WebLogic performance optimization configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

This is obtained from the engineer of the BEA, and I will share it for everyone.

WebLogic Server 8.1

Performance Tuning Guide

1 Understand the goal of performance

Q users, number of requests, allowable response time

Q CPU, memory, network, etc.

2 tuning operating system

Q Solaris tuning

o NDD -SET / DEV / TCP TCP_TIME_WAIT_INTERVAL 60000, the shutdown of the Socket is shortened by 60 seconds (default is 240 seconds)

O Solaris 2.7, TCP_TIME_WAIT_INTERVAL naming is TCP_Close_Wait_Interval

o Other parameters adjustable with NDD -SET

Parameter Recommended value / dev / tcp tcp_time_wait_interval60000 / dev / tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q16384 / dev / tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q016384 / dev / tcp tcp_ip_abort_interval60000 / dev / tcp tcp_keepalive_interval7200000 / dev / tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_initial4000 / dev / tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_max10000 / dev / tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_min3000 / dev / tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port32768 / dev / TCP TCP_XMIT_HIWAT131072 / DEV / TCP TCP_RECV_HIWAT131072 / DEV / TCP TCP_NAGLIM_DEF1 / DEV / CE Instance0 / DEV / CE RX_INTR_TIME32

o You can edit the parameter setting of / etc / system

Parameter Recommended value set rlim_fd_cur8192set rlim_fd_max8192set tcp: tcp_conn_hash_size32768set shmsys: shminfo_shmmaxNote: This should only be set for machines that have at least 4 GB RAM or higher.4294967295set autoup900set tune_t_fsflushr1

o Solaris 8 Reference DOCS.SUN.COM/DB/doc/816-0607

o Solaris 9 Reference DOCS.SUN.COM/db/doc/806-7009

q HP-UX tuning

o See DOCS.HP.com/hpux/onlinedocs/tkp-90203/tkp-90203.html

o Java performance adjustment See h21007.www2.hp.com/dspp/tech/tech_techdocumentdetailpage_idx/1,1701,1602,00.html

Q AIX tuning

o See publib16.boulder.ibm.com/pseries/en_us/aixbman/prftungd/prftungd02.htm

Q Linux tuning

o can be adjusted MTU, / SBIN / IFCONFIG LO MTU 1500

O can also see Ipsysctl-tutorial.frozentux.net/ipsysctl-tutorial.html

Q Windows tuning (usually, the default setting is available)

See www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/howitworks/communications/networkbasics/tcpip_implement.aspo o or www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/TechNet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/maintain/optimize/perftune .asp

3 optimize database

Q overall

o Database design, including across disk load balancing, organization and size, index, log, etc.

o Disk I / O optimization, including limit I / O, increase buffer, etc.

o Control the CheckPoint frequency. Some databases can, such as Oracle, some can't, such as SQL Server 7

Q Oracle Tuning (version 8.1.7)

o The number of service processes, the method of checking is Select Name, Value from V $ Parameter Where Name = 'Processes';

o Share the pool size, check the pool The current usable value method is SELECT * from V $ SGASTAT WHERE Name = 'Free Memory' and pool = 'shared pool';

o Maximum opening of the cursor, the method of checking is SELECT NAME, VALUE from V $ sysstat where name like 'Opened Cursor%';

o Data block size, check method is SELECT NAME, VALUE from V $ Parameter where name = 'db_block_size';

Q SQL Server Tuning

o Position Tempdb on a fast I / O device

o If performance monitoring shows I / O frequency speed, you can increase recovery interval

o uses a data block size of 2KB or more

Q Sybase Tuning

o Appropriately increase recovery interval

o uses a data block size of 2KB or more

4 Determine the setting of the Java virtual machine


O-Server, -client, -xms, -xmx, -xx: newsize, -xx: maxnewsize, -xx: survivorratio, -xx: useism, -xx: aggressiveHeap

Other parameters of Q Sun JVM See java.sun.com/docs/HOTSPOT/VMOPTIONS.HTML

q Jrockit JDK

O -XMS, -XMX, -XNS, -XGC: Parallel, -xxenablefatspin

Q Pile values ​​are 80% of the system remaining memory

Q -XX: Newsize, -xx: maxnewsize is 1/4 of the heap size, and the amount increase in the multi-CPU environment.

