HTML 4.0 Language Quick Reference

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  48

All the World Wide Web files are created by Hypertext logo language HTML. In this language, various markers can be used to process files. These markers determine the appearance, structure, interactivity of the file content, and their common situations are all use "<>", such as paragraph tag

, picture mark , etc.

In the browser, you can't see any HTML tag, but the webpage effect you see in your browser is generated by these tags. In most cases, there is no need to master the HTML tag when creating a site, because in the software of FrontPage 2000, the processing of HTML is done behind the scene, thereby masking the complexity of the language. If you need to view the HTML tag of the web page, you can select HTML mode.

In this article, the purpose and feature of the HTML tag that will encounter in the document is provided, which complies with the HTML language of the current version of W3C.

Note: W3C is a group specializing in HTML development. In the early 1990s, the Group began to commit development in this area. If you need more information, please visit

In this article, the following words will often encounter:

* URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), which indicates a resource in the network, in other words, is the address of a web page in the site or other types of documents.

* Metadata, this is the information used to describe the document, not part of the document.

* Failure element, this is some elements used in HTML earlier, and is now replaced by 4.0.

1, common attributes

Many HTML tags use common properties, below is some of them most commonly used:

* AccessKey = "character" - You can type a character to access the document

* Align = "text" - layout information in a part in the document

* Alt = "text" - used to describe alternative texts, forms, objects, or other parts

* Char = "character" - When the content of the table is arranged, a character arranged as a shaft

* Charoff = "Number" - When the content of the table is arranged, the offset of the axis character.

* Class = "text" - one or more category names of the document element, separated by spaces

* DIR = "text" - the direction of the text or table, or "LTR" (LTR "(LTR", or "RTL" (Right-to-LEFT)

* Disabled - makes a form control failure, so that it can no longer process user input

* ID = "text" - the name of the document element

** Ang = "text" - using language in document element properties and their text

* Name = "text" - the name of the document element

* Οnblur = "script" - When the document element has lost the event that the user enters the focus

* Οnchange = "script" - an event that occurs when the document element is lost and the value is changed when the value is changed

* Οnclick = "script" - event when the user clicks on the document element

* OndbClick = "script" - When the user doubles the event that occurs when the mouse is in the document element * οnfοcus = "script" - an event that occurs when the document element gets the user input focus

* ΟNKEYDοWN = "Script" - When a button is pressed, the event taken

* ΟNKEYPRESS = "script" - an event that occurs when a button is pressed and released

* ΟNKEYUP = "vscript" - When a button is released, the event occurs when it is released

* Οnlοad = "script" - events that occur when all frames are loaded throughout the document or frameset

* Οnmοusedοwn = "script" - When the user places the mouse in a certain document element, when you click the mouse

* Οnmοuseοut = "script" - When the mouse is removed from a document element, the event taken

* Οnmοuseοver = "script" - an event that occurs when the mouse moves a document element

* Οnmοusemοve = "script" - When the mouse moves during a document element, the event taken

* Οnmοuseup = "script" - events occurring when the user releases the mouse in a document element

* Οnreset = "script" - When all controls in a form are reset, events occurred

* Οnselect = "script" - When the text in the text editing user control is selected, the event taken

* = "Script" - an event that occurs when a form is released

* Οnunlοad = "script" - When a document is no longer loaded in a window or event?

* Readonly- Indicates that the value in the form control cannot be edited

* Style = "text" - style information of a single document element

* TabINDEX = "Number" - the order position of the document element in the table

* Target = "text" - the file name that the document should be opened

* Title = "text" - Interpretation of document elements

* UseMap = "URI" - the image mapped to the document element maps the URI, which must match the name attribute of the existing element

* Valign = "text" - Vertical arrangement of information in the form cell

2, tag

The following is a specific description of the tag of HTML 4.0.

Note: The following tags are all uppercase characters. Although the case where the previously marked case is not related, but from the development direction of W3C, most of the marks will only be written in the future. ( is the only exception). Therefore, when using HTML to edit, it is best to use lowercase characters.

