VI User Manual

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

A: From the position of the cursor, new information is started, and the data after the cursor moves backwards with the new information. A: Add information from the last place where the cursor is located. Insert i: Inserting data from the position where the cursor is located, the data after the cursor moves backwards with the new data. I: Insert the information from the first non-empty white font in the column where the cursor is located. Start (OPEN) O: Add a column below the cursor and enter the input mode. O: Add a column above the column where the cursor is located and enters the input mode. x: Delete the character in the cursor. DD: Delete the column where the cursor is located. r: Modify the character where the cursor is located, and then the character to be corrected. R: Enter the replacement state, the new text will overwrite the original text until [ESC] is pressed back to the instruction mode. s: Delete the cursor where the cursor is located and enter the input mode. S: Delete the column where the cursor is located and enter the input mode. File operation instructions are mostly: start, which is a bit different from the editing directive. : Q End Edit (QUIT): Q! Do not archive and give up edited files. : w Save File (WRITE) After you can add the file name you want to arch. : The WQ is left behind. ZZ function is: WQ is the same. The VI or vedit command is used to display the editing file with full screen. Syntax {vi | vedit} [-l] [-r] [-ttag] [-v] [-wnumber] [-yunumber] [-r [file]] [{ | -c} {subcommand}] [file ...] Description VI command Starts a full-screen editor based on the base EX editor. Therefore, the EX subcommand can be used in the VI editor. The venit command launches the VI editor version for beginners. In the VEDIT editor, the report option is set to 1, set the showMode option and the Novice option to make it a row editor. You can start the VI editor by specifying the edited file name. If multiple file parameters are provided on the command line, the VI editor edits each file in the specified order. The VI editor of the existing file displays the file name, number of rows, and characters at the bottom of the screen. In the case of multiple byte locale, the number of characters must be interpreted by one bysete. Since the VI editor is a full-screen editor, you can edit the text on one by screen. The VI editor creates a copy in editing the buffer for editing, and until the content saving changes will be changed. The position on the display screen indicates that its location in the file and the subcommand affects the file in the cursor position. The Limitations of the VI Editor The following list provides the maximum limit of the VI editor. These counts use a single-byte character set. Each row {line_max} Each Handle Command List 256 characters 128 characters in the previously inserted and deleted text 128 characters in the shell escape command 128 characters in a string value 30 characters in a string value In a tagname, 128 mappings, a total of 2048 characters 1,048,560 rows, each line is enforced to exceed {line_max} Macro name and macro text are limited to 100 characters. Note: To run the VI editor greater than 64MB, you may display the following error message: 0602-103 File Too Large to Place In / TMP VI Edit Method VI Editor Action Press: Command Mode When you start the VI editor, It is in a command mode. You can enter any subcommand, except for subcommands that specify only for text input. When the subcommand and other means end, the VI editor returns a command mode. Press the ESC key to cancel the subsis. Text Input Way Use the VI editor in this way to add text.

Enter the text input method with the following principle: A subcommand, A subcommand, i subcommand, i subcommand, o subcommand, o subcommand, cx subcommand (where x represents the scope of subcommand), C subcommand , S subcommand, s subcommand, and R subcommand. Enter one of these subcommands, you can enter text to the editing buffer. To return to the command, press the ESC button to end in normal exit or press "Interrupt" to end in an abnormal manner. The final method is prefix: (colon), / (slash),? (Question mark),! (Exclamation number) or! (Two exclamation points) read input on the display line at the bottom of the screen. When the initial character is input, the VI editor places the cursor at the bottom of the screen, where you can enter the remaining characters in the command. Press the ENTER key to run the subcommand, or press "Interrupt" to cancel it in the CTRL-C button. When using!! When prefixed, the cursor only moves after both exclamation points. When using: prefix into the last line, if the following characters are used before the specified command, the VI editor gives them specific meaning:% all rows, regardless of the position of the cursor, the last line of the cursor. Customized VI editor can be based on The following ways to customize the VI editor: Setting Edit Option Definition Macro Specling button Settings Abbreviation Settings VI Editor Options The following list Description You can use the set command to change the VI editor option. The default settings for these options are OFF. If one of these switch options is opened, you can turn it off before the option is entered. If you want to interrupt the AutoWrite VI option, enter noAW, where no close the option, and the AW specifies the autowrite option. Note: Do not include parentheses when you enter a VI option. VI Options (Abbreviations) Description Autoindent (AI) Automatically protested in the text input mode in the text input mode by using the interval between the tablet stop bits specified by the ShiftWidth option. The default is NOAI. Returning the cursor to the previous tab stop position, press CTRL-D shortcut. This option does not work for global commands. AutoPrin (AP) prints the current row after any change editing buffer command. The default is the AP. This option is applied only to the last command in a series of commands on a single line, and does not work for global commands. AutoWrite (AW) If the edit buffer has changed since the last Write subcommand, the edit buffer automatically writes the edit buffer to the file before: n subcommand,: ta subcommand, Ctrl-a button order and! . The default is NoAW. Beautifying text (BF) In the process of text input (in addition to tab, newline, and page ", it prevents users from entering control characters in the editing buffer. The default is NOBF. This option is applied to the command input. Closepunct (CP =) Processing end branch list, especially when the text is automatically wrapped (WRAPTYPE option). Number of words, such as CP = 3 before multi-character punctuation, such as CP = 3 ..; When the automatic wrap, the VI command does not split the punctuation. Directory displays a directory that contains the editing buffer. The default is DIR = / VAR / TMP.

