New Trojan Mode

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

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Technical Information (Suitable for Support Person)

  • Error Type:
    <% DIM BakcodePage Bakcodepage = session.codepage session.codepage = 936 response.write server.htmlencode Objasperror.category) If ObjaspeRror.aspcode> "" Ten Response.write Server.htmlencode ("& objasperror.aspcode) response.write server.htmlencode (" (0x "& hex (objasperror.number) &") ") & "
    " If objASPError.ASPDescription> "" Then Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode (objASPError.ASPDescription) & "
    " blnErrorWritten = False 'Only show the Source if it is available and the request is from the same machine as IIS If objASPError.Source> "" Then strServername = LCase (Request.ServerVariables ( "SERVER_NAME")) strServerIP = Request.ServerVariables ( "LOCAL_ADDR") strRemoteIP = Request.ServerVariables ( "REMOTE_ADDR") If (strServername = "localhost "Or strserverip = strremoteip) and objasperror.file <>"? "THEN RE Sponse.write server.htmlencode (objasperror.file) IF objasperror.line> 0 Then Response.write "," & objasperror.Line & "line" if objasperror.column> 0 Then Response.write "," & Objasperror. Column & "RESPONSE.WRITE"
    "response.write" "

    Response.write server.htmlencode (objasperror.source) & "
    " if objasperror.column> 0 Then Response.write string (objasperror.column - 1), "-") & "^
    " response. Write " " BLNERRORWRITEN = True End if end if if not blnerrorwritten and objasperror.file <> "?" "Then Response.write" "response.write server.htmlencode (objasperror.file) If Objaspe.Line> 0 Then Response.write Server.htmlencode ("," & Objasperror.Line & "Row") IF ObjaspeRror.Column> 0 Then Response.write "," & objasperror.column & "column" ' -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 'Added by BiGeagle' Date: 2000/5/10 DIGEGLE 'DATE: 2000/5/10 DIGEGLE' DATE: 2000/5/10 DIM L_STRASPDESCRIPTION L_STRASPDESCRIPTION = "Error Reason:" ObjasPerror.Description <> "" THEN Response.write ("

    " "") end if l_straspdescription = "Detailed Description:" ObjasPerror.aspdescription <> "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" L_Straspdescription "") endiff '------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Response.write "
    " END IF%>

  • browser type:
    <% = Request.serverVariables ("http_user_agent")%>

  • page:
    <% strmethod = request.servervariables "Request_Method") response.write strmethod & "if strmethod =" pos "

    Then Response.Write Request.TotalBytes & "bytes to" End If Response.Write Request.ServerVariables ( "SCRIPT_NAME") lngPos = InStr (Request.QueryString, "|") If lngPos> 1 Then Response.Write & Left "?" (REQUEST.QUERYSTRING, (LNGPOS - 1)) end if response.write "" if strmethod = "post" the response.write "

  • post data:
    " if Request.totalbytes > lngMaxFormBytes Then Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode (Left (Request.Form, lngMaxFormBytes)) & "..." Else Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode (Request.Form) End If Response.Write "" End If %>

  • Time:
    <% DATNOW = NOW () Response.write Server.htmlencode (FormatorTime (DATNOW, 1) & "," & Formator (DATNOW, 3)) Session.codepage = BakcodePage %>

  • Details:
    <% strqueryString = "prd = IIS & SBP = & PVER = 5.0 & id = 500; 100 & cat =" & server.urlencode (objasperror.category) & _ "& OS = & over = & HRD = & OPT1 =" & Server.urlencode (objasperror.aspcode) & "& Opt2 =" & Server.urlencode (objasperror.Number) & _ "& Opt3 =" & Server.urlencode (ObjasperrR) Or.description) Strurl = ""

    ; & _ strqueryString%> 转载请注明原文地址:

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