first step:
Modify in a plugin file similar to the following plugin, we need to increase the following section (marked with color)
XML Version = "1.0"?>
Loadbalance = "round robin" name = "rep_cluster" PostSizeLimit = "10000000" RemoveSpecialHeaders = "true" RetryInterval = "60"> MaxConnections = "0" name = "rep_server1" waitforcontinue = "false"> Server> MaxConnections = "0" name = "rep_server2" waitforcontinue = "false"> Server> Primaryservers> Servercluster> Urigroup> Urigroup = "Server1_cluster_uris" VirtualHostGroup = "default_host" /> [hahong7] AffinityURLIDENTIFIER = "WiscomcloneId" name = "/ epstar / *" /> AffinityURLIDENTIFIER = "WiscomcloneId" name = "/ epstar / *" /> Urigroup> Config> [Jhhong1] Add a listening port [jhhong2] two machines for load balancing [jhong3] Report in the configuration file web.config files in CloneID [jhong4] Report The domain name of the report can be configured in Hosts, but to ensure that the HTTPSERVER service is accessible to the report service. [jhong5] ports of report services [jhong6] Report in the configure file web.config files in CloneID [jhhong7] completely copy, no need to make a modification Step 2: Modify the configuration file of HTTPServer /opt/ibmhtpserver/conf/httpd.conf Just add a listening port, other configurations do not need to be modified, wait until you determine that you can modify some profiles to improve performance third step: Restart the HTTPSERVER service: CD / OPT / IBMHTTPSERVER / BIN ./apachectl restart If you have an exception, please check the following files: / OPT / IBMHTTPSERVER / LOGS / ERROR_LOG with /opt/websphere/appserver/logs/http_plugin.log See the cause of the problem, perform corresponding modifications according to the error information