version 1.
unit test
Unit testing is a separate work unit. In Java applications, "independent work unit" often refers to a method (but not always). As compared, integrated testing and reception tests check how multiple components interact. A work unit is a task that does not depend on any other task. (Excerpted from "JUnit In Action" in Chinese)
The frame is a semi-finished product of an app. The framework provides a multiple common structure that can be shared between applications. Developers integrate the frame into their own app and extend to meet their specific needs. The difference between the framework and kit is that the framework provides a consistent structure, not just a set of tool classes. (Excerpted from "JUnit In Action" in Chinese)
EXTENSIBLE StyleSheet Language (Extensible Style Language), it can change and convert data in XML format to another XML format. It provides a defined style sheet that can complete conversions in different formats via this structure. In order to avoid that the data must be changed because of a different expression method, XSL makes data or document content and representation forms. The method it uses can be compared with a small program that converts data into other formats with Java, and a standard interface is also provided.
Name space
NameSpace is a mapping relationship between an element prefix and a URI (Unified Resource Identifier) that can be used to handle the namespace conflict, define the data structure that allows the parser to process conflicts. XML namespace recommendation criteria define mechanisms that specify these names, this mechanism relies on URI to complete tasks, and the details are described later. The namespace is composed of an XML element, such as
Document Type DEFINITION (Document Type Definition), which establishes a set of rules for an XML document or document collection. It itself is not an independent technical specification, but part of the specification, the document type declaration in the XML document can either a marker constraint or an external document with a tag constraint. The sum of these two constraints is DTD. It specifies how the XML document is built.
Processing Instruction, indicating that the application performs some specific tasks in XML. Its format is TARGET INSTRUCTION?>, It can only be part of the XML standard processing instruction set of the parser can identify. Sometimes it is also used to communicate information, which can be used to help perform parsing. In this case, there is a keyword that can be executed as a processing instruction.
The abbreviation of Extentsible Markup Language is a generic language for defining other languages, and its predecessor is SGML (standard universal tag language). It does not have a tag set, and there is no grammatical rule, but it has a syntax rule. Any XML document must be a well-final, that is, a Well-Formed, that is, each open tag must have a matching end tag, and may not contain the subset of upside down, and in the statement Should meet the requirements of technical specifications. The XML document can be valid (Valid), but it is not a certain requirement. The so-called valid document refers to a document that meets its document type definition (DTD). If a document meets a mode (Schema) rules, this document is "Schema Valid". Hibernate
Hibernate is an O / R Mapping of an open source, which makes a lightweight object package for JDBC, allowing Java programmers to operate the database as you want to use objects to manipulate the database.
Java Community Process (Java Community Process), responsible for the open organization of Java Technology Development and Audit Technical Specifications, JCP's request voting vote, JCP's expert group members are generally more influential companies or organizations.
Open closed method
Software entities should be scalable, but unmodified (Software Entities Should Be Open for Extension, Yet Closed for Modification), referred to as OCP, this rule is the most important rule in OO, and its meaning is that we should be able to modify software The source code of the entity can change the behavior of the software entity, which is in line with the rules that the highest level of reusability and maintainability are.
English abbreviation of Windows Foundation Classes for Java, which provides an architecture of the Java package, where he supports components for Windows operating systems and Dynamic HTML object models.
JNode is a special JVM that runs Java programs on the machine without other OS. It is a pity that just form it, it cannot be practical. Related Websites: http://jnode.sourceforge.net/portal/;
Authentication: Verify the user's identity and the available network service; authorization: Open network service based on the authentication result; accounting: Record the user's use of various network services, and provides a given Fee system. Abbreviation AAA system.
Remote Authentication Dial in User Service is widely used in the protocol of broadband narrowband authentication systems, and the front end is generally PPPOE or 802.1x.
Bean-managed persistent (persistence of bean), EJB is responsible for persistent management by bean himself in EJB, and the synchronization of bean needs to write code implementation.
Container-Managed Persistent (persistence of container management), EJB is responsible for the persistence management of Entity Beans in EJB, that is, the container is responsible for synchronizing the Entity Beans to the database. JTS
Java Transaction Service (Java Transaction Services), the technical standard for distributed transaction management in Java, which is based on Corba Object Transaction Service.
Java Transaction API (Java Transaction API), transaction division in Java.
Java Messaging Service (Java Messaging), Java can communicate asynchronous communication through different messaging systems in Java.
Write Once, Run Anywhere (a written, run everywhere), Java's propaganda slogan can be achieved to a certain extent, which may need debugging on different platforms for complex applications.
Enterprise JavaBeans, Java is used to develop enterprise-level applications for technology standards, which defines a model for developing and reusable server-side components, including SESSION Beans, Entity Beans, and three types of Message-Driven Beans.
Interface Definition Language, a key feature of Corba is a language-neutral interface definition language, and each language that supports CORBA will have its own IDL mapping.