EDCompatible (ED) During the multiple replacement process, the G (Global) and C (confirmation) sub-command suffix are retained, and the R (read) suffix is ​​operated as the R subtrack. The default is NOED. Exrc (Exrc) If not set, any .exrc file in the current directory is ignored during the initialization process, unless the current directory is specified by the Home environment variable. The default is NoExrc. Hardtabs (ht =) tells the VI Editor Displays the distance between the hardware tab stop bit on the screen. (This option must match the base terminal or Terminal emulator tab setting.) The default is HT = 8. IgnoreCase (IC) When searching for regular expressions, ignore the difference between uppercase and lowercase. The default is NOIC. LINELIMIT (LL =) Sets the maximum number of rows, such as the -y command line option. This option is only available when it is used with the .exrc file or the Exinit environment variable. LISP (LISP) removes the special meaning of (), {}, [[and]] and enables = (format print) operators to the S expression to edit the line processing (LISP) program. The default is NOLISP. List (list) Displays the text and tab (^ i) and tag end ($). The default is nolist. Magic (MAGIC) When searching a mode, (the junction), [(left bracket), and * (asterisk) characters are as special characters. In a closed mode, only () (parentheses) and $ (US dollar) remain special. However, the specific meaning of other characters can be activated by adding / (backslash) in front of other characters. The default is Magic. MESG (MESG) If you are set up, open the write permissions of the terminal. This option is only available when it is used with the .exrc file or the Exinit environment variable. The default is ON. Modeline (Modeline) If you are found in the Five-line or last five lines, run the VI editor command line. A line VI editor command can be in any location in the row. To facilitate the VI editor to identify the command line, this line must contain a space or tab, followed by EX: or VI: string. The command line ends with the second: (colon). The VI editor attempts to interpret any data between the first and second colons as a VI editor command. The default is Nomodeline. Novice indicates whether it is in a NOVICE mode. You cannot change the value with the set command. Number (NU) displays rows that are prefixed in line numbers. The default is Nonu. Optimize (OPT) accelerates the operation of the terminal that lacks cursor addressing. The default is noopt. Paragraphs (PARA =) defines the VI macro name that starts the paragraph. The default is Para = IPLPPPQPP / LIPPLPIPNPBP. If a paragraph is specified, a single letter nroff macro, such as .p ​​macro, must contain a space with an extension character. PartialChar (PC =) appears in the final display column, which is not fully displayed in the column. The default character is - (minus sign).