Q -XX: Survivorratio can be set to 8

Q Do not generate GC in the Benchmark, observe the method of GC

o Windows, Solaris: ... -verbosegc ... >> log.txt 2> & 1

o HP-UX, -xverbosegc: file = / tmp / gc $$. OUT


o Calculate the frequency of GC through the log timestamp

o Observe the GC time consuming, don't exceed 5 seconds O GC, the available memory should not grow too much.

5 Adjust the parameters of WebLogic Server

q Adjust the number of threads, threads, and single response time

q Activate Native Pack

q Adjusting Backlog Buffer

o TCP layer can maintain the maximum number of connections, default 50

o If the client can't connect to WebLogic Server, you can adjust the value.

q Customize the queue, assign servlets, jsps, ejbs to the execution queue

o Assume the key to use high performance operation

o Limits resources for non-critical applications

o Prevent death locks

o JSP, servlet example (web.xml)

mainservlet /myapplication/critical.jsp WL-DISPATCH-Policy criticalappqueue

o EJB example (WebLogic-ejb-jar.xml)



o RMI object example

Java WebLogic.rmic-DispatchPolicy CriticappQueue ...

Q When using the connection pool, INITIALCAPACITY and MaxCapacity should be consistent, and the value of MaxCapacity should be larger than the thread.

Q Set the SQL statement cache

q Assign Application-Level Caching, Example (WebLogic-Application.xml)



q Adjust the Java compiler

O via admin console, configuarion à general à java compiler and configuration à general à advanced options à append to classpath

o JSP-Descriptor parameters through WebLogic.xml, CompileCommand and Precompile

6 Monitor disk and CPU usage, including application servers and database servers Q Solaris and Linux

o Disk, iostat -d

o CPU, iostat

Q Windows

o Perfmon

Q If the database CPU utilization is too high, consider the design of the index; if the disk utilization is 100%, a faster disk or RAID can be considered.

q WebLogic Server I / O bottleneck

o JMS File Store Write, Transaction Log, HTTP Log, Server Log

o Try to prohibit synchronous JMS write operation, increase HTTP log buffer and other methods

7 monitoring data transmission on the network

q Determine the amount of transport data between the client and the server, the server and the database

q Use the command netstat -s -p tcp to see if there is Retransmission's occurrence

8 check frequent standard output or log

q Reduce log operations, turn off system.out.println statement

9 bottleneck for positioning applications

Q If the disk and the network are not bottleneck, the CPU utilization rate of the server is low, there may be a lock conflict

q Use JPROBE or OPTIMIZEIT detection system bottleneck

After the Q server CPU utilization reaches 100%, you can continue to use Jprobe or Optimizeit tuning

10 adjustment application


o WebLogic-ejb-jar.xml description

Initial-beans-in-free-pool default 0max-beans-in-cache facing Stateful Session Bean and Entity Beans, affecting active and passivation Max-Beans-in-Free-Pool For Session Beans, MDB, can reduce instantiation Overhead; for Entity Beans, for the Finder and Home methods. Generally do not need to be modified, default value 1000

o Monitor EJB, Pool Miss Ratio, Destroyed Bean Ratio, Transaction Rollback Ratio, Transaction Timeout Ratio, etc.

Q JSP and servlet

o Turn off the JSP page check and servlet reload

o Use memory-based session persistent strategies

O pre-compilation JSP


o Don't use JMS Message SELECTORS

o Use asynchronous ways to receive messages

o See dev2dev.bea.com/products/wlserver/whitepapers/wl_jms_Perform_Gd.jsp

q session management

o session affect performance

o client cookie is worth considering

o Maintain an object using local variables

o Aggregate object, then put it in session


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