Meaning of names in the Lord of the ring

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

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The invention of Gandalf is a prime illustration of Tolkien's writing method. In an Old Norse poem, Tolkien found a list of dwarf names which included "Gandalfr." Since alfr means "elf," he began to wonder what an elf was doing in a company of dwarfs. Tolkien interpreted the first element ( "Gand") of "Gandalfr" to mean "wand." This gave Tolkien the notion that Gandalfr must be a sorcerer-elf who possessed a magic wand or staff. Gandalfr, he theorized, Must has Joined The Band of Dwarfs To Obtain Some Special Sort of Magical Plunder. Thus, a name in the word association tria eventual led to the hobbit.

All the names of people, things and places come from real people, old languages, or languages ​​that he made himself. He used Old Norse, Old English and Finnish, as well as making up several Elvish languages, Orcish and many others.

Here Is A List of Just A Few Words and Their Roots:

Frodo: from Frodi, a Norse King Sam Gamgee:. Dr Sam Gamgee lived near Tolkien and invented a type of medical cotton wool Gandalf:. From Old Norse, it means elf with a staff Aragorn:. From Sindarin, an elvish language Tolkien made up, it means King-Tree Sauron:. from Old Norse, it means abominable Saruman:. from Old English, it means cunning man Legolas:. from Sindarin, it probably means green-leaf Galadriel: from Sindarin, meaning tree-daughter Mordor : From Old English, IT Means Murder or Mortal Sin Theoden: King of Rohan, His Name Means King or Lord of Men Edoras: Capital of Rohan, IT Means Enclosures. Grima: He Is A Bit Suspicious and His Name Means Mask.posted on December 31 2003 by




Sauron Means- The Abhorred

Saruman Means-Man of Skill

And I'm Not Sure About Theoden But I Think It Would Mean Lord of Horses ... OR at Least I Eowyn mens Horse Lady.

February 16 2004 15:45:57

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