Hand handle you to play the overlap IO article (on)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

Teach you to play the Socket model overlap I / O

"As a beginner, you can often feel the hardships of beginners. So I always want to take the time to do what I can help those who need help. I also hope that everyone can learn and others. Share together, don't despise others to get greed, because you should not be despised, you should not pay. "

----- Inventive By PiggyXP (Pig)


In fact, I should first apologize, because I am in July, I want to write a set of entrance articles about Socket model and the matching code, but I didn't expect to go out to vacation by the beauty of the beauty, just returned. . . . . . -_- b In fact, I have been basically written, but I don't write a set of text, but I think it is a little difficult model, because other models are entitled to be simple.

However, since it is also an initiator, he is still looking forward to it.

This article condenses the author's heart, if you want to reprint, please indicate the original author and the source, thank you! ^ _ ^

OK, Let's Go! Have Fun! ! q ^ _ ^ P

Sample source code download address for this article

(The multi-client MFC code written by VC.NET 2003 is equipped with detailed comments, just a simple display of the characters from the client, and a little improvement is a chat room):


(UNIX system, pay attention to link case)

I am very grateful to the space for the network version of the Limin Brother to provide the space provided by my unpaid, and I am very grateful to him, thank him, thank you, I am grateful ~~~~~ t_t

Also welcome everyone to visit the BLOG to discuss network technology


(This article is assumed to have the ability to program the simple model of Socket, if you don't know if you don't know about this series, please pay attention to this series of other articles)

table of Contents:

1. Advantages of overlapping models

2. Basic principle of overlapping model

3. Basic knowledge about overlapping models

4. Implementation steps for overlapping models

5. Multiple client conditions

One. Advantages of overlapping models

1. You can run all Windows platforms that support Winsock2, and unlike completed ports just support NT systems.

2. Compare the I / O (Overlapped I / O) model to make the application to better system performance than a model such as blocking, select, wsaasyncselect, and WSAEventSelect, and WSAEventSelect, which enables applications to achieve better system performance.

Because it and the four models are different, the application that uses overlapping models notifies the buffer transceiver system directly using data, that is, if the application delivers a 10kb size buffer to receive data, and data has arrived The data will be directly copied to the delivery buffer.

And these four models, data arrive and copy into a single-socket receiving buffer, at which time the application will be informed of the capacity to be read. When the application calls the reception function, the data is copied from a single-set buffer buffer to the application's buffer, and the difference is reflected.

3. You can see in the test results provided in Windows Network Programming, in which P4 is used.


Xero processor (CPU is very strong) and 768MB response servers can handle more than 40,000 Socket connections, and the CPU usage is only about 40% when processing 10,000 connections - very good performance, Already completed the port ^ _ ^

two. Basic principle of overlapping model

Said so many benefits, you must also jump, but we still have to mention the basic principles of overlapping models.

Summary, the overlapping model is to allow the application to use the overlapping data structure (WSAOVERLAPPED), deliver one or more WINSOCK I / O requests at a time. For these requests, after they are completed, the application will receive a notification, so you can process these data through your own code. It should be noted that two methods can be used to manage the completion of overlapping IO requests (that is, notification to the overlapping operations):

1. Event object notification (Event Object Notification)

2. Completion routines, pay attention, not completing the port here

This article only tells how to use event notifications to achieve overlapping IO models, and the method of completion routines is ready to put it :) (Too much content, one writing is not finished), if there is no special instructions, The overlapping model of this paper defaults to an overlapping model based on an event notification.

Since it is based on event notifications, the Windows event object is required to associate with the WSAOverlapped structure (there is a corresponding parameter in the WSAOVERLAPPED structure), which is popular, that is. . . . Yes, forgot to say, since it is necessary to use overlapping structure, we often use Send, Sendto, RECV, and Recvfrom is also replaced by Wsasend, Wsasendto, WSARECV, Wsarecvfrom, and their usage I will talk, here only It is necessary to pay attention to a point, there is an overlapped parameter in their parameters. We can assume that the operation of our WSARECV is "bind" to this overlap structure, submit a request, other things will be handed over to overlapping structure And the overlapping structure is "binding" with Windows event object so that we can "enjoy it" after the WSARECV will "share it", wait until the overlapping operation is completed, naturally there will be corresponding events to notify us to do , Then we can take our desired data according to the result of overlapping operations.

Maybe I haven't understood it for a long time, then continue to look back. . . . . . . -_- b, language expressibility is limited ~~~

three. Basic knowledge about overlapping models

Here is to introduce and exemplify several critical functions that will be used in the program to write overlapping models.


This structure is naturally the core in the overlapping model, which is called so definition

Typedef struct _wsaoverlapped {





WSAEVENT HEVENT; / / The only parameter that needs attention to associate WSAEVENT objects


We need to deliver WSARECV and other operations to a overlapping structure, and we need an event object "binding" with overlapping structure to inform us to complete the completion of the operation, see and hevent parameters, don't tell you, you should know How to bring the event object to the overlapping structure? Roughly is as follows:

WSAEVENT EVENT; / / Define events

WSAOVERLAPPED ACCEPTOVERLAPPED; / / Define overlapping structure

Event = wsacreateEvent (); // Establish an event object handle

ZeromeMory (& AcceptoverLapped, Sizeof (Wsaoverlapped)); // Initializing overlapping structure acceptoverlapped.hevent = event; // done !!

