ASP common database connection method and skills

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  50

<% DIM CONN, MDBFILE MDBFILE = Server.mappath ("Database Name. MDB") set conn = server.createObject ("adodb.connection" "driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)}; uid = Admin; PWD = database password; dbq = "& mdbfile%>

2. ASP and SQL database connection:

<% DIM CONN SET CONN = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection") Con "provider = SQLOLDB; DATA SOURCE = SQL server name or IP address; UID = sa; PWD = database password; Database = Database Name%>

Establish record set objects:

SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") RS.Open SQL statement, CONN, 3, 2

3. SQL common command usage method:

(1) Data Record Screening:

SQL = "SELECT * FROM DATA WHERE Field Name = Field Value ORDER BY Field Name" SQL = "SELECT * FROM DATA WHERE Field Name Like '% Field Value%' Order BY Field Name" SQL = "SELECT TOP 10 * from Data Sheet WHERE Field Name ORDER BY Field Name "SQL =" SELECT * FROM Datasheet WHERE Field Name in ('value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3') "SQL =" SELECT * FROM Datasheet WHERE field name BetWeen Value 1 AND Value 2 "

(2) Update data record:

SQL = "Update Data Table SET Field Name = Field Value WHERE Condition Expression" SQL = "Update Data Table Set Field 1 = Value 1, Field 2 = Value 2 ... Field N = Value N Where Conditions Expression

(3) Delete data records:

SQL = "delete from data table where condition expression" SQL = "delete from data table" (delete data tables)

(4) Add a data record:

SQL = "INSERT INTO Data Sheet (Field 1, Field 2, Field 3 ...) Valuess (value 1, value 2, value 3 ...)" SQL = "INSERT INTO target data table select * from" source data " Table record added to the target data sheet)

(5) Data logging statistics:

AVG (Field Name) gives a table bar average count (* | field name) Statistics on the number of data lines or the maximum value of the value of the value of a value for a column. MIN (Field Name) gets the smallest value of a table bar SUM (field name) adds the value of the data bar.

Citing the above function:

SQL = "SELECT SUM (Field Name) AS alias from Datasheet Where Condition Expression" SET RS = Conn.excute (SQL)

Use RS ("alias") to get the value, and other functions are used.

(5) Establishment and deletion of data sheets:

Create Table Data Sheet Name (Field 1 Type 1 (Length), Field 2 Type 2 (Length) ...) Example: Create Table Tab01 (Name Varchar (50), DateTime Default Now ())

DROP TABLE Datasheet Name (permanently delete a data sheet)

(6) Method for recording the object:

Rs.MoveNext moves the record pointer down the current position down RS.MOVEPREVIOS to move the logger from the current location to the top RS.MoveFirst Move the record pointer to the data table RS.MOVELAST Move the record pointer to the data table The last row RS.absolutePosition = n Moves the record pointer to the data table nth line rs.absolutepage = n Move the record pointer to the first line of the first line of the nth page RS.Pagesize = n Sets each page for n-record RS.PageCount PageSize's Settings Returns the total number rs.RecordCount Returns the total number RS.BOF Returns the record pointer beyond the data table header, the true said whether false is rs.eof returns a record pointer over the end of the data table, true, true Has Rs.Delete deletes the current record, but the record pointer does not move the rs.addnew to add the record to the data table end RS.UPDATE Update Data Table Record

Judging the filled data is a digital type

If not isnumeric (Request ("Field Name")) Then Response.write "Not Digital" Else Response.write "Digital" end if

Operations of the database are often used. Including connection code, SQL commands, etc., never deliberately remembering them (I am not willing to remember this stuff), so I often go to check books again when I use it. Some relatively small databases don't necessarily be able to find it well, so now they are now at home, providing you with your reference. (The personal level is limited, there is a defect, welcome everyone to correct.)

. Database connection method:

1.An-LESS connection method for the Access database:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adodb.connection") "driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (*. mdb)}; dbq =" & _server.mappath ("path where the database")

2. Access OLE DB connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adodb.connection") "provider = Microsoft.jet.Oledb.4.0;" & _ "data source =" & server.mappath ("path where database is located)

3. SQL Server connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adoDb.recordset") "driver = {SQL Server}; server = (local); uid = ***; pwd = ***;" & _ "Database = database name "

4. SQL Server OLE DB connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adodb.connection") "provider = SQLOLEDB.1; DATA SOURCE = Ritant4;" & _ "User ID = ***; password = ***;" & _ "Inital Catalog = Database Name "5.Oracle connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adodb.connection" "driver = {microsoft odbc for oracle}; server =; uid = admin; pwd = pass;"