Abstract Window Toolkit (Abstract Window Toolkit), the first generation of Java GUI kits, now basically no use of components, has been replaced by swing, but swing is extended AWT. AWT also contains a lot of content that now is still frequently used, such as event processing and listening, layout manager, etc. AWT is also part of JFC.
CommON Object Request Broker Architecture (Public Object Request Agent), is a set of standards for defining "distributed object system", which are set by OMG (Object Menagement Group) as initiating and standard. The purpose of CORBA is to define a set of protocols that meet this protocol can interact with each other, whether they are written, regardless of what kind of machines and operating systems they run.
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (Internet Internal Object Request Agent Protocol), Java enables programs to implement interoperability with other languages CORBA.
Java Naming and Directory Interface (Java Names, Directory Service Interface), Technical Specifications for Directory and Naming Services in Java, similar to JDBC, which consists of API and SPI.
Service Provider Interface (Service Provider Interface), which meets suppliers that meet this service standard, the SPI should be compatible with the API standard of the service, the application should generally be based on API writing unless It is a function that contains not provided in the API and must be used in the SPI.
Application Programming Interface (Application Programming Interface), language, framework, and encoded interface provided by the class library. RMI
Remote Method Invocation (Remote Method Call), the basic technology of distributed programming in Java, EJB technology is also based on RMI.
Java Server Faces, a new generation of Java web application technology standards, absorb a lot of servlet, JSP, and other web application frameworks. JSF develops an event-driven, component-based model for web applications.
Dependency Injection, that is, the dependency between components is determined by the container in the runtime, that is, the container is dynamically injected some dependencies into the component. The goal of relying on the injection is not to bring more functions to the software system, but to improve the probability of component reuse, and build a flexible and scalable platform for the system. By relying on the injecting mechanism, we only need to pass a simple configuration, without any code, you can specify the resources you need, complete your own business logic, not where the specific resource comes from, from who is implemented. (The above is also taken from the Spring Development Guide of Xia Zhen). DI and IOC are synonymous.
Inversion of Control, the relationship between the container control program, not the traditional implementation, directly controlled by the program code, the control is transferred from the application code to the external container, the transfer of control, is a so-called reverse. (Spring Development Guide, which is taken from Xia Zhen)
Localization, similar to I18N, take the first letter, and omit 10 letters in the middle.
INTERNATIONALIZATION, the length of this word is 20, then take the first letter, the alphabetic alphabet is just 18.
Aspect oriented Programming, a technique that can be dynamically unified to program dynamically uniformity in the case where the source code is not modified by the precompiled mode and the running period dynamic proxy.
The abbrection of Model View Controller, in order to obtain a better system structure, Model represents the model layer of the system, View is the model of the model, the controller is responsible for the traffic of the business, using the MVC to make the system level Clear, reduce the coupling of each portion.
Java local programming interface. It is the English abbreviation for Java Native Interface. He enables Java code to interoperate with applications and libraries written in other programming languages. (Most programming languages are C, C and assembly language.)
Java Database Connectivity (Java Database Connection), Java technology for accessing relational databases is just a technical standard, accessing different relational databases requires the corresponding JDBC specification implementation package.
Java Server Pages, J2EE standards for creating dynamic page content, based on servlet technology, need to support this standard server to run, one of the most commonly used JSP servers is Tomcat.
Java Foundation Classes (Java Foundation Class), a collection of GUI components and other services that simplify development and expand desktops and Internet / Intranet / intranets are Swing. JVM
Java Virtual Machine (Java Virtual Machine), is a fictional computer that is implemented by simulating various computer functions on actual computers. Java virtual machines have their own perfect hardware architecture, such as processors, stacks, registers, etc., have corresponding instruction systems. The JVM blocks information related to the specific operating system platform, so that the Java program only needs to generate the target code (bytecode) running on the Java virtual machine, you can operate on a variety of platforms. When the Java Virtual Machine is actually ultimately explained to the machine instruction execution on the specific platform.
Java Runtime Environment (Java Running Environment), the set of environments that run the Java program, including JVM standard implementation and Java core libraries.
Java Software Development Kit, and JDK and J2SE are equivalent.
Java Development Kit (Java Development Kit): includes running environments, compilation tools, and other tools, source code, etc., basically, and J2SE equivalents.
Java 2 Micro Edition (Java2 Lite) API specification is based on J2SE, but is modified to a single requirement for certain products. J2ME makes a Java program that can be easily applied to a small device such as a call, a pager, which includes two types of components, a configuration, and a profile.
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (Java2 Enterprise Version), a set of extended standards developed using Java, must be based on J2SE, providing a way for component design, development, collection, and business applications. The J2EE platform provides multiple layers, distributed application models, reuse the ability of components, unified security models, and flexible processing control capabilities. J2EE includes EJB, JTA, JDBC, JCA, JMX, JNDI, JMS, JavaMail, Servlet, JSP, etc.
Java 2 Standard Edition (Java2 Standard Edition), is used to develop Java programs, including compilers, gadgets, running environments, and SUN-released standard versions include all source code for the core class library.
SABLEVM is a very easy Java virtual machine website written in C language Address: http://sablevm.org/