2. WSARECV Series Function

In the overlapping model, the received data is to rely on it, and its parameters are more than the RECV, because the knife is used to overlap the structure, it is defined:


Socket S, // is of course a socket that delivers this operation

LPWSABUF LPBUFFERS, / / ​​Receive buffer, different from the RECV function

// This requires an array that is composed of a WSABUF structure.

DWord dwbuffercount, // The number of WSABUF structures in the array

LPDWORD LPNUMBEROFBYTESRECVD, // If the receiving operation is complete, you will return a function call here.

// Number of bytes received

LPDWORD LPFLAGS, // said that the length is long, we set it here to 0

LPWSAOVERLAPPED LPOVERLAPPED, / / ​​"Bind" overlap structure


// The parameters that will be used in the completion routine will be set here as NULL.


return value:

WSA_IO_PENDING: The most common return value, which means that our WSARECV operation is successful, but

I / O operation has not been completed, so we need to bind an event to notify us when to do

For example: (the order of the definition of the variable and the order of the above description are corresponding, the same)

Socket S;

WSABUF DATABUF; / / Define buffers for WSABUF structures

// Initialize DataBuf

#define data_bufsize 5096

Char buffer [data_bufsize];

ZeromeMory (buffer, Data_bufsize);

DataBuf.len = DATA_BUFSIZE;

DataBuf.buf = buffer;

DWORD dwbuffercount = 1, dwrecvbytes = 0, FLAGS = 0;

/ / Establish needed overlapping structure

WSAOVERLAPPED Acceptoverlapped; // If you want to handle multiple operations, here is of course a need


WSAEVENT Event; // If you want multiple events, here, there is of course a WSAEVENT array

// Need to note is that a socket will have more than one overlap request at the same time.

// will also correspond to more than one WSAEVENT

Event = wsacreateevent ();

ZeromeMory (& AcceptoverLapped, Sizeof (Wsaoverlapped);

Acceptoverlapped.hevent = event; // Key one step, "bind" to the overlapping structure

// Make so much work, I can finally use WSARECV to deliver our request to overlapping structure, call. . . .

WSARECV (S, & DataBuf, dwbuffercount, & dwrecvbytes,

& Flags, & acceptoverlapped, null;

Other functions, I will introduce it here, because we have MSDN so good helper, and I will talk about some ^ _ ^ 3. WSAWAITFORMULTIPEEVENTS function when the completion routine and completion of the port.

Friends who are familiar with the WSAEventSelect model will definitely be unfamiliar with this function. In fact, everyone should not be unfamiliar, this function is still like a WaitFormultiPleObjects function commonly used in the thread, because all are waiting for an event. Trigger.

Because we need events to notify us of the completion of the overlapping operation, it naturally requires the function of this waiting event with it.


DWORD CEVENTS, / / ​​Waiting Events Total Quantity

CONST WSAEVENT * LPHEVENTS, / / ​​Event array pointer

Bool fwaitall, // This should be said more questions:

// If set to True, all events are sent to the event when all events are communicated.

// False, any event is sent to the signal to return

// We must set it to false here.

DWORD DWTIMEOUT, // Timeout, if the timeout, the function returns WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT

// If set to 0, the function will return immediately

// If set to WSA_INFINITE, only the event will be returned after being sent.

/ / Not recommended here for WSA_INFINITE because. . . Let's talk about it later ..-_- b

Bool falrtable // This parameter will be used in the completion routine, here we set it to false


return value:

WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT: The most common return value, what we need to do is to continue WAIT

WSA_WAIT_FAILD: An error occurred, please check if both CEVENTS and LPHEVENTS are valid.

If an event in an event array is communicated, the function returns the index value of this event, but this index value requires minus predefined values ​​WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0 is the location in the event array.

The specific example will not be held here, and will also say

Note: The WSAWAITFORMULTIPEEVENTS function can only support a maximum of the WSA_Maximum_Wait_Events object, is 64, that is, WSAWAITFORMULTIPEEvents can only wait for 64 events, if you want to wait more than 64 events, you will create additional worker threads, you must Don't manage a thread pool, this is not as follows by the following completion routine model.

4. WsagetoverlappedResult function

Since we can get a notification completed by the WSAWAITFormultipleEvents function, then we naturally need a function to query the result of overlapping operations, defined as follows

Bool WsagetoverlappedResult

Socket S, // Socket, no need to say

LPWSAOVERLAPPED LPOVERLAPPED, / / ​​This is a pointer to the overlapping structure we want to query the result

LPDWORD LPCBTRANSFER, / / ​​/ / The number of bytes of actual reception (or send) this overlap operation

Bool fwait, // Set to true unless the overlapping operation is completed, otherwise the function will not return

/ / Set False, and the operation is still in the suspended state, then the function will return false

// Error is WSA_IO_Incomplete

// But because we are waiting for the event to notify us to do this, we set up

// It doesn't have any effects in it ... ..-_- b Don't still egg, I also want to say some ...

LPDWORD LPDWFLAGS / / Pointer to DWORD, responsible for receiving results logo


This function is not difficult. We don't need to pay attention to its return value, you can fill in the parameters directly, here will not exist first.

The only thing to pay attention to is if the WSAGETOVERLAPPEDRESULT is complete, the third parameter returns to 0, then the communication other party has closed the connection. The Socket on our side has turned off.


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