(This article is reasoning from
The invention of Gandalf is a prime illustration of Tolkien's writing method. In an Old Norse poem, Tolkien found a list of dwarf names which included "Gandalfr." Since alfr means "elf," he began to wonder what an elf was doing in a company of dwarfs. Tolkien interpreted the first element ( "Gand") of "Gandalfr" to mean "wand." This gave Tolkien the notion that Gandalfr must be a sorcerer-elf who possessed a magic wand or staff. Gandalfr, he theorized, Must has Joined The Band of Dwarfs To Obtain Some Special Sort of Magical Plunder. Thus, a name in the word association tria eventual led to the hobbit.
All the names of people, things and places come from real people, old languages, or languages that he made himself. He used Old Norse, Old English and Finnish, as well as making up several Elvish languages, Orcish and many others.
Here Is A List of Just A Few Words and Their Roots:
Frodo: from Frodi, a Norse King Sam Gamgee:. Dr Sam Gamgee lived near Tolkien and invented a type of medical cotton wool Gandalf:. From Old Norse, it means elf with a staff Aragorn:. From Sindarin, an elvish language Tolkien made up, it means King-Tree Sauron:. from Old Norse, it means abominable Saruman:. from Old English, it means cunning man Legolas:. from Sindarin, it probably means green-leaf Galadriel: from Sindarin, meaning tree-daughter Mordor : From Old English, IT Means Murder or Mortal Sin Theoden: King of Rohan, His Name Means King or Lord of Men Edoras: Capital of Rohan, IT Means Enclosures. Grima: He Is A Bit Suspicious and His Name Means Mask.posted on December 31 2003 by
Sauron Means- The Abhorred
Saruman Means-Man of Skill
And I'm Not Sure About Theoden But I Think It Would Mean Lord of Horses ... OR at Least I Eowyn mens Horse Lady.
February 16 2004 15:45:57
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