Boss wants me to see the video of the Mu miracle game, saying that the luminous effect of the helmet is very dazzling. In the first look, I can't touch my mind. I don't know how to do it. So I still look at the model once again and again, and later found that the armor in the miracle had a crystal light, with the normal change In vary, and there is a certain amount of body. After a while, I came up with the following methods: 1, first rendered the original model 2 according to the default rendering method, put each vertex in the model to increase the light, a certain distance 3 in the normal direction, put the stretching map into a model of progressive color map 4, the map D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX set D3DTSS_TCI_CAMERASPACENORMAL, and the D3DTSS_TEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS set D3DTTFF_COUNT2 5, set the rendering options open alphablending the src and dest blend are set to d3dblend_one 6, got the start rendering The following effects: The cloak map coordinates some problems, and it is for the entire model to illuminate, so it seems that the effect is not only equipped with the armor. The principle is to render twice, the first rendering of the original map, the second time I enlarge the model to the gradient map and set the map method for the camera space method, meaning the model's map coordinates will be based on the normal and The location of the camera changes, and when doing some movements, there will be a sparkling effect.