VB writes a CopyMemory in the module file hexedit.ba PUBLIC DECLARE SUB COPYMEMORY LIB "kernel32" Alias "RTLMoveMemory" (Destination as any, source as any, byval length as long) writes' *** in the form file ******************************************* The string representation The number of sixteen-entered single precision floating point is converted to the corresponding decimal number '********************************************* ************** FUNCTION STRHEXTOSNG (STRHEX AS STRING) AS STRING DIM L AS Long Dim f AS Single Dim S AS String
L = VAL ("& H" & strhex) CopyMemory F, L, 4 S = Format (f, "0.000") strhextosng = send functionvcccstring strhextosng (cstring mystr) {cstring strmy; float value; sscanf (mYStr, "% x" , & value); // converts the hex string represented by CString into a hex strmy.format ("% f", value);} It is super simple, hey, it seems to be more Strengthen basic skills