xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

1, the turning character in servlet, response.setContentType; this sentence should be written in PrintWriter Out = response.getwriter (); before, no need to set up the encoding

2, in the page query database encountered such an error, the JSP page in WebSphere can't open

Log: [05-4-3 17: 58: 26: 281 CST] 22ec8e5e WebGroup E SRVE0026E: [Servlet Error] - [Class COM / IBM / DB2 / JCC / SQLJLOGWRITER VIOLATES LOADER CONSTRAINTS: Definition Mismatch Between Parent and child loadingers] : Java.lang.linkageError: Class COM / IBM / DB2 / JCC / SQLJLOGWRITER VIOLATES LOADER CONSTRAINTS: Definition Mismatch Between Parent and Child Loaders


Diagnosis: It is the problem that appears in ClassLoder, there may be two identical paths

Online search for the same error, I installed a program on WebSphere. After running for a while, I found that all JSP pages under the program I installed were unable to open, and the following error appeared: Log: [7/4/03 22 : 40: 13: 130 CST] 6b3c0a0d WebGroup X SRVE0026E: [Servlet Error] - [JSP 1.1 Processor]: com.ibm.servlet.engine.webapp.WebAppErrorReport: Class javax / servlet / ServletConfig violates loader constraints: definition mismatch between parent And child loadersat com.ibm.servlet.Engine.Webapp.WebappdispatcherResponse.senderror (WebAppdispatcherResponse.java: 93) ......................

Diagnosis: Which Version of WebSphere? IF 4.0, Upgrade to FP5, And Use J2EE ClassLoader Mode, You CAN Find Information In FP5 Readme. Or try not use module visibility.

3. When developing with Struts, the Struts label in the bean error JSP page will always take the object from the request or session, can't find it in both, will fact beans can not find errors, but Another situation will also be prompted as JSP related code: ......... .........


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