrredays = getArrayDay (, INTPREMONTH); // Get the previous month's date array arrcurrentDays = GetArrayDay (, IntCurrentMonth); // Get the month There is a date array of blog, arrnextday = getArrayDay (, INTNEXTMONTH); // Get date arrays of blog next month} int J = 0; if ( (intPremonth)) {while (! arrpredays [j] .Equals (0)) {if ( (arrpredays [j])) {c.controls.clear (); c.controls.add (New LitralControl (" " "));} J ;}} else if ( (intcurrentmonth)) {While (! arrcurrentdays [j] .equals (0)) {if ( (arrcurrentdays [j])) {c.controls.clear (); c.controls.add (new literalcontrol (" "")))))
} J ;}} else if ( (intnextMonth)) {while (! Arrnextdays [j] .Equals (0)) {if ( (arrnextdays [j]))) {C.Controls.clear (); c.controls.add (new literalcontrol (" " <"));} J ;}}} Date Control A page can display the date of three months, the current month is complete, before one Some date on the month and the next month. DayRender event initializes the display method of the specific date, here we have to add a hyperlink on the date with Blog content. So we need to get three arrays during initialization, and store the date of writing with Blog for three consecutive months, respectively. Then compare with the current date in turn, add a link. When using a DayRender event, you must do not forget that it is performed once at each date initialization, which means that the event initialization of the calendar control is to execute 42 times, so do not add as possible, don't add Judging the repeated database operation, I didn't pay attention when I started, and two read library statements were written in the event, and the results were seriously affected. The following method is that I have used to get a date array. // Get the date array of Blog this month private int [] GetArrayDay (int tent "{int [] INTARRAY = new int [31]; // Select records in accordance with the requirements in the database, deposit the date into array string strSql = "select content_time from content where year (content_time) =" intYear "and month (content_time) =" intMonth; dr = SqlHandle.GetDr (strSql); while (dr.Read ()) {if (i = = 0) {INTARRAY [I] = Dr.getdateTime (0) .day; i ;} else f (Dr.GetdateTime (0) .day! = INTARRAY [I-1]) {Intarray [i] = Dr.GetDatetime (0) .day; i ;}} Dr.close (); Return INTARRAY;
The specific usage effect can go to my blog to see: