[Favorites] ServerVariables Collection Environment Variables List

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45



Request.ServerVariables (Server Environment Variable) (SERVER ENVIRONMENTIABLE)



 Server environment variable

 Specify the server environment variable name to be retrieved. You can use the values ​​listed below.


Variable  

The all_http All HTTP Title files sent by the client. Bamboo

all_raw  Retrieves all the titles in the form in the form. All_raw  and all_http are different, all_http placed http_prefix in front of the title file name, and the title name is always capitalized. When using the fallen_raw, the title name and value appear only when the client is sent. Bamboo

APPL_MD_Path Retrieves the  (WAM) Application   (WAM) Application   (WAM). Bamboo

Appl_physical_path Retrieves the physical path corresponding to the metadata path. IIS converts the appl_md_path to the Physical (Directory) path to return values. Bamboo

auth_password  This value is input to the client's authentication dialog. This variable is only available when using basic identification. Bamboo

auth_type  This is the user's verification method when the user has access to protected scripts. Bamboo

auth_user  The username that is not identified. Bamboo

cert_cookie  The unique ID of the client verification is returned in a string. Can be used as a signature of the entire client verification. Bamboo

cert_flags If there is a client verification, bit0  is 1.

 If the verification person of the client authentication is invalid (not in the CA list recognized by the server), Bit1 is set to 1.


cert_issuer  The Enacter field in user verification (O = MS, OU = IAS, CN = USERNAME, C = USA). Bamboo

cert_keysize  The safety socket layer is connected to the number of bits of the keyword, such as 128. Bamboo

cert_secretkeysize  The server verifies the number of bits of the private keyword. Such as  1024. Bamboo

cert_serialnumber The serial number field of the user authentication. Bamboo

cert_server_issuer  The issuer field of the server verification. Bamboo

cert_server_subject Server Verification The primary field. Bamboo

cert_subject  The primary field of the client verification. Bamboo

Content_lengthth  The length of the client issues a content. Bamboo

The data type of content_type . Use with additional information, such as http query get, POST , and PUT. Bamboo

Gateway_Interface         修. The format is cgi / revision. Bamboo

HTTP_ headername  Store the value in the title file. The title file that is not included in the table must be used as a prefix as a http_ to enable the ServerVariables  to retrieve its value.

 Note that the server explains the underline (_) in the headername  as the dash in the actual title. For example, if you specify HTTP_MY_HEADER, the server will search for the title file sent by my-header . Bamboo


HTTPS Returns on if the request passes through the Secure Channel (SSL). Returns off if requests from non-secure channels. Bamboo

HTTPS_KEYSIZE  Secure Socket Timer The number of bits of the keyword, such as 128. Bamboo

The https_secretkeysize  The server verifies the number of bits of the private keyword. Such as  1024. Bamboo

HTTPS_SERVER_ISUER  Server authentication issuer field. Bamboo

HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT  The main field of the server verification. Bamboo

instance_id  Text format iis instance ID. If instance ID  is 1, it appears in characters. Use this variable to retrieve the ID of the request belonging (metadata) Web server instance to which the request belongs. Bamboo

INSTANCE_META_PATH The metabological path of the requesting iis instance. Bamboo

LOCAL_ADDR Returns the server address that accepts the request. This variable is very important if you look for the address used by the request for multiple  IP addresses. Bamboo

logon_user  Users log in to the account of the Windowsnt®. Bamboo

The additional path information provided by the path_info  client. These virtual paths can be used to access scripts with the Path_info server variable. If this information comes from url, it has decoded by the server before arriving in the cgi script. Bamboo

Path_translated path_info Convert version, the variable acquires the path and makes the necessary mapping by virtual to physical. Bamboo

Query_string  Query the information after Question mark (?) In the http request. Bamboo

Remote_addr  Send a request for the remote host's  IP address. Bamboo

Remote_host  Send a request for host name. If the server does not have this information, it will set the empty Mote_addr variable. Bamboo

Remote_USER  The unmapped username string sent by the user. This name is the name of the user's actual sector, which is relative to the server that verifies the filler modified. Bamboo

Request_method This method is used to make a request. Equivalent to get, head, post, etc. of http. Bamboo

Script_name  Perform the virtual path of the script. Used for url from the quotation. Bamboo

SERVER_NAME  The server host name, DNS graphic name or IP address in the quoted ual  appears. Bamboo

SERVER_PORT  Send the port number of the request. Bamboo

SERVER_PORT_SECURE  Contains a string of 0  or 1. If the security port processes the request, it is 1, otherwise it is 0. Bamboo

Server_Protocol  Request the name and revision of the information protocol. Format is protocol / revision. Bamboo

Server_software  Request and run the name and version of the server software for the gateway. The format is name / version. Bamboo

url  offers the basic part of the url. Bamboo



  

 If the title file sent by the client can not find in the above table, you can add the prefix of the http_ to the title file name in call Request.serverVariables  to retrieve its value. For example, if the client sends a title file


somenewheader: SomnewValue


 You can retrieve somenewvalue by using the following syntax


 You can use a rearriage to loop all server variable names. For example, print out all of the server names using the following scripts.


 Server variable value


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