Eclipse Projects Introduction

zhaozj2021-02-11  211

Now Eclipse has attracted more and more Java developers, but Eclipse is more than just a Java IDE, but Eclipse is gradually developing into a multi-function platage, there are still many Projects in the Eclipse organization, some Project is Eclipse development Derivatives, such as SWT, and other development aids, such as Ve, as the development of Eclipse Platform, is also an exploration of new technologies. These projects are primarily divided into 3 classes of Eclipse Project, Eclipse Tools Project, Eclipse Technology Project (Note: Web Tools Projects, but no actual project release). Where Eclipse Project naturally refers to Eclipse itself, let's introduce what you have both of the other two categories. (Note: Due to the limited ability, if you have omissions, please give a guidance)

The Eclipse Tools Project


The full name of VE project is Visual Editor, which provides a framework for Eclipse to provide GUI Builder. It currently includes a reference implementation of Swing / JFC and SWT GUI Builder and can be used to implement other languages ​​such as C / C GUI Builder. VE is currently in the development phase, the latest version is 0.5.0, using other projects of Eclipse in the development of VE, such as Gef, EMF, CDE, etc.

VE Site:

Ve news:



The UML2 project is an EMF-based UML2.0 Metamodel implementation under the Eclipse platform. The goal of UML2 project is to provide an available Metamodel implementation to support development of modeling tools; a general XML Schema is used to facilitate communication Semantic Models; Test Case as a way to verify specifications; verification rules are defined and Enhance Compliance Level. It should be noted that the UML2 API and related XML Schema are obeyed from the UML2.0 specification, so there will be some changes in accordance with the variation of the specification before the UML2.0 specification is finalized.

UML2 Site:

Uml2 newsgroup:

Reference: getting started with uml2


The Hyades project is designed to provide a platform for open source automatic software quality tools and provide some open source ASQ tools such as testing, tracking and monitoring. By closely combining the ASQ tool with the Eclipse development environment and provides an ASQ tool that can be effectively effective with other tools, Hyades implements software quality to the software development cycle, which allows the ASQ process to last forever , Deployment, and release of the product.

Unlike existing test and tracking tools, Hyades provides a unified data model, standardized User Experience and Workflow, and an APIS and REFERENCE tools.

Hyades can work with an Open-Source Infrastructure layer that works with an ASQ tool to support a full range of test methodology. The UI of the tool runs above the Eclipse's Workbench and shares data via EMF. In Hyades, some simple Open-Source tests and tracking tools are included.

Hyades Site:

Hyades news: Document: http://dev.eclipse.cgi/_checkout ~/hyades-home/docs/doc.html

Graphical Editor Framework (GEF)

GEF allows developers to develop a graphical editor using existing application models. GEF enables developers to quickly transplant existing models into a graphical editing environment. This graphical environment is based on the SWT drawing plugin "DRAW2D". GEF is based on the MVC framework, which allows developers to make the basic features of Drop / DRAG, UNDO / REDO, MOVE, DELETE, Resize, and other graphics editors. GEF is ideal for the development process editor, the GUI Builder, UML graph editor, Workflow editor, and even the text editor like HTML. However, it is necessary to note that the software developed by Gef must work with the Eclipse environment, which is as a PLUG-IN program. If you want to leave the Eclipse platform as a stand-alone software, you can refer to the Rich Client Platform (RCP) of the Eclipse 3 Series. Combined with GEF and RCP can develop graphic editors outside of the Eclipse platform.

GeF site:

GEF news:

Reference article:


Integrated Cobol IDE under the Eclipse platform

Cobol Site:

If you want to know the COBOL itself, please refer to


Integrate C / C IDE under the Eclipse platform.

Currently Release features:

C / C Editor (basic functionality, syntax highlighting, code completion etc.) C / C Debugger (APIs & Default implementation, using GDB) C / C Launcher (APIs & Default implementation, launches and external application) Parser Search Engine Content Assist Provider Makefile Generator

EMF (ECLIPSE Model Framework)

Eclipse Modeling Framework is designed to provide a framework for simply design and implementation of structured models. EMF provides code generation tools to make developers to concentrate on the model itself instead of its implementation details, this framework is the fundamental concept is: Yuan Data (Meta-Data), Code Generation, Default Serialization (Dafault Serialization)

The initial purpose of the EMF project is to achieve a meta-object tool for Object Management Group. At the same time, EMF is an ECILPSE series tool currently implementation of MDA.

EMF can be used to describe and establish models, on the basis of these definitions, can be automatically generated on the basis of these definitions, and the models of these implementations can be based on any Java program development. This is the problem to be solved by EMF. So far, EMF is only implemented by the MDA section, so it does not include MAP required for enterprise applications such as XML, EAI, EJBS, Web Services.

EMF Site:

GEF news:

Reference: Overview Documents and The Tutorial

The Eclipse Technology Project

CME (Concern Manipulation Environment)

CME is an integrated platform for aspect-oriented software development. For software developers using ASD (Aspect-Oriented Software Developments), CME provides a range of tools to help them create, maintain, and improve aspective software, which provides almost the entire software lifecycle - demand, architecture , Design, coding, integration, testing, deployment, etc. CME also provides a flexible and open component and framework that can easily quickly develop ASD tools for the supplier and researcher of the AOSD tool. CME provides a universal platform that integrates different ASD tools and makes them work together, providing a developed community with an environment running on the Aspect-Oriented mechanism.

CME Site:

CME news:

Ecesis (Eclipse Community Education Project)

ECESIS's establishment goal is to promote high-quality Eclipse commercial and academic courseware, teaching technical training materials, and other resources production, development and dissemination, Ecesis is not a tool but a community of communication Eclipse resources.

Ecesis Site:

Ecesis newsgroup:

WSVT (Web Service Validation Tools)

The WSVT project task is to provide a web service authentication tool that can be used for WebService applications.

WSVT Site:

WSVT newsgroup:

The Eclipse Technology Sub Project


Aspectj is a seamless extension of Java's facing language. It can be used to modular attention to crosscutting structures, such as exception handling, multi-object protocol, synchronization, run optimization, and resource sharing. When the implementation is a non-facing style, the above-mentioned code will be expanded throughout the program. Aspectj can control this code confusion and put more more priority to the appearance, so that the development and maintenance of the program make it easier. The goal of this project is to support AspectJ compilers and core tools. Aspectj site: aspectj ~/aspectj-home/documentation.html


The Equinox project is a test for broadens the scope of the Eclipse Platform runtime configuration. For example, the Eclipse plugin model is static; it is impossible to manage or reduce interplugin; the discovery of service is not involved and the component distribution mechanism is not standard. These issues do not strongly affect Eclipse as a development tool platform, but they affect Eclipse in an environment with more restrictions (Handheld Devices, IT Managed Environments, Mass-Appeal Application, etc.). Equinox is proposed for these issues, with a view to developing these issues to solve these problems with a process of developing the Eclipse code base. Equinox Site: equinox newsgroup: Model Transformer

The goal of the GMT project is to build and combine a set of tools for MDA development to support the Eclipse platform, which can support fully customized platform independent models, platform description models, structural mapping, refinement transportation.

GMT Site:

Gmt newsgroup:


KOI is designed to provide a series of Eclipse support dynamics, Fine-grained multi-user collaborative underlayer components. Koi Site: koi newsgroup:


XSD Infoset Model is a Reference Library for any check, created or modifying XML Schema. XSD Site: xsd newsgroup:


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