PROMPT When you are in a command mode, enter the new editor command by printing: (colon) prompts. The default is ON. Readonly (RO) Sets a permanent read-only mode. The default is Noreadonly. Redraw (RedRaw) imitates smart workstations on low energy workstations. The default is NORE. The REMAP allows the macro to be defined according to other macros. The default is ON. Report (RE =) Set the number of times that commands can be repeated before the message display. For subcommands that generate a number of messages, such as a full-organizer command, complete the command sequence after displaying a message. The default is report = 5. Scroll (SCR =) is set to scroll the number of rows that scroll when scrolling up and down in the editor. The default is 1/2 of the window size, and it is round to all. Sections (SECT =) Defines the VI macro name that starts the paragraph. The default is SECT = NHSHHH / Huuhsh C. If you specify a paragraph, a single letter nroff macro, such as .p ​​macro must contain spaces with an extension character. Shell (sh =) is! subcommand or:! The subcommand defines the shell. The default is to log in to the shell. ShiftWidth (SW =) Sets the spacing of the software tab stop position used for the autotent option, Shift command (> and <) and text input commands (Ctrl-D and Ctrl-t button sequence). The VI option only affects the regeneration starting. The default is SW = 8. ShowMatch (SM) is displayed as input) (right brackets) or} (left brackets) or {(left flower brackets). By default is NOSM. ShowMode (SMD) When VI editing When you are in an input mode, the message is displayed. The default is NOSMD. Slowopen (SLOW) During the insertion, the default value is Noslow. TabStop (TS =) Sets the tabs in a displayed file The spacing between the bits. The default is TS = 8. Tags (tags =) defines a search path for a database file that created with a CTAGS command. The default is tags = tags / / usr / lib / tags. TERM (Term =) Set the type of workstation being used. The default is Term = $ TERM, where $ TERM is the value of the Term shell variable. TERSE (TERSE) allows the VI editor to display a short format of the message. By default NOTERSE. Timeout (TO) is set for two seconds for character. When setting the Timeout option, this restriction allows a single character input and processing the characters in the macro. To restore the macro, you need to set the Notimeout option. Default To TO. TTYTYPE indicates the TTY type for the terminal that is being used. From the VI editor, this value cannot be changed. Warn (WARN) is now displayed WARN message. When you have made changes in the editing buffer, no files have not been written yet When the first time the housing command is sent, then the subcommand executes the shell command. The default is WARN. WINDOW (Wi =) settings displayed in a text window.

The default value depends on the baud rate used during operation: 600 baud or less, 8 lines; 1200 baud, 16 lines; higher speed, full screen minus 1 line. Wrapmargin (WM =) settings from a row to another line of pages. The automatic wrap is turned off by the default value of WM = 0.0 value. Wrapscan (WS) allows string search from the end of the editing buffer until the beginning is automatically wrap. The default is WS. WRAPTYPE (WT =) specifies a method for wound words at the end of the row. The default is General. You can specify one of the following four values: General allows the word interruption (such as a blank between the two characters). This is set to default. Word allows to automatically wrap on words. RIGID allows you to automatically wrap before the punctuation on the column and close. Flexible allows you to automatically wrap on the column, but a punctuation can be extended to the page distance. WRITEANY (WA) Turn off checks that are usually performed prior to WRITE subcommands. The default is NOWA. To see a list of VI editor settings for the default settings, enter Set and press the space bar. Press ENTER to return to the command mode. To view a full list of VI editor settings, enter Set All. Press ENTER to return to the command mode. To open a VI editor option, enter Set Option. This command automatically returns to the command mode. To open multiple VI editor options, enter Set Option Option Option. This command opens three specified VI editor options and returns to the command mode. To turn off a VI option, enter Set Nooption. This command automatically returns to the command mode. To change the value of a VI editor, enter set option = value. This command automatically returns to the command mode. You can use only this editing session using: SET VI Edit Submand Settings Options, or for this editing session and all future editing session settings options. To set or change the VI editor option for this editing session, enter: set subcommand from the command line. To set the VI option for all editing sessions, the SET subcommand is placed in the exinit environment variable of the .profile file (read by the logged housler) or places the SET subcommand in the .exrc file. The VI editor first looks for the exinit environment variable and runs its command. If the exinit environment variable does not exist, the VI editor looks for the $ home / .exrc file and runs its command. Finally, regardless of the previous result, the VI editor looks out of the local .exrc file and runs its command. Note: This process has been established, except for the TVi command (trusted VI). In this case, the VI editor looks up and runs only the /etc/.exrc file. To get information on changing the option by setting an Exinit environment variable, see the description of environment variables in the Environment file. The .exrc file can contain set option = value; subcommands in the format, such as SET CP = 3..; To include comments in the .exrc file, "(dual quotes) as the first character in the row. Definition Macro If you often use a subscriber or a series of subcommands, you can use the VI editor to define macros that make the subcommand or sub-command order. To define a macro, enter a series of buffers named in alphabets. Lowercase Letters A to Z override the contents of the buffer, uppercase letters A to z attach the text to the previous content of the buffer, which can build macro by block.

