1 XML Schema / DTD Defines the report format. Refer to JasparReport.
2 UML / ROSE describes the organizational structure, design, and project staff of AmberReport.
3 gof / design pattern guidance design.
4 Lex / Yacc / Context-Free Grammer SQL parsing, lexical highlight, input control.
5 Java / C / CPP encoding.
6 HTML / MIME / BASE64 Server and Client Communication, Chinese issues.
7 JDBC DRIVER / DATASOURCE / JNDI Design Data Source, Data Connection.
8 Jaspar Report / Runqian Report Absorbs the design ideas of both.
9 POI / ITEXT output to PDF, Excel.
10 Serialize / UnSerialize saves the middle result and cache.
11 Java Image API Generates an API package for JPG images.