* Purpose: This tag appears in the first line of the document, indicating the HTML version used.

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: Not allowed

* Properties: None

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties: no

You can choose from three kinds of! Doctype>:



There is a URI in each of the above tags. The file names of these URIs are strict.dtd, loose.dtd, frameset.dtd. These names show the support level of the document to HTML:

* STRICT: No failure properties and frameworks are not used in documents

* LOOSE: Document uses some failure elements including display

* Frameset: Document uses some invalid elements and uses a framework

In general, the strict.dtd of should be used because it can be compatible with HTML4.0. The main reason for using LOOSE.DTD is because some elements related to display, such as style sheets, etc. have not been accepted by the browser developer.


* Objective: This tag includes anchor-it is part of the document, connected to other resources of the network. It can also be used to create connections between two parts of the same document.

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: requirements

* Special properties:

Coords = "text" - Adjust the shape of the image map area connected to Anchor

Name = "text" -anchor name

HREF = "URI" - Site resource, the site connected to Anchor, indicated by URI.

Hreflang = "text" - Language of the site resource indicated in the last attribute

TYPE = "name" - Content type of the connected site

Rev = "link_types" - the relationship between the connected resources and the current document

Shape - = "text" - Geometric shapes of pictures with anchor

Charset = "text" - character sets of connected sites

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties:


Onkeyup, Onmousemove, Onmouseout, ONMOUSEOVER, ONMOUSEUP, Style, Tabindex, Target, Title

l ...

* Objective: The text included in this tag is an abbreviation text

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: requirements

* Special properties: no

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties:



* Purpose: The text included in this mark is the first character extract word

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: requirements

* Special properties: no

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties:


Onmouseout, Onmouseover, Onmouseup, Style, Title


* Objective: The text included in this tag is the author of the author of the entire document or the author of the author of the document. Most browsers are displayed in a different way different from other texts.

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: requirements

* Special properties: no

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties:


Onmouseout, OnMouseover, Onmouseup

* Purpose: This tag is a failure tag. Now, most browsers use to mark the Java Applet. In the Java plug-in, it is used to mark it using , just like other plugins.

* Objective: This mark indicates a picture mapping area using the connection

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: Not allowed

* Special properties:

HREF = "URI" - Picture The URI connected to the area

Shape = "text" - regional geometric shape

Coords = "text" - Adjustment to the geometric area

NOHREF-This property indicates that the area is not used

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties:

AccessKey, Alt, Class, Dir, ID, LANG, Name, Onclick, OndbClick, ONFOCUS, ONKEYDOWN, ONKEYPRESS,

Onkeyup, Onmousemove, Onmouseout, ONMOUSEOVER, ONMOUSEUP, Style, Tabindex, Target, Title


* Objective: The text included in this tag will bold. Although the tag is not a fail mark, HTML4.0 is still recommended to use the style sheet as a better choice.

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: requirements

* Special properties: no

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties:


* Objective: This tag is used to clearly define the URI of the document. This reference URI and other relative URIs can establish a complete site resource address.

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: Not allowed

* Special properties:

HREF = "URI" - Betmark URI of the document

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties: Target


* Purpose: This is a failure tag


* Objective: The text included in this mark will be larger than the ordinary font. Although the tag is not a fail mark, HTML4.0 is still recommended to use the style sheet as a better choice.

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: requirements

* Special properties: no

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties:


Onmousemove, OnmouseOver, Onmouseup, Style, Title


* Objective: This tag contains a reference for text, which is displayed in a self-contained segment when the document is browsed. Detailed references can be marked using .

* Start tag: requirements

* End tag: requirements

* Special properties:

Cite = "URI" - Address of the source document referenced by the text

* Failure properties: no

* Other properties:


Onmouseout, Onmouseover, Onmouseup, Style, Title

Even if the text is not a reference text, you can use the to embed text, but in HTML 4.0, this method is not used, but is replaced by the style.


* Objective: The content of the document is included in this mark, that is, the content displayed when the web is loaded by the browser. Many of these display properties are now no longer used, but to complete the same job with the