For example, to define a macro named C, the macro search word Corner and makes the third line after the word Corner become the current line, enter the following command: O / CORNER / 3, then press the ESC button and enter the following command: "C c is the name of the buffer macro. To add text to the previous content in the defined buffer, enter o Visubcommand, press the ESC button, and enter "Capitalletter, where the Capitalletter variable specifies a capital letter from A to Z. For example, to construct a buffer macro called T, the macro search word Corner and allows you to add more commands, enter the following command: o Corner and press the ESC button and enter the following command: "T where T is the name of the buffer macro. You can repeat this process to add more VI subcommands to the same buffer. For example, to add a moving cursor to the front row and delete the line command, enter the following command: o -DD here - (negative) It is intended to move the cursor to the row, while DD means deleting the current row. Press the ESC key and enter the following command: "TDD To start the macro, enter @letter, where the letter variable specifies the alphanumeric name you want to use. To use the same macro, enter @@ (two in the symbol). For example, enter the @T Start the T Buffer Macro and run the search, move the cursor, and delete the row command. Enter @@ t to start the T buffer macro again. The character set used by the system is defined by the comparison table. This table affects the performance of the VI macro. The mapping key can be used: map,: map!, And: AB subcommand map the keystroke operation to the command or command sequence. : The Map subcommand is used in the command mode. : map! and: AB subcommands are used in text input mode. You can map keys for this editing session and all future editing sessions, or only for the current editing session (one in a two-way mode). To all future editing session mapping keys, the subcommand is placed in the $ home / .exrc file. Each time the VI editor is launched, this file will be read. Mapping remains valid for each editing session. To start the subcommand during the VI editor session only from the command mode as the current editing session mapping key. To use only the text input to the current editing session mapping key, enter the subcommand on the command line during the VI Editor session. The mapping remains valid for the current editing session. Note: If you are using an IBM 3161 ASCII display station, an IBM 3163 ASCII display station, or an IBM 3101 ASCII display station, the default key map of the VI editor causes data loss. To view the default mapping, issue: Map subcommand. ESC-J or SHIFT-J button sequence produces special issues. These buttons sequentially delete all information from the current position of the cursor to the file. To avoid problems, use the .exrc file to change this button order. : Map,: map! and: AB subcommands are defined below:: MAP is defined by command mode. In the VI editor, the MAP subcommand allows the specified command or command sequence to be run by pressing a single button. To map keys by command mode, start the VI editor with an empty editing buffer without having a vi command to name the VI file or enter anything to the buffer after the VI editor is started.

You can use: Map subcommands to complete the following tasks: To map characters to the editing command sequence, enter:: map letter Visubcommand To cancel the previously mapped characters by command, enter:: unmap letter To display the current mapping list, enter ::: The MAP VI editor does not use the following keys, but can be used in the command mode and: the map subcommand. Letters S, G, K, Q, V and V control key sequences Ctrl-a, Ctrl-K, Ctrl-O, Ctrl-T, Ctrl-W and Ctrl-X symbols _ (underscore), * (asterisk), / (Backslash) and = (equal sign) Although the key that can be edited by the VI, it is not possible to use the common function of the key as long as the mapping is valid. Some terminals allow the command sequence to be mapped to the function key. If it is in a Lisp mode, = (equal) cannot be used because it has been used by the VI editor. To map the letter V to the command sequence, the next appearance of the next appearance of the command sequence, change it into a word map, enter the following command:: Map v / map CWMAP Previous example guidance VI Editor Positioning the appearance of the next MAP (/ MAP ), change the MAP to MAP (CWMAP), ending Change- Word subcommand ( ), enter a command ( ). Note: In order to prevent the VI editor from explaining the Enter key, the Ctrl-V button order must be entered in front when mapping. This situation is also true for ESC, Backspace, and Delete keys. To map control characters Ctrl-a, Ctrl-K, and Ctrl-O, press CTRL keys and the corresponding letters. For example, to map the Ctrl-a button order to the save file and the next file command sequence, enter the following command:: map : w : n To convert the mapping control character Ctrl-T, Ctrl-W, and Ctrl-x, you must first use the Ctrl-V button sequence to escape. To map | (pipeline), you must first use two CTRL-V button to escape, which is mapped by the following example: Map character G to the command sequence, the command sequence transfixes to the housing, connection file / etc / MOTD and output to WC commands:: map g:! CAT / etc / motord | WC If the terminal allows the mapping function key, you must use the #Number button with the #Number button. Quote them in order to specify the number of the function keys you want to map. In the following example, the F1 function key is mapped to the delete word and the command sequence of three words to the cursor:: map # 1 dwwww In order to make the function key to map the function, the function key gives the terminal type must be defined in the Terminfo file. The output matches.

