Many games and tools software use a shaped window to come out. In fact, it is difficult to create a shaped window from a technical difficulty, but is there any effect that is mainly due to whether or not the creativity is surprising. The following is a simple introduction to how to make a shaped window using SETWINDOWRGN.
SetwindowRGN is a new SDK function. This function defines the drawing message and the mouse message in a specified area of the window, in fact, enables the window to become the specified irregular shape.
First use AppWizard to create a dialog-based application and use the resource editor from the resource from the resource from the resource. Some default controls, titles, and boundaries.
Add a CRGN data member to the dialogue to create a window area using the data member.
Class Ctestdlg: Public CDIALOG
Modify the OnInitDialog function of the dialog, create an ellipse area and call SETWINDOWRGN to assign the area to the window:
Bool ctestdlg :: oninitdialog ()
CDIALOG :: OnInitdialog ()
// Get the size of the dialog
GetClientRect (rcdialog)
// Create an elliptical area and use the SETWINDOWRGN reset dialog.
m_rgn.createelllipticRGN (0, 0, rcdialog.width (),
RcDialog.height ()); setwindowRgn (GetsafehWnd (), (hrgn) m_ rgn, true);
Return True;
A simple shaped window has been generated, if compiled running project, an elliptical window will appear. The following code is processed in the OnPAint message, making the dialog have a stereoscopic effect.
Void ctestdlg :: onpaint ()
// Get the device // set the border when drawing oval
PainTDC. SelecstockObject (null_pen);
/ / Get the color of the sphere
ColorRef Ballcolor = RGB (0, 0, 255);
Byte Byred = GtrValue (ballcolor);
Byte bygreen = getGvalue (ballcolor);
Byte Byblue = getBValue (ballcolor);
// Get the range of the sphere.
Rect rcdialog;
GetClientRect (rcdialog);
// Licen the minimum unit of painting sphere
INT NUNITS = MIN (rcdialog.right, rcdialog.bottom);
// Calculate the line unit in the horizontal direction and the vertical direction.
Float fltstepharz = (float) rcdialog.right / NUnits;
Float fltstepvert = (float) rcdialog.bottom / NUnits;
// Start drawing multiple ellipses to achieve visually stereoscopic.
CBRUSH brush;
// Painting brush using BallColor's color.
// Store old painting brush
For (Nindex = 0; Nindes { Creatsolidbrush (RGB ((Nindex * Byred) / Nellipse; (NINDEX * BYGREEN) / NELLIPSE), (NINDEX * BYBLUE) / Nellipse)))))))) PBRUSHOLD = PAINTDC .SelectObject (& BRHSH); PainTdc .ellipse ((int) Fltstepharz * 2, (int) Fltstepvert * Nindex, Right - ((int) Fltstephaz * Nindex) 1, Rect. Bottom - (INT) Fltstepvert * (NINDEX * 2)) 1); Brush.delecteObject (); } } The shaped window is not only applicable to the dialog, the same applies to a single document, a multi-document type application. If the reader is interested, you can try it yourself. If you have any questions, you can send Mail to the Academy mailbox.