Transfer: Master's style

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  43

Very old post, but I saw it today, I still feel that it is surprised !!!

Repost: interview with lino tadros by group shannon,1410,30085,00.html

What Was The Funniest Experience You'VE EVER HAD Related to Programming?

The funniest experience I had was during the Delphi 3 development cycle when I had a serious problem running one of the builds on my machine and after wasting almost 4 hours, I went to Anders and Chuck and requested help. Anders and Chuck came to my office SAT Down next to each other in front of my machine and started debugging delphi32.exe inside of td32. I sat behind thermy.

Few minutes later, Anders pointed to the CPU window at some bits and told Chuck "Look Chuck, this byte is not supposed to be here, this is a pcked record" Chuck looked at it for 5 seconds and confirmed. Then Anders looked at me And Said "LINO, DURING, DURING, ONE OF THE PACKAGTED 1 byte to the page and restall".

That WAS Funny Because I felt like i had the Wrong Job and That I Should Consider Opening a Hot Dog Stand Somewhere Instead of Software Development. Thase Folks Are Gods!

English translation is probably like this, transferred from

The most interesting thing happened in the development of Delphi3, when I was a serious problem when I run a program on my computer, and I have wasted me about 4 hours, I have to go to Anders and Chuck asking help, Anders and Chuck came to my office, they almost sit in front of my computer and started to debug delphi32.exe with TD32, I was sitting behind them. Almost a few minutes, Anders pointed to several binary locations in the CPU window on the screen and told Chuck: "Look! Chuck, this bit should not be here, this is a record." Chuck saw 5 seconds And confirmed the views of Anders. Then Anders looked at me and said: "Loch, during the installation of the network, one of the packages from one byte due to some reasons, deletes this package and reinstall."

After reading, there is only one feeling:

"Alpine, the scenery is stopped, although not until the heart"

Another similar story, but a bit different is this: An interview with famous Delphi development expert alain 'lino' tadroshtp://

Di: In your career as a developer and a trainer, maybe there will be some interesting unusual experiences, share some with us.

LT: I really hope that you have never asked. I want to tell you two stories, when doing Delphi 2 at the beginning, I am the QA engineer of Anders Hejlberg, do all OLE and COM related technology work. When there is a day of Delphi 3, I installed this build version from the server to test some of Anders, I can't run Delphi32.exe correctly, so I announce this build version Doa (Dead on arrival). Other QA team members report that they can take their tests smoothly with the same version, so I reload it once, but still can't!

I have run several offices to ask Andrs and Chuck may be something wrong. They both agreed to come and see. Why will I forget that day: Anders Hejlsberg and Chuck Jazdzewski are sitting in my office, put Delphi32.exe to TD32, watching Delphi's startup code, after a few minutes, Anders said: "Look, Chuck, this word The section should not be here, it is a compact record. "Chuck replied:" Yes, it seems to be moving a byte in the process of installing from the network. "At that time, I stand behind them, I can All things that you think is that I have made a big mistake in this matter, and even start thinking about the next job: open a hot dog shop.

The second story happened to the day sold in Delphi 3. I have stayed there for four days, just to ensure that the new ActiveX architecture has been prepared. I have suspended this product three times a few days ago. When I checked the final version, I saw R & D and QA engineers were praying. I won't find any other questions, so we can have a holiday. So I decided to make a joke with this group, I used Delphi 3 to have an Activeform, in its onactivat event: MessageBox (Handle, 'Access Viocation At Address 004458az' 'in module sampleax.dll. Read Of address 000002F4 ',' Sampleax ', MB_ICONSTOP or MB_OKCANCEL; I want a few members of the group to come over and let them look at the memory address, I demonstrate that the ActiveX that is transferred in any container will show the information I created. This proves that we have problems. Even after reading the information prompted in the memory address, no one can tell me why. Finally, Danny Thorpe came to my office, he looked at me five seconds, "You are really a dog, lino!"

A SQL, it seems that it is not very complicated, but please ask others to record:


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