365Key Web Service Interface

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

365key is a easy time when you browse any page

Click Right-click to collect the webpage and share the nets shared with friends online. Recently, 365key announced the Web Service interface to facilitate developers to better use 365Key, and currently provide the following interfaces as follows:

Web Services Address:


GetUserID Gets the ID (number) parameter of the user in 365key: String UserName - User name, such as KESO Returns: int user ID

GetTaglist Gets all category parameters for specifying user IDs: int UserID - User ID Returns: DataSet with Classification ID, Classification Name, Classification Number

GetNewBookmarks Get the latest network pick parameters for the specified user: int UserID - User ID Int Num - the latest quantity return: DataSet contains network pick ID, network pick title, network pick URL, network pick classification, network collection review, network abstract

GetPartBookmarks Get all network pick parameters for specifying the user specified time: int UserID - User ID DateTime StartTime - Get start time, such as "2005-2-22 19:49:05" DateTime EndTime - Get the end time, Such as: "2005-2-23 19:49:05" Back: DataSet Get Snapshot Parameters for Nets Napshot to Net Syndsnapshot for Network Collament, Network Collection : Int BookmarkID - Note ID BOOL PARSE - Whether to analyze snapshots, false or true returns: String snapshot or analysis Snapshot Description: Analysis snapshot can directly extract information content directly from the snapshot, and filter all ads, HTML code, etc. Useless information. Now only SINA (such as: BookmarkId = 79781, when Parse = True will get filtering version after filtering), other websites are being improved.

Others more Web Services interface is in production, welcome to provide your valuable comments.


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