Programming CMOS password

zhaozj2021-02-11  211

Programming CMOS password

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If you have forgotten the CMOS password, how will you handle it? I think the most original method is to discharge. This method can achieve the purpose of clearing the CMOS password, but it is necessary to turn on the chassis during operation, and the CMOS setting will also be cleared, obviously too trouble. In addition, there is a way that is a little simpler, which is to use Debug. The specific operation is: Type "O 70 11 Enter" and "O 71 10 Enter" in the DEBUG status prompt, then press "Q" to exit. This doesn't have to turn on the chassis, but CMOS still needs to be reset, so it is not easy. Below I will introduce you the easiest and most effective decryption law. The method is implemented by a small program, and the operation result of the program is the password of the CMOS. The source code under this program under BC 3.1 is as follows:

#Include #include char passwd [9]; char decode [9]; void main () {unsigned int data; int count = 0; ASM {/ * gets the original data of CMOS password * / MOV Al, 29 OUT 0x70, Al in Al, 0x71 MOV AH, Al, Al, 28 OUT 0x70, Al IN Al, 0x71 MOV DATA, AX} while (data> 0) {/ * converts the original data into effective Data * / if (Data <0x80) {passwd [count] = data; break;} else {unsigned char Temp = data & 0x3f; if (Temp <= 0x20) Temp | = 0x30; Passwd [count ] = Temp; data- = Temp; data >> = 2;}} for (int i = 0; count> = 0; i ) / * will result in the CMOS password output * / decode [i] = passwd [count--]; printf ("THE CMOS's Password: "); TextBackground (0x4); TextColor (0xFF); cputs (decode);}

One thing to explain that the CMOS password obtained by this program is not necessarily the same as the password you set. For example, if the password is set to "586", it is "80 &". However, this is not tight, you will definitely solve the password in just the password input it. Don't believe it, try it.


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