J2EE FRAMEWORKS introduction

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

Now, there are many Java-based open source web frameworks, so that we can make it easier to construct a web application. I am here to make a simple introduction.

Cocoon - Based on XML-based web content release

CoCoon is a content release framework written in 100% pure Java. CoCoon allows you to provide web content with the latest technology (DOM, XML, XSL) of W3C. The new Cocoon mode fully separated document content, style, processing logic, allowing these three layers to be independently designed, created and managed, thereby reducing management overhead, strengthening the reuse of work, reducing development time. Download address: http://xml.apache.org/cocoon

XANG - Rapid Development Dynamic web pages can integrate different data sources, allowing you to quickly develop data-driven, cross-platform web applications. The Xang architecture can complete data, logic, and representation. XANG is based on open industrial standards such as HTTP, XML, XSL, DOM, ECMAScript (JavaScript).

Download address: http://xml.apache.org/xang

Slide - Content Management Framework SLIDE is a content management and integrated system, a content management underlying framework. Slide provides a hierarchical structure that stores content to any, distributed data warehouse. In addition to this, Slide also integrates security, lock, content version, and other services.

Download address: http://jakarta.apache.org/slide

Struts - JSP based on MVC design mode

Struts is an open source of the open source of the web application using Java Servlet / JavaServer Pages technology. The Struts can develop an application architecture based on MODEL-View-Controller design mode. Struts has the following main functions: 1. Contains a controller servlet to send the user's request to the corresponding Action object. 2. JSP Free Tag Library and provides association support in the Controller Servlet to help developers create interactive form applications. 3. Provide a series of practical objects: XML processing, automatically handle JavaBeans property, international tips, and messages through Java Reflection APIs. Download address: http://jakarta.apache.org/struts

JetSpeed ​​- web-based component JetSpeed ​​is an open source software that implements Enterprise Information Portal. JetSpeed ​​can extract information from the Internet's vertical multi-resource to help users manage a large amount of data. These information can come from different content types, from XML to XMTP, to Icalendar's new protocols.

Download address: http://java.apache.org/jetspeed

WEB application development based on servlet

Turbine is a servlet-based Framework that enables experienced Java developers to quickly build web applications. With Turbine, you can integrate existing template techniques (such as Velocity, Webmacro, Java Server Pages (JSP), FreeMarker, Cocoon by creating Screen of Templates using specific services. Download address: http://java.apache.org/jetspeed

Various Framework comparison


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