These definitions are marked by Kfnumber entry, where KF1 represents the F1 function key, KF2 represents F2 function keys, and so on. If the output obtained by the function key does not match this, you must use the terminal setting mode to correct the settings to match these terminal database entries before any mapping. You can also map a keyboard special key, such as HOME, End, Page Up, and Page Down. For most terminals, these keys have been mapped in the VI editor. You can verify this mapping by using: Map subcommand. If these keys have not been mapped, you can use: map subcommand:: map g: map 1g: map : MAP To get all current mappings in the command mode, enter: map subcommand. The previous example shows the following: V v / map cwmap ctrl-m> : w : n g G:! CAT / etc / MOTD | WC Note: Ctrl-V and ENTER button sequence is displayed as the CTRL-M button order, and the Ctrl-V and ESC button sequence is displayed as Ctrl- [button order. : map! Mapping the string to a single key when in a text input method. To press the text input mode mapping button, start the VI editor with an empty editing buffer without having a VI command to name the VI file or enter anything to the buffer after the VI editor is started. You can use: map! Subcommands to complete the following tasks: To map a letter to one or more VI strings by text input, enter:: map! Letter string To cancel the previously mapped letters in text input mode, please enter: : UNMAP! Letter To display an existing string that is mapped to a special key in a text input, enter:: map! When you are in a text input mode, enter the mapping button to process the specified string. Ctrl-V and ESC button sequence enters the command mode, returns to the beginning of the current word (BBW), and launch the CW (Change-Word) subcommand. For example:: map!% BBWCW When you enter text, if you realize that a word has been lost, you can re-enter this word by pressing the% (percent) button. The editor automatically returns to the insert. Note: Be careful when selecting the key to: map! Subcommand. Once the key is mapped, unless you first issue: UNMAP! Subcommand, they can no longer press text. : AB Type or button sequence to the string for text input. When entering a short sentence, name, or title with several repetitions,: AB subcommand is very useful.

The following example replaces the city as a short sentence AUSTIN, Texas 78759, as long as it is entered with a text input and keeping with a space, a journal or colon:: AB City Austin, Texas 78759 For example, if you enter text, enter the following: MY CURRENT RESIDENCE IS CITY. Press TAB Key Extension Word City for reading: My Current Residence is Austin, Texas 78759. Abbreviation does not expand in words. For example, if you enter My Current Residence Iscity, the word iscity does not expand. If: map! Subcommands are used to map abbreviations for insertion, all abbreviations appear are expanded, regardless of where it appears. If you use: map! Subcommand (: map! City austin, texas 78759), then you enter the word city, no matter what the front and back, this word will be expanded to Austin, Texas 78759. Therefore, the word iscity becomes ISAUSTIN, TEXAS 78759. Note: When you choose to use the keys of the AB subcommand, you need to be careful. Once the key is defined, unless you first issue: UNAB subcommand, they can no longer press text. Setting the abbreviation set command has a behavior similar to the map! Command, except that the set command is only used in an abbreviated form when the abbrevite is a single word. You can use the set command of the VI editor to complete the following tasks: Some abbreviations remove the abbreviation setting (defined) Abbreviation Note: Start the VI editor with an empty editing buffer. Do not name the VI command to the VI file or enter anything to the buffer after the VI editor is started. Press the ESC button to ensure that it is in command. To list the abbreviation input: AB commands are listed. Press ENTER to return to the command mode. To remove an abbreviation input: anab abbreviation command to remove abbreviation, where the abbreviation variable specifies the string that is no longer wanted. To set (defined) an abbreviation input: The abbreviation string command sets the abbreviation, where the abbreviation variable specifies the string defined as an abbreviated, and the String variable specifies the abbreviated string. The abbreviation can replace the string only when the abbreviation is a separate word. For example, if you enter: AB KN Upper command, enter Acknowledge when you are in a text input mode, because the KN string in the word Acknowledge is not a separate word, so does not start the set command: AB Abbreviation String command. However, if you enter: AB KN Upper command, then enter Make The KN Line All Kncase when it is in a text input method, and the result is made the Upper Line All Uppercase. Sign-CSUBCommand executes the EX editing device subcommand before starting viewing VI. The cursor is moved to the row that is affected by the recently executed command. When entering an empty operation, such as -c '', the VI editor places the cursor in the first line of the file. The -c flag cannot be compatible with logo. Don't specify these two signs at the same time. -l Enter the VI editor by the LISP mode. In this way, the VI editor is properly created to create a zoom, (,), {,}, [[and]] subcommands to be modified to properly operate LISP. -r [file] Recovered files after the VI editor or system failure.

