JavaScript event list [Pick]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

JavaScript event list Event browser supports the general event onclickie3, the N2 mouse click to trigger this event ondblclickie4, the N4 mouse double-click this event onMousedownie4, N4 Trigger this event onMouseupie4, N4 mouse to release the mouse after press Trigger this event onMouseOverie3, N2 Trigger this event onMouseOveie4, N4 mouse moves when the mouse moves to a target range, triggered this event onMouseoutie4, N3 When the mouse leaves an object range, trigger this event onkeyPressie4, N4 When the keyboard The key is pressed and released when it is released .onkeyDownie4, N4 When a button is pressed on the keyboard, trigger this event onkeyupie4, N4 When a button on the keyboard is turned on, I trigger this event page Related event onAbortie4, N3 The picture is interrupted by the user when downloaded the ONBEFOREUNLOADIE4, and the content of the current page will be changed to trigger this event onlineRRORIE4. When the error is wrong, this event online, the N2 page content is turned to trigger this event OnMoveie, the N4 browser window is moved Trigger this event onResizeie4, N4 When the browser window size is changed, this event onscrollie4, the N browser's scroll bar position triggered this event onstopie5, the N browser's stop button is fired, and this event is triggered or is being The downloaded file is interrupted onunloadie3, and the current page will trigger this event form related event onblurie3, N2 The current element is lost when the current element is lost, and the current element will lose the focus and the content of the element changes. ONFOCUSIE3, N2 Trigger this event onResetie4 when an element gets focus, N3 When the reset of the reset is excited, this event onSubmitie3 is triggered. When a form is submitted, the event is triggered, and the scrolling subtitle event onbounceie4, n is moved to the content in Marquee This event is triggered outside the Marquee display range, n When the Marquee element completes the content you need to display, trigger this event onStartie4, n Trigger this event editing event onBeforeCopyie5 when the Marquee element begins to display the content, N When the currently selected content is Copy the clipboard of the browser system to trigger this event onBeforeCutie5, N as part of the page or all of the content The current page [Clip] and moves to the browser's system clipboard to trigger this event onbeforeeditfocusie5, n The current element will enter the editing status onBeforePasteie5, n content will be transferred from the browser's system clipboard [Paste] to the page Trigger this event onbeforeupdateie5, n When the viewer pastes the contents of the system clipboard, notify the target object onContextMenuie5, n When the browser is right-click the menu or by the keyboard to trigger the event oncopyIE5, N as a page The current selection content is replicated and then triggered this event oncutie5. N When the currently selected content is cut, this event is triggered, and the event is triggered when an object is dragged. [Active Event] OnDragdropie, N4 The external object is dragged into the current window or frame onDragendie5. N When the mouse drags the end, the mouse button is released ondragenterie5, n Toned this event when the object is dragged by the object into its container range to its container range ONDRAGLEAVEIE5 , N Toned this event ondragoverie5 when the object is dragged by the mouse to the container range, n Toned this event onDragStartie4 when the dragable object is dragged within another object container, and N will be Trigger this event onDropie5, n during one drag,


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