6. Oracle OLE DB connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection" "provider =; data source = dbname; user ID = admin;" Password = pass; "

7.DBase connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection") "driver = {Microsoft DBase driver (*. dbf)}; driverid = 277; dbq = ------------;"

8.MYSQL connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection") "driver = {mysql}; database = yourName; uid = usrname; PWD = YourPassword; Option = 16386;"

9.Visual FoxPro connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection") "driver = {Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver}; SourceType = DBC; SOURCEDB = *. dbc; exclusive = no;" text connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection") "driver = {Microsoft text driver = {microsoft text driver (*. txt; * .csv)}; dbq = -----;" & _ "extensions = ASC, CSV , Tab, TXT; PERSIST SecurityInfo = FALSE; " Text OLE DB connection method:

Set adocon = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection" "provider = microsof.jet.Oledb.4.0; data source = your_path;" & _ "extended Properties'Text; fmt = delimited '"

<2>. Common four SQL commands:

1. Query data record (SELECT) Syntax: SELECT field serial from table where field = content example: I want to find all records of the author "Cancer" from the book table, the SQL statement is as follows: Select * from book where author = 'Cancer' "*" is to remove all the fields of the book table. If the field value of the query is a number, then the "content" will not be plus single quotes. If the date is included, it is included in Access (#), and In SQL Server, (') is included, such as:

Select * from book where id = 1select * from book where pub_date = # 2002-1-7 # (access) SELECT * from book where pub_date = '2002-1-7' (SQL Server)

Tip: Date function to_date is not a standard SQL text, not all database applications, so everyone should refer to the database specific syntax when using

In addition, if it is the incoming variable, the following:

Strau = Request.form ("Author") strsql = "Select * from book where author = '" & strau ""

If the query is a number, then:

INTID = Request.form ("ID") strsql = "select * from book where id =" & intID

In many databases, such as: Oracle, the above statement is written: strsql = "select * from book = '" & intid & "'". But the character type must not be written according to the digital format, you need to pay attention.

2. Add Record Syntax: Insert Into Table (Field1, Field2, ....) Values ​​(Value1, Value2, ....) Example: Add a record of "Cancer" into the Book table: Insert Into Book (Bookno, Author, BookName "Values ​​('cf001', 'cancer', 'Cancer Unable Component Uploader'), if the variable is as follows:

Strno = Request.form ("Bookno") Strau = Request.form ("Author") strname = Request.form ("BookName") strsql = "INSERT INTO BOOK (Bookno, Author, Bookname) Values ​​('" & strno & " , '"& Strau &",' "& strname &") "

3. Method for inserting data with the ADDNEW of the RecordSet object: Syntax:

Rs.addNewrs ("Field1"). Value = Value1RS ("Field2"). Value = Value2 ... rs.update

4. Modify Data Record (Update) Syntax: Update Table Set Field1 = Value1, Field2 = Value2, ... WHERE Fieldx = Valuex Example: Update Book Set Author = 'Babycrazy' Where Bookno = 'cf001' If used, the variable is as follows : Strno = Request.form ("Bookno") Strau = Request.form ("Author") strsql = "Update book set author = '" & strau "' Where bookno = '" & strno "" "

5. Update method for theRecordset object: Syntax:

RS ("Field1"). Value = Value1RS ("Field2"). Value = Value2 ... rs.update

Note: When using syntax 3 and syntax 5, be sure to pay attention to the type of field (especially date type), otherwise the chance of error is very high.


Strno = Request.form ("BookNo") Strau = Request.form ("Author") set adocon = server.createObject ("adodb.connection" "driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (*. MDB)}; DBQ = "& _Server.mAppath = (" / can / carative.mdb ") strsql =" Select * from book where bookno = '"& strno &" "set = server.createObject (" adodb.recordset ") rs.Open STRSQL, Adconn, 1, 3IF Not rs.eof the 'If there is this record rs ("author"). Value = straurs.UpdateEnd IFRS.Closset RS = Nothingadocon.closset Adocon = Nothing

6. Delete a record (Delete) Syntax: Delete Table Where Field = Value Example: Delete Book Table The author is a record of caverr

Delete Book Where Author = 'Cancer'

(Note: If there is a number of records of the Author field in the Book table, you will delete all author as a record of Cancer)

Ok, learn to use these operations, you should have no problem when you use the ASP to operate the database.


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