If the File variable is not specified, the VI editor displays all saved file lists. -R Sets the read-only option to protect the file to make it not overwritten. -TTAG edits a file containing TAG variables and positions the VI editor to its definition. To use this flag, you must first create a function name and the database of your location using the CTAGS command. -V uses a detailed way to enter the VI editor. -wnumber sets the default window size to the value specified by the Number variable. This flag is very useful when using a VI editor on a low speed line. -ynumber The maximum line setting of 1,048,560 is covered with any value greater than 1024. Since the VI editor controls the use of additional rows for buffer control, the number of requests should be twice as needed. [SUBCOMMAND] Execute the EX editing subsis before starting editing. If no subcommand variable is specified, the cursor will be placed in the first line of the file. This logo is not compatible with the -c flag. Don't specify these two signs at the same time. The VI regular sub-command syntax uses the following general syntax input sub-command: [named_buffer] [operator] [Number] Object Note: Square bracket identification option. [Named_buffer] Specifies the temporary text storage area. [Operator] Specify subcommands or operations; guide the VI editor. [Number] Specifies the operating range or row address as an integer. Object Specifies the operation object, such as a text object (character, word, sentence, paragraph, section, string) or text location (a line, location in the current row, screen location). Counting a number before the subcommand can put a number prior to many subcommands. The VI Editor is explained in the following manner: Go to the row specified by the Number parameter: 5G 10Z to the column specified by the Number parameter. 25 | Up and down scroll by the number of rows specified by Number parameters: 10Ctrl-U 10ctrl-d VI Editor subcommand Use child command to perform the following types: Move cursor Edit text Control file Other operation Move cursor Use subcommands in the following manner Internal Move Cursor: Move in the line to move to the word in line Move to the word, move to the word, paragraph or section moved to the page and scrolled the screen to move the page and scrolled the special position in the file and return to the line movement Command mode Enter the following command. You can cancel the incomplete command by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". Left arrow or h or ctrl-h moves the cursor to the left a character. Under the arrow or J or Ctrl-J or Ctrl-N move the cursor downward (it remains in the same column). The arrow or K or CTRL-P moves the cursor upward (it remains in the same column). Right arrows or L move the cursor to the right. Press the character position to move in the line in the command to enter the following command. You can cancel the incomplete command by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". ^ Move the cursor to the first non-empty character. 0 Move the cursor to the beginning of the line. $ Will move the light to the end. FX moves the cursor to the next X character. FX moves the cursor to the last X character. TX moves the cursor to the next column of the next X character. TX moves the cursor to the next column of the next X character. Repeat the nearest F, F, T or T subcommands. Repeat the nearest F, F, T or T subcommands in the reverse direction. Number | Move the cursor to the specified column. Move to words Enter the following command mode. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". w moves the cursor to the next small word. b Move the cursor to the previous little word. E Move the cursor to the second letter of the small word. W moves the cursor to the next big word. B move the cursor to the previous big word. E Move the cursor to the last diagram of the last word. Enter the following command by moving by row position.

