subversion features (Features) 1: Directory versioning2: True version history3: Atomic commits4: Versioned metadata5: Choice of network layers6: Consistent data handling7: Efficient branching and taging8: Hackabilitysubversion svn command function 27 functions addblamecatcheckoutcleanupcopydeletediffexporthelpimportinfolistlogmergemkdirmovepropdelpropeditpropgetproplistpropsetresolvedrevertstatusswitchupdate
Svnadmin Command CreateDeltifyDumphelPhotcopyList-dblogslist-unused-dblogsloadlstxnsRecoverRmtxnssetLogverify a total of 13 features
svnlook command authorcatchangeddatediffdirs-changedhelphistoryinfologpropgetproplisttreeuuidyoungest functional difference of 15 cvs and subversion of 1: 2 differential version: Version 3 directories: more offline operation 4: status differs update5: cvs processing branch and a different tag 6: original data Metadata Properties 7: Different Solutions to conflicts 8: binary files and transformation 9: version of the module 10: Certification