If you need information about the VI subcommand, see "VI Regular Submature Syntax". H Move the cursor to the top line of the screen. L Move the cursor to the last line of the screen. M Move the cursor to the middle line of the screen. Move the cursor to its first non-empty character. - Move the cursor to its first non-empty character. ENTER moves the cursor to its first non-empty character. Move to sentence, paragraphs or festival Enter the following command mode. You can cancel the incomplete subcommand by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". (Place the cursor on the beginning of the previous sentence, or the previous S-expression (if you are in a LISP mode).) Place the cursor in the beginning of the next sentence, or the next S-expression (if it is in the LISP mode). {Place the cursor on the beginning of the previous paragraph, or the next list (if it is in a LISP mode). } Place the cursor in the beginning of the next paragraph, if in the C mode, place it in the next section, or if it is in the LISP mode, placed in the next list. ]] Place the cursor in the next section, or the function (if it is in the LISP mode). [[Place the cursor on the previous section, or the function (if it is in the LISP mode). Enter the following command by redraw screen movement in the command mode. You can cancel the incomplete subcommand by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". Z redraws the top of the screen with the current row. Z - Redraw the bottom of the screen with the current row. Z. Use the current row to redraw the screen. / Pattern / z- with the bottom of the row heavy drawing screen containing the string specified by the Pattern parameter. Turn the page and scroll into the command mode to enter the following command. You can cancel the incomplete subcommand by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". Ctrl-u rolls up to 1/2 screen. Ctrl-D scroll down the screen. Ctrl-f scroll forwards a screen. Ctrl-b scrolls back a screen. Ctrl-E scrolls the window down. Ctrl-y scrolls the window up. Z upward page Z ^ The downward search mode enters the following command in the command mode. You can cancel the incomplete subcommand by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". [Number] g places the cursor in the line number specified by the Number parameter, or the last row (if not specified Number parameters). / Pattern places the cursor next to the next line that contains the string specified by the Pattern parameter. • Pattern places the cursor on the upper line of the string specified by the Pattern parameter. n Search for the text specified by the Pattern parameter in the same direction. N Search for the text specified by the Pattern parameter in the opposite direction. / Pattern / Number The number of rows specified after the cursor is specified behind the row that matches the Pattern parameter. • Pattern? -Number places the cursor in the number of rows specified in front of the row that match the string of the pattern parameter. % Looks on parentheses or braces matching parentheses or braces in the current cursor position. Edit the subcommand for editing to make you the following tasks: Change the text to the file in the file and return to the file When you are in an input mode, change text Change text copy and mobile text recovery and repeat changes in the file Mark the specific location and return to the command mode into the following command. You can cancel the incomplete subcommand by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". "Move the cursor to the front position of the current line." Move the cursor to the beginning of the row in front of the current row. MX is marked with the letter specified by the X parameter. `x Move the cursor to the tag specified by the X parameter.

'X move the cursor to the start of the row that contains the tag specified by the X parameter. Add a text to a file (text input mode) Enter the following command mode to change the VI editor to text input. If you need information about the VI subcommand, see "VI Regular Submature Syntax". Atext is inserted into the text specified by the text parameter behind the cursor. Press the ESC key to end the text input method. Atext adds the text specified by the text parameter to the end. Press the ESC key to end the text input mode. Itext is inserted in front of the cursor to the text specified by the Text parameter. Press the ESC key to end the text input mode. IText is inserted into the text specified by the text parameter before the first non-empty character in the row. Press the ESC key to end the text input mode. o Add an empty line below the current row. Press the ESC key to end the text input mode. O Add an empty line on the top of the current row. Press the ESC key to end the text input mode. When you are in an input mode, the text is used to download only when you are in a text input. These commands have different meanings in command mode. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". Ctrl-D retracted to the previous automatic zoom stop bit. ^ Ctrl-D only ends the automatic regeneration of the line. 0CTRL-D will return the cursor to the left page. The ESC ends inserted and returned to the command status. Ctrl-h erases the previous characters. Ctrl-Q Enter any character if Xon is disabled. Ctrl-V Enter any character ctrl-w to erase the upper tab. / Quote Erase and kill characters. Ctrl-? Interrupt and end insert or Ctrl-D button order. Change text from command mode Use the following command mode. You can cancel the incomplete subcommand by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". C changes the remainder of the row (like C $). CC Changes a line CW Change a word CWText Change the word to the text specified by the text parameter. D Delete the remainder of the row (as D $). DD deletes a line. DW Deletes a word. J connection line. RX replaces the current character with the character specified by x. RTEXT overwrites characters with the text specified by the Text parameter. s Alternative characters (same as CL). S alternative lines (like CC). u Undo the last change. x Delete the character of the cursor position. X Delete a character before the cursor (like DH). << Displace it to the left. > Shift a line to the right. > L Move all rows from the cursor position to the end of the screen. ~ Change the alphabet of the cursor to the opposite case. ! Randide LISP. Copy and move text Use the following command mode. You can cancel the incomplete subcommand by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". p After the cursor, the text restore in the buffer is removed. P Restoring the text in the buffer before the cursor. "XP reduces the text restore in the X buffer" XD to delete the text to the X buffer. Y will follow the object (for example, Word W) in the undo buffer. "XY puts the object to the X buffer in which x is arbitrary alphanumeric. Y puts the row to the undo buffer. Restore and repeated changes Use the following command mode. You can use the ESC key to cancel the incomplete subcommand. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". U-revoked the last change. Note: After canceling, the cursor moves to the first non-empty character of the updated current line. U If last Once change, the cursor has not left the line, and the current line is restored. Repeat the last change or add "NP command. Note: This command will repeat the last changes, including a revocation command. Therefore, after revoking, repeat the revocation rather than the last change. This command is not designed for use with macros.

Enter @@ (two characters) to repeat the macro. "NP retrieves the last line and the countdown of the row. Operating files The subcommands for the operation of the file allow for the tasks that are outlined in the following sections: Save the change to the file Edit another file Edit a series of file lookup files Information Use the following command to save the file in the command mode. If you need information about the VI subcommand, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax".: W Write the edit buffer content to the original file. If you are an Exporter Using this command, you don't have to enter: (colon).: W File writes the edit buffer content into the file specified by the file parameter. If you are using this command in an EX editor, you don't have to enter: (colon).: W! File uses the buffer content to overwrite the file specified by the file parameter. If you are using this item in the EX editor, you don't have to enter: (colon). Edit another file Enter the following command in the command. If you need a VI subcommand For information, see "VI regular sub-command syntax".: E File Edit the specified file. If you are using this item from the EX editor, you don't have to enter: (colon).: E! Re-edit the current file and discard all changes. : E FILE Edits the specified file from the final start.: E NUMBER FILE Edits the specified file from the specified line number.: E # Edit the standby file. Before using: E ​​command to access another file, the spare file is usually the previous file. Name. However, if a new file is hung in the current file when calling a new file, then the new file is a standby file. This tail command is the same as the Ctrl-a sub-command.: R file will add a new line below the current row, The file is read to the editing buffer. If you are using this torker from the EX editor, you don't have to enter: (colon).: R! Command By adding a new row to the current cursor location, run the specified command and put it in the output Document.: Ta tag starts from the tag location, editing files containing TAG tag. To use this tet command, you must first create a function name and its location of the database. If you are using this item from the EX editor No need to enter: (colon). CTRL-A Edits a spare file. The standby file usually uses the previous current file name. However, if a new file is called, the new file is hung in the current file, then the new file is a standby file. This The string command and: E # subcommands are the same. Editing the file list Enter the following command mode. If you need information about the VI subcommand, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax".: N Edit the list of entered on the command line. Next file. If you use this command from the EX editor, no Need: (colon). : n Files Specifies the new list of files that will be edited. If you are using subcommand from the EX editor, you don't need: (colon). Find file information Enter the following subcommands by command mode. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". Ctrl-g displays the current file name, the current line number, the files in the file and the cursor are positioned in the entire file. Other Operations The VI Editor provides subcommands described in the following sections: Adjusting the screen Enter the Housler Command Interrupt and End VI Editor Adjust the screen to enter the following command mode. You can cancel the incomplete subcommand by pressing the ESC button. If you need information about the VI sub-command format, see "VI Regular Submatical Syntax". Ctrl-L Clear and redraw screen. Ctrl-R Redraw screen and eliminates blank line marked with @ (in symbol). Znumber enables the window length to display the number of specified rows. Enter the housing command The following subcommands allow you to run commands within the VI editor. Enter